
Claudia’s latest column explores “Benghazi and the Missing Obama 9/11 Timeline.” We discuss this in addition to where things stand now and the impact on the election. Hope you enjoy it!

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  1. radargeek says:

    If o’vomit wins, nothing will happen regarding this issue just like Fast and Furious. The o’vomit media will continue to cover for this monster and the R’s in Congress are cowards. Not sure anything will come out if Gov. Romney wins because the political class and culture is so corrupt in DC. Voted early for the Romney ticket: our only hope to rid ourselves from this evil administration. I pray to our Lord for a Romney win! God bless America, it is all in your hands Lord!

  2. radargeek says:

    PS, Thank you Tammy for being there for us and your years of independent-conservative support!

  3. dennisl59 says:

    Supplemental Reading:

    CBS covers up for El Presidente’…

    Pat Caddell is right, the MSM is a danger to America.

    ‘The Fourth Estate is the Fifth Column’

    posted 11/5 445pm Texas[Cruz Country!]Time

  4. Alain41 says:

    Laura Ingraham has one question and answer by BHO to NY Times interview in 2007.

    “…Even something as simple as protecting our embassy is going to be dependent on what is the security environment…”

    Now, BHO was specifically addressing embassy in Baghdad in above 2007 statement, but the policy should have been the same for all embassys.

  5. jiaconis says:

    Well, it’s past election and the Lame Stream Media can pull their heads out of their you know what. Do you think they will finally start to address the Benghazi issue, I know it’s been almost 7 weeks, but hey, it’s cool better late than never, what about it LSM ???

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