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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ffigtree says:

    Enjoyed this segment much better than Fox and Friends; much calmer (guests), less yelling, more Tammy 🙂

  2. HiramHawk says:

    I am liking FoxBusiness better than FoxNews these days.

  3. naga5 says:

    aw, david, you could have given tammy’s book a plug on the first segment. i thought i heard you in the background, tammy!
    and it was a breath of fresh air compared to fox and friends. smart, intelligent group on fox business.

  4. dennisl59 says:

    Power and Money Segment Review

    “…should have used MY book!”—Tammy Scores!

    1st: ‘the conditioning’ of the consumers/citizens aka-‘the dumbing and numbing down’ of the Rx Drugged Electorate.

    2nd: The mandate the turning off of phones?…No opinion, I don’t use mine in the car anyway.

    “Nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced.”—Albert Einstein

    Off Topic:

    The name of show reminds me(too much) of that composite, fictional character created by Oliver Stone. You know the one: Cuban political refugee, import business entrepreneur drug addict socialopath with a ‘thing’ for his sister and leisure suit fashion horse: Tony Montana.
    Except his priorities were different: Money, then Power.

    Tammy’s picture of the FOX News Lobby? I was expecting to see BOR dressed as Santa Claus with Karly Rover sitting on his knee asking for a new whiteboard with markers.

    posted 12/10 1220pm Texas [Obama Must Go] Time.

    (The formatting of the comment box has changed?)

  5. longhorn mama says:

    At least this band of idiots could almost keep up with Tammy.

  6. Tinker says:

    Far from being a band of idiots…(you must be thinking of the the Fox News morning show). E-Mac is one of the smartest and well-adjusted people at FBN. It was a great panel all around.

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