(The genius of IBD’s Michael Ramirez)

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Bruce and jimmer…just jimmer, PalinPromotions. PalinPromotions said: Via @HeyTammyBruce The “Weekend Update” Has Posted http://bit.ly/gsQ2K1 […]

  2. Brontefan says:

    What’s the difference between a “work stoppage” and a strike?

  3. Artgal says:

    When we see The First Family taking luxury trips in times of major hardship & uncertainty, and the president seemingly doing nothing to halt crisis (and, in fact, helping them along), then know that these people are very comfortable with what’s happening to our country and the world. They are facilitating it and that’s been their plan along. How else do you explain Muslim Brotherhood being addressed by Obama in 2009 and invited into parts of the administration?

    The main accomplishment Obama made before going into office besides running his damn mouth was being a community organizer. His IL state house and Senate seat wins were mere posturing. He never actually accomplished anything there nor as a so-called professor (a very limited tenure, I might add, where he was initally rejected at the University of Chicago) or lawyer – except to represent community organizers. Everything was done to make him appear as though he was something more than what he is. All in all, this guy is a piece of play-doh – molded and shaped into an image for the specific purpose of bringing us to our ruin. I wholeheartedly believe that. Who it is that has molded and shaped him is what’s scary because we do not know all those anwers or who the puppet masters are though Soros is a good example.

    • Shifra says:

      Au contraire, Artgal, Obummer has accomplished much: 1)polarized the country 2) set race relations back about three decades 3)brought us to the brink of bankruptcy 4) caused the employment rate to increase 5)brought a new level of uncertainty to business, causing businesses to move overseas 6)started wrecking the best medical system in the world. All in two years! Amazing what a DB can do! (Oh, wait! Can I add to the list? 7) Israel now feels totally isolated from its “best friend, America.” )

  4. Artgal says:

    My point was (and is) Obama is not an accomplished individual. He was molded and shaped to be a posturing nimrod and is completely comfortable with what is happening to us (and the world) because our ruin is what he is to accomplish. Perhaps I did not go into it enough, but he came into office as a very incomplete man and is the instrument of others in pursuit of bringing our demise as a nation. Don’t get me wrong – he knows full well what he’s doing, but his loyalty is not to us or the Constitution; it’s to those who intend to do us harm. He relates to them entirely – not to us.

    In a sense, one can say that the only way Obama has been able to get by with any of his 2year disaster has been because the American people were stupid enough to give him the keys to the nation. We brought this on ourselves, really. Not all of us were fooled by ‘hope and change’ – we knew damn well what was wrong with him, but no one would listen. So now we all get to suffer the consequences – not just of Obama – but of the two party system that became so obsessed with party power and the clout it brings they let a nation slip to the very edge of the abyss.

    Pretty sobering.

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