Wisconsin voters have shown everyone that thuggery will not prevail. Here’s the latest on what we’re told was human error in the counting of votes in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race between Justice Prosser and union hack Kloppenberg, who had the support of the unions and by extension, Obama. Her now apparently significant loss should send shockwaves through the entire American left who thought thuggery, threats, intimidation and violence would win the day. The people of Wisconsin have proven them wrong.

Of course, the left is now complaining of ‘irregularities.’ Funny how there weren’t any irregularities when they thought Klopperburg had won.

Video: Waukesha County clerk press office announcing 7000+ votes being found for Prosser

Gateway Pundit: OH SNAP!… It Looks Like Kloppenburg Lost Big, After All – Too Bad About That Victory Speech, Huh?

Justice Prosser Statement on Change of Vote

In the meantime, high-profile lawyers retained for possible Supreme Court recount

UPDATE 4/8: Greta Van Susteren interviews Justice Prosser

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26 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ShArKy666 says:

    woohooo…let’s just hope this trend keeps going and we topple the crooked left until the end of time!

  2. MainelyRight says:

    I second the motion…Thank you, Wisconsin!

  3. mariamcbean says:

    Whew…breathing a sigh of relief…thank you Wisconsin!

  4. Kimj7157 says:

    Great news!! All the leftists out there are in denial about the fact that things have changed in America–forever. No longer will Conservatives sit idly by and trust that the right thing will eventually be done. These last 2 years (of torture) have been a lesson in standing up and knowing you can make a difference. Bravo, Wisconsin!

    (And if this issue should get dragged into the courts by the left, I was pleased to see that “our side” will be in good hands with Ben Ginsberg at the legal helm.)

  5. El Gordo says:

    The human error explanation is acceptable for anyone who understands that the Excel spreadsheet template fields given to the local election board of the the city in question cannot be altered in anyway for proper integration by the state election board. The state election board had obviously designed the template so that it’s fields were an exact match to the fields in their MS-Access database program so that the Excel spreadsheet will import properly once the data is received from the districts. Because the city had added “alien” fields to the template their city’s election data did not import. I find it amazing that the reporters at the conference seemed to have no understanding of this well known aspect of Excel/Access integration; or perhaps they did and were (and still are) in a state of Liberal denial.

    At any rate, BRAVO Wisconsin for punching evil in the face!!!!

    • Charles_TX says:

      El Gordo – You are expecting reporters to know about Excel/Access integration features? Remember, the technical literacy of reporters treats Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, and Ctrl-V as advanced computer knowledge.

  6. Karan says:

    This is fantastic news to wake up to. Way to go Wisconsin!

  7. jimbo says:

    Just as in the 2000 presidential election, when the libs lose they whine and sue and whine and accuse Conservatives of malfeasance (and then whine some more). When the libs win, there is no dialog permitted.

  8. Ritz says:

    My first thoughts (after son of a bit*h, NO!!!) when I heard that Prosser had lost was, there’s no way Wis voters, who swept Repubs totally into power…in a blue state no less…would have turned out [en masse] to vote for the ‘bride of frankenstein’.

    The next thing this Wis legislature needs to do is work quickly to put into effect laws to eliminate voter fraud…’cause it’s gonna get real dirty come 2012. This Prosser/Frau Blucher election was a ‘warning’.

  9. dennisl59 says:

    Cat Paw/Fist Pump!

  10. chris1058 says:

    Momentum. Inertia. We warned you zombies. Move. Or get run over. Happy Friday!

  11. sandyl says:

    Yeah Wisconsin!! I figured there had to be some union funny business for her to win. But here is some interesting information regarding this district…

    Kathy Nickolaus, the Waukesha clerk, apologized for the uncounted votes and blamed “human error.”

    She said at a news conference that she had failed to properly save a spreadsheet showing one town’s voting results.

    “I’m thankful that this error was caught early in the process and during the canvass,” Nickolaus said. “The purpose of the canvass is to catch these kinds of errors.”

    Read more on Newsmax.com: Conservative Takes Huge Lead in Wis. High Court Race
    Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama’s Re-Election? Vote Here Now!


    The apparent clerical error in Waukesha is sure to subject Nickolaus and her office to public scrutiny — for the second time in less than a year.

    Last fall, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel newspaper reported the Waukesha County Board had ordered an audit of Nickolaus’s office, citing concerns about the integrity of the equipment she used he backup system.

    The newspaper said the move came after Nickolaus removed the election results collection and tallying system from the county computer network last spring and installed it on standalone personal computers in her office.

    The newspaper quoted an official saying Nickolaus had been “uncooperative with attempts to have information technologists review the system and confirm the backups.”

    Read more on Newsmax.com: Conservative Takes Huge Lead in Wis. High Court Race
    Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama’s Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

  12. Brontefan says:

    F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C! It demonstrates how far the Left will go to rig an election. Does anyone remember the 350 votes for Al Gore during the 2000 election that were found in the women’s rest room in a warehouse in Las Cruces…. at the last minute that gave Gore the state of NM? Like that isn’t “fishy” … and everyone had better keep your eye on the ball for the 2012 election because the Left is not above manipulation, fraud, etc. The loss of Sharon Angle is also questionable when people called in to say that the voting machines were rigged. If they pushed Sharon Angle’s name [and she was up by 5% in the polls before the election] the check mark appeared next to Harry Reid’s name. Voter fraud is the next big issue… unions have power and money. They will be more difficult to deal with than ACORN.

    • Nemesister says:

      I say get rid of those voting machines. They are made by a Venezuelan company and are maintained by union hacks. Good old paper and pen is the way to go.

  13. otlset says:

    As I recall, Sarah Palin was one of the few national leaders brave enough to venture into the fray, publicly urging Wisconsin voters to vote for Prosser. Perhaps that was good for about 7500 votes or so! Heh. Sure didn’t hurt as it turns out, and should further enhance her status as being right on almost all the issues she’s commented on so far since her days as Governor. That is of course if anyone of political or media influence even makes note of it.

    • walk2thebeach says:

      Sarah comments on most of the important items of the day and she shows great wisdom, and yet the MSM hardly ever takes note unless she mis spells a word… good grief!!

  14. JuanitaDugas says:

    Knock me over with a feather; what a wonderful developement in Wisconsin!! YEA

  15. NancyB says:

    Finally good news!! Me so happy!

  16. walk2thebeach says:

    What a way to win… Let them celebrate a hollow victory and then slam them… Did not think our side could pull something like this off… Way to go.. Defeat them and leave them bitter and mad… Has that bucket of fat- Michael Moore-burst into flames yet??? I await that flare!!

  17. Los2000 says:

    Maybe I’m just being a bit pessimistic, but I never underestimate the left’s capicity for skulduggery. 7500 votes is not a high enough margin. Funny how they suddenly don’t want to “count all the votes” when their conservative votes. Those union thugs have gotten jazzed up over the last few months, so you know they are going to try to turn Wisconsin into another Florida.

    Nevertheless…you gotta love hearing those lefties squeal like stuck pigs.

  18. RobertJCosta says:

    Down with the Evil Left and the Union Thugs! At last an important race breaks for the Tea Party Forces of Right! It is a Great Day for all of us!

  19. mamakahala says:

    I work right across the street from the Capitol in Wisconsin and have had to endure all the stuff that went on in the past few weeks. I was very afraid walking to and from the parking lot…Most of the people I work with are very liberal so I have had to keep my mouth shut. I really like Governor Walker and support him with my thoughts and prayers. I “shine” a light at his window daily!!!

    • Nemesister says:

      I know how you feel, Mamakahala. I live in Vermont and am surrounded by libtards that are unbelievably misinformed yet fiercely opinionated and full of hubris about their political choices. They will never learn. They are religious about their moral superiority.

  20. larrygeary says:

    Does anyone know the final percentages?

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