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It takes a liberal to consider this a “crime” to be investigated. CIA’s secret program: Paramilitary teams targeting Al Qaeda

Deaths of police on duty rise 20 percent, according to U.S. report

Wow, looks like that $1 trillion Crap Sandwich sure worked! Obama says unemployment will keep ticking up

Hillary Clinton plans to reassert herself with high-profile speech

Another fat, white, irrelevant male declares Sarah Palin toast. Yes, and he should know having run the monumentally successful campaigns of Sore-Loserman and Kerry-Edwards

Schwarzenegger sweeps out nursing board

Southwest Inspects Planes After Hole in Fuselage

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Palin2012 says:

    Another suggestion for an email campaign to Michael (worthless) Steele: [email protected]; [email protected]

    Here’s what I had to say (trouble-maker that I am):

    Where are you and other GOP leaders? Why is Sarah Palin the only one speaking out against Obama’s policies that are crippling our country. This upcoming CIA investigation for plans to kill the enemy – al qaeda, is ridiculous! Someone needs to point this out. Palin is the only strong voice against Cap and Tax us to death. I am hearing nothing against this horrible plan to nationalize our health care. What the hell is wrong with you people?

    I pray that Sarah Palin goes independent – because the GOP is now the DOP (dead old party) just in case you read nothing but your own op eds.

    • naga5 says:

      i feel your pain. i have sent emails to steele with the sinking feeling that it was headed to message deleted-land. he did reply recently with a 2009 obama agenda survey and a beg for money. they’ll get my money when they start helping a former vice-presidential candidate i know. till then, those funds are headed toward sarah-pac. concur, what are these people doing?
      the only point i (agree-ably) disagree with you is a third party run. history is not on the side of third parties. however, if sarah makes a huge, lasting and very public conservative splash, which is very likely, maybe the republicans/rnc can crawl back to sarah, ask for forgiveness and beg her to defeat urkel. urkel is just destoying this country and this schizznit has to stop at one effin term!

  2. jnarcus says:

    Ha ha ha ha ha. Bob Schrum is soooo funny. Isn’t he the guy that has managed to lose every campaign he has managed over the last 25 years. Perfect record Bob. I’ll listen to you, you betcha.

  3. casino67 says:

    Not related to your show today, but a question. Why is the Justice Ginsberg stmt about eugenics and Roe getting so little -read none- coverage? Trying to reduce the population growth of a race would seem to be interesting to someone.

  4. TammyChicago says:

    Oh hell……. “Reset Rodham” is ALIVE??!??! Who knew?

  5. mmeusa says:

    Thank you, it’s MORE than interesting…when you don’t see coverage, at least send an email off to Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and to everyone you know who care, and ask them to get it around. Enough emails do make a difference in helping to get the info out, and reminding them that it was out there for about 10 seconds on the news, never to appear again with any scrutiny beyond a shrug by Fox! We can make a difference by not giving up, and by doing a Hell of a lot more than that.

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