Via Daily Caller:

“That statement is an embarrassment. That is a hostage statement. That’s a mob of al-Qaeda sympathizers in Egypt, forcing the United States make a statement essentially of apology, on 9/11 of all days, for something we’re not responsible. I would issue a statement saying to the mob, ‘go to hell.’ The way America works, the way democracy works is that everybody has a right to express themselves. We don’t police our speech. And you ought to apologize to the United States for storming the embassy and the violation of the ultimate sacred principle of democracy, which is protecting embassies and missions abroad. For the U.S. to essentially issue a veiled apology, I think is disgraceful.”

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. larrygeary says:

    Islam is a totalitarian ideology disguised as a religion. We may say we are not at war with Islam, but Islam is at war with us, and has been since before there even was a United States. This was an act of war, and we responded with an act of appeasement. As Thomas Jefferson found out, that doesn’t work. But this time, don’t send in the Marines. We can have an appropriate response there in about 30 minutes. No need to tell them to go to hell when we can send them there ourselves.

  2. Maynard says:

    Is that the fair summary? Some American somewhere made a video mocking Islam, and the American government apologizes to violent street thugs in a foreign land for someone’s private speech in the heartland?

  3. Alain41 says:

    So our Libyan ambassador is murdered along with 3 embassy staff on 9/11, hmmm wonder what U.S. response will be. Will we meet with the Israeli Prime Minister? Will we condemn embassy attacking terrorists? will we go to Congress for a declaration of war? Will we remember some old song about, “to the shores of Tripoli…”? I know – Bush did it and Romney will to. Yeh, that’s the cool response.

  4. […] Tammy Bruce, Charles Krauthammer says it best: Awesome. Krauthammer To Muslim Protestors In Egypt: “Go To Hell”. Indeed! Like this:LikeBe the first to like […]

  5. dennisl59 says:

    So here, in my opinion, is what is wrong with the Republicans (RINOS) in the U.S. Senate. The only Senator I’m seeing this morning, watching FOX, making comments, etc, is Ms. Lindsey Graham of the Armed Services committee, ok?

    Now, who is the Rank Member of that Committee?…Surprise!: John ‘Libya’ McCain.
    (He’s probably hiding under his desk, if he can find it…)

    Also, the State Department normally testifies about Foreign Relations in front of, surprise!, the Foreign Relations committee.

    And who is the ranking member of that one? Why it’s the defeated Richard Lugar!…

    Two fine examples: John McCain and Richard Luger, of pitiful, lame, tired old men way past their prime and clueless.

    posted 9/12 1025am Texas[Libya Parking Lot]Time

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