
Remember when NPR ‘yukked it up’ over Obama’s pronunciation of “corpsman” ?

Yeah, neither do I.

Stay classy, NPR

Via NewsBusters:

On Friday’s All Things Considered, NPR anchor Robert Siegel began the “Week in Politics” segment with a serious focus on San Bernardino, but he “couldn’t resist” creating a tag-team mockery of conservative presidential candidate Ben Carson for pronouncing Hamas like it rhymed with “Thomas.”

….ROBERT SIEGEL: Ben Carson appears to be dropping in the polls. And he didn’t help himself yesterday at a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition. In his description of the two major Palestinian factions, Dr. Carson pronounced Hamas in such a way as to suggest hummus, a Middle Eastern chickpea mash….

SIEGEL: I just couldn’t resist playing that. He didn’t quite say hummus, actually, but it came close. David…

DAVID BROOKS: It’s better than the split between Fatah and matzo.

SIEGEL: (Laughter).

E.J. DIONNE: Or the Tabbouleh insurgents in Afghanistan, perhaps….

Audio via NPR: (The not-so-funny comments begin @ 4:08)

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  1. Alain41 says:

    Memories of 2007: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

    NPR could discuss Obama’s half-brother, Malik, wearing the Hamas scarf in 2010. That’s a laugh riot. (sarc off) Do you think that B. Hussein O. has a concern that Tashfeen’s last name is the same as his half-brother’s first name?

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