And Now for the Flipside…brought to you by IOTW–BigFurHat/IronyCurtain
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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. MainelyRight says:

    Love the back of the Time cover from Big Fur Hat. Very funny…and sad.

  2. jap81 says:

    LOL, I love it! Better yet, how about a Palin 2012 sticker? 🙂

  3. Maynard says:

    It’s interesting to contrast Obama’s reaction to the democracy movement in Iran (subdued to the point of silence), the Tea Party movement in America and other protests against out-of-touch Washington (hostility that borders on paranoia), and the “democracy” movement in Egypt (pretty much a cheerleader, with a hint of chiding that the boys in the street shouldn’t murder too many people as they express their democratic sentiments). It’s reassuring to know that wise heads at are the helm of our ship of state at this critical juncture in history.

  4. cudafan1 says:

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
    CUDA ONLY 2012

  5. Brontefan says:

    Just why would a far left Progressive [Marxist] want to identify himself with Ronald Reagan, the single most conservative, politician in the last half century? I’m still trying to figure out why he aligned himself with Lincoln. It is clear this man has no real concept of history but is an Edward Bernays’ fan. Why isn’t he using “Hope & Change” again? Could it be that he can’t sell it anymore?

    • Artgal says:

      The reason being that Obama knows the American people – regardless of being democrat or republican – identify with Reagan.

      Reagan was optimistic & able communicate that positive outlook & strength throughout his 1980 campaign as Americans were pummelled with high interest rates, inflation, gas shortages, unemployment, a truly bleak economic future overall, a complete breakdown of our military strength in the face of the Carter administration allowing Iran to become a radical Islamic state holding American hostages. Plus, it was the year the Village People starred in the mother-of-all universal horrors called ‘Can’t Stop The Music’ – yes, I think that alone summed up the climate of that time!

      So here is what Barack is trying to do: play on the ignorance of those who still, for some ungodly reason, support him. Obama is going to attempt to rewrite Reagan history and make himself look Reaganesque in the process.

      What those supporting Obama (even Obama himself) fail to realize is this: Reagan did not merely speak of good things; he believed in them! Reagan was a principled man of faith who understood the value of each individual life having a purpose through service to others, God and country – truly the Adam Smith model (not the polluted form of ‘corporate socialism’ passed of as capitalism today) and what our founders recognized – inalienable rights. Reagan was sincere and that is why we long for him. He trusted in God and therefore, it was not hard for him to describe a Shining City On A Hill and tell us our best days were ahead. He understood how to make that happen – and he did, but he did so knowing that we held the power – not government.

      Obama is purely trying to capitalize on style and personality. He takes words (mostly the words of others) and tries to use his personality and whatever coaching he received in ivy league institutions to APPEAR as being a man of sincerity. He has never struck me as warm, genuine or even intelligent. He has always struck me as vacant, arrogant and deceptive – in fact, evil. He has helped create the current mess we’re in both in the few seconds he was in the Senate to vote for Disaster and as a thug president. Now, he wants to run again and is going to attach himself as someone being akin to Reagan in order to make himself look like the face of optimism in tough times.

      I say: Let Obama try this experiment!

      What’s fascinating is that as people are reminded of Reagan this year and Obama desperately attaches himself to him, it will also remind people of what we had (if then are 40+). What will also emerge is a voting public yearning for Reagan and do you think they are going to see Reagan in Pawlenty, Romney, Christie, Huckabee, Guiliani, Gingrich, Bush, Daniels, Thune or any number of unnamed numb nuts yet to put their hat in? Nope. There is only going to be one person who is going to remind us of Reagan – probably because she already does!

      So I see this as an opportunity that will only help Sarah Palin! Let Obama try taking on the Reagan legacy and inserting himself. We’re going to find out soon just how very different the two men are & their philosophies – and that will be good for younger voters to see the difference! It will also infuriate Jeb Bush & other little boys – and that can be nothing but fun to watch!

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