
Whenever the topic of Obama comes up, I really need to stop saying, “it can’t get any worse.”

Because it always does.

via Investor’s Business Daily: Linking Jefferson To Ho Chi Minh A New Low For Obama

Few comparisons have been as odious as the one offered by the president linking one of the great mass murderers of history to one of America’s Founding Fathers and authors of our liberty….

President Obama met with his Vietnamese counterpart, President Truong Tan Sang, last Thursday in the same Oval office where LBJ picked bombing targets in a war he micromanaged into futility. The 44th president conveniently forgot Vietnamese history and slandered ours by linking a founder of our democracy, Thomas Jefferson, to the mass murderer Ho Chi Minh….

Obama, stopping short of yet another apology, mused about what might have been, and noted “we discussed the fact that Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the words of Thomas Jefferson.”

That’s technically true and historically accurate. Ho Chi Minh did frame the earliest portions of the 1945 Vietnam Declaration of Independence on the actual Declaration of Independence written by Jefferson in 1776. But while the future third president spoke of inalienable rights granted by his and our Creator, he meant it. Ho Chi Minh was only serious about the glory of the state.

Come to think of it, Obama is too, often leaving the word “Creator” out of any mention of our inalienable rights as mentioned in the declaration while he routinely ignores the Constitution and its restriction on his and federal powers….

But was it necessary to praise a man who killed approximately half a million people in an effort to consolidate his power, or to suggest ideological similarities between the architect of mass carnage and an author of liberty?

So, Mr. President, Sir, with all due respect:

Next time, could you please  just shut up and bow?

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19 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ancientwrrior says:

    Sadly this poor demented soul was programmed from birth with nothing but lies and distortions, Stalin-ism, Communism, State-ism, totalitarianism etc., and NO LOVE. This is all he knows, and unfortunately he has spread his cancerous diatribe all over this nation to take root and grow. We are now seeing this offal bear its bitter fruit. 🙁

  2. Alain41 says:

    Obama always curries favor with our enemies and disses our allies. I think the second issue here is, Obama is trying to set himself up as a Founder of our (remade) Country. (Founding Founders.) Just like Ho Chi Minh remade/founded today’s Vietnam, and HCM was like Jefferson, therefore Obama is just like Jefferson writing our new (remade) nation into existence.

  3. 1ntbtn says:

    I never saw such an incompetent president in my lifetime. U.S. history was obviously not his specialty.

    • Shifra says:

      Agreed, 1ntbtn, young Barry probably did not do well in U.S. history. But I do think he excelled in using a stapler; it certainly came in handy as a community organizer, because I heard his specialty was stapling posters onto trees.

    • Maynard says:

      This gets back to that old “58 states” gaffe, and it’s illustrative of the same underlying problem: Barrack Obama is not an American. I’m not talking about the birth certificate or anything conspiratorial; it’s just that he spent his formative time under foreign influence, much of it hostile, and he’s not really one of us. Forgetting how many states there are isn’t a thing an American can do when he’s tired, any more than he can forget his wife’s name. Obama can forget the number of states just as you might fumble over the number of provinces in Canada. Same thing with that picture at the sports event, where Hillary and John Edwards put their hands on their hearts while the National Anthem played, while Obama grabbed his crotch. His mind is simply alien. He doesn’t get the difference between Jefferson and Ho Chi Minh just as an American doesn’t much understand the cultural divide between Japan and China. Obama doesn’t like America, and his goal is to warp it into an alien thing.

  4. LucyLadley says:

    oooooooo Shifra, what a zinger of a post!!!!

  5. GiMiller says:

    Loved your post Shifra! But the title reminds me of that scene out of Animal House where John Belushi is going thru the cafeteria line. 🙂

  6. Alain41 says:

    Regarding New Deal history, I highly recommend this NRO article by U. of Alabama history professor. Concerns the Democrats attack against the opposition to the New Deal. The opposition included Frank Gannett of Gannett news. Parallels to today including Tea Party and Democrat hatred of Citizens United ruling. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/354706/new-deal-witch-hunt-david-t-beito

    “…On the same day that Franklin Roosevelt announced his court-packing plan in 1937, the trio organized the Committee for Constitutional Government (CCG)….CCG led perhaps the first successful offensive against the New Deal, pioneering the use of direct mail and helping to defeat the court-packing plan…. In 1938, Senator Sherman Minton of Indiana announced a sweeping investigation of lobbies, targeting forces opposed to “the objectives of the administration.” Minton-committee staff arrived en masse at CCG’s office…The resulting public backlash over a perceived threat to free speech led to the collapse of the investigation….After Harry S. Truman’s 1948 upset victory, Democrats vowed to scrutinize “lobbies” (broadly defined) such as CCG. The New Republic declared triumphantly that the “New Deal is again empowered to carry forward the promise of American life” and that it was high time to investigate “the great lobbies and the millions they have spent . . . to defeat social legislation.” The AFL and CIO agreed on this goal…The investigation had a chilling effect on CCG; formerly dependable contributors closed their wallets, expressing fear of being named and targeted. Badly weakened, CCG faded away by the end of the decade….”

  7. Norm says:

    Facebook veteran’s groups…both closed and open are excoriating the messiah (with the little m) for his Jefferson/Ho comment; even the more liberal vets are having real problems with this lastest from the …One. I can compare it to the betrayal veterans received during the early part of the 1970s by the Hanoi Jane minions (worst being John Effin’ Kerry)…..it is Deja Vu all over again….

  8. Kitten says:

    Make the idiocy STOP! Ugh, he is such an embarrassment. This is the result we get when he goes off teleprompter. Where are his handlers? Doesn’t he have people who handle him? Ok, I think I know what happened. The Investor’s Business Daily erred in assuming OBummer cares anything about our democracy or founding fathers, unless of course, he can benefit from it somehow. Has he claimed to be Thomas Jefferson, yet? I can’t keep up with all the people he has claimed to be.

    Anyway, you know what happens when you assume, don’t you? Liberals aren’t the only architects of a** backward moral equivalences; the dear follower takes the cake.

    I’m with you Shifra, just bow next time, at least that’s what we’ve all come to expect.

  9. ConservativeSue says:

    We have a president who suffers from a crisis daily from identity to lack of historical knowledge. Did he really go to school? Bipolar or Sibyl? Dependent on a teleprompter. I’m sure Hillary had a similar chalkboard with “Hillary” scribbled instead of government, then Billy showed up and became a distraction. Both Obama and Hillary have pushed for democracies in the Middle East, and yet “democracy is a form of social inequality”? Whose confused? Oh wait, “it depends on what the definition of is…is”

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