TAMWire Archive

  • Along picket lines, rising acrimony-Verizon asks court to restrain striking workers

    Aug 12, 2011 @ 12:28 pm - gretch68

    Proof that Tammy is a genius and that union peeps are deranged thugs. DUH! Like we didn’t know.

    Watch the video it says all one needs to know about who these “liberals” really are.

  • Germany proposes ban on short-selling of stocks

    Aug 12, 2011 @ 12:12 pm - Alain41

    Four european countries have instituted limited short selling bans. Germany proposes euro-wide ban.

  • How Ronald Reagan Would Campaign Against Barack Obama

    Aug 12, 2011 @ 10:14 am - PennyDyess

    Two speeches that Ronald Reagan gave, one when announcing his Presidential candidacy in November of 1979 and another during his re-election campaign in 1984, seem particularly poignant for the times of economic turbulence that we’re passing through right now. (This is downright eerie!!)

  • Obama vs. Obama

    Aug 12, 2011 @ 9:51 am - PennyDyess

    In a word, the president is discovering that Barack Obama is now at war with Barack Obama. It is not just that the public has fathomed that what Obama says one day will change the next. It is more troublesome than that: Americans are catching on that what Obama now insists is true usually proves at odds with what Obama once asserted

  • Romney wants to ban "lethal rifles."

    Aug 12, 2011 @ 12:17 am - grizzlygovfan

    How does a populace deter military aggressors or other armed oppression with non lethal rifles?

  • Red Chinese Fakes America-Updated

    Aug 11, 2011 @ 11:13 pm - dennisl59

    Follow up story from the one posted 7/21…Foxconn City is where the suicide netting was installed at the dorms to prevent the slave laborers from ending it all.

  • Cat Saves Family

    Aug 11, 2011 @ 9:48 pm - TheGreenHornet

    Family pet cat saves women from carbon monoxide poisoning. The cat must be a tea party member.

  • D.C., Hawaii Most Democratic, Utah Most Republican State in '11

    Aug 11, 2011 @ 5:21 pm - ecu22331963

    The most Democratic states are concentrated largely on the East coast — among the top 10, only Hawaii and Illinois are not located in New England or the Mid-Atlantic region. The four most Republican states are in the West, with 5 of the top 10 coming from that region. The patterns for party affiliation by region are similar to what Gallup finds for presidential job approval.

  • Obama's Vineyard Vacation Will Cost Taxpayers Millions

    Aug 11, 2011 @ 2:49 pm - ecu22331963

    But former Clinton spokesman Mike McCurry says that every president needs a break from the confines of the White House.

    “We do need to let these guys have vacations and do some reading and thinking outside the box,” he said.

  • Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey (R) Supports Rick Perry for President

    Aug 11, 2011 @ 1:57 pm - Rob_W

    In response to the Al Gore campaign, the Lt. Gov. said, “That’s just silly. The Al Gore of 1988 wasn’t the Al Gore of today or even the Al Gore of 2000.”

    What? Are you kidding me? The 1988 Al Gore was every much the ass that he is today. He may have been a more of a chameleon then, but I saw through it. If Rick Perry was fooled by Gore’s deception, then we should seriously consider his judgment as Commander-In-Chief.

    The irrational comparison to Ronald Reagan speaks for itself.