**A Post by TAM dilvish, Promoted From TAMWire**

A thing of beauty, as Maria rips Senator Cardin a new one.

Note from Tammy: As only an Italian woman can 😉 The trading floor, from which CNBC was broadcasting, erupted into applause after her interview. This s what the media should be doing with every politician on every issue. Kudos to Bartiromo.

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shifra says:

    Maria Bartiromo, Rick Santelli… both Italian. Am I sensing a trend here? God bless them both! Viva Italia !

  2. dennisl59 says:

    She never asks the ‘Big’ Question: Why hasn’t the U.S.Senate passed ANY Budget?

    posted 12/26 1240pm Texas[It’s only $$$]Time

  3. Paul says:

    Now Maria has Balls!!! I love women with balls!!!!

  4. strider says:

    Curious to see how we function living on our capital and borrowing more to rack up an enormous debt that seems to have a life of its own. Our government must be genius.

  5. Maynard says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that even if the Democrats got what they were asking for, the effect on the deficit would be essentially nil. In other words, this focus on “taxing the rich” is purely theater, but in no way addresses the underlying structural problems that are driving the deficit to the moon; principally unfunded liabilities that can never be paid. So whoever tries to put that issue into focus (entitlements, that is) and save the country is vilified, making the Republicans afraid, and of course Democrats don’t want to upset their base. So we’ll go on having this stupid irrelevant argument until the economy chokes to death, with the scoundrels of Washington swearing all the while that they’re helping us. The only thing these scum care about when we go over the cliff is that the other guy gets blamed.

    If there was anyone even remotely sane in Washington, what they would do right now is obvious: Punt. The only deal that could meaningfully be put together in this time frame would be a 3- or 6-month extension of everything…long enough to try again to talk about stuff that actually matters, but not long enough to ignore.

    I am seriously thinking that our entire government belongs in jail.

  6. Samster1 says:

    Good for you, Maria. You make the USA proud. Look how difficult it was for the democrat to tell the truth, to even answer. They should have all been fired. Shame on the dumb masses.

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