For those of us who are sick and tired of the nihilistic left working to erase Christmas from our culture, the Alliance Defense Fund has come to the rescue.

Their Third Annual Christmas Project declares, “Merry Christmas, it’s okay to say it.” Check out their project, and get armed with the information you need to combat the attempts we will see again this year to ban celebrating Christmas from school, the workplace and the public square. Getting prepared to confront the left instead of turning away from these assaults is a perfect example of the New American Revolution.

From the ADF announcement:

The Alliance Defense Fund announced today it has more than 800 attorneys available nationwide to combat any improper attempts to censor the celebration of Christmas in schools and on public property.

“An overwhelming majority of Americans of all faiths agree that we should celebrate Christmas,” said ADF President Alan Sears. “This is a time for goodness, giving, and hope–not a time for fear, intimidation, and the disinformation of agenda-driven, anti-Christmas legal entities.”

According to recent polls,

* 96 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas (Fox News/Opinion Dynamics, 2003).
* 90 percent of Americans recognize Christmas as the birthday of Jesus Christ (Gallup, 2000).
* 88 percent of Americans say it is okay for people to wish others “Merry Christmas” and the majority of Americans are more likely to wish someone they just met “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Holidays” (CNN/USA Today/Gallup, 2004).
* 87 percent of Americans believe nativity scenes should be allowed on public property (Fox News/Opinion Dynamics, 2003).

And if you’re not sure how the scourge of political correctness affects Christmas, it’s already started in England.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. predoc says:

    I work in a public school system. If I were easily offended, referring to “Christmas break” as “winter break” might bother me. Rather, it merely amuses me. Does administration really think anyone believes we break because it’s winter? I don’t think so.

  2. andru82 says:

    I recently read a Dean Koontz book and there was a line in the book that I thought was pretty significant. One of the characters said, freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom FROM religion. Thought it fit in this instance.

  3. Joel Schwartz says:

    I had an athiest physics teacher in high school who called it “Newton’s Birthday Vacation” because Isaac Newton was born on December 25.

    Anecdote aside, I am a practicing Jew, and I have never found someone wishing me happy times to be insulting, whether it be happy holidays or Merry Christmas. I may say, “I celebrate Hannukah, but I hope you have a very merry Christmas,” if anything at all. Though I think the political correctness of this country is sickening, I am obligated to defend some of my Jewish brethren on their disdain for Merry Christmas being the norm. Case in point: My mother. She is from Catholic/communist Poland, where Jews were frankly treated like second class citizens. And I don’t mean liberal victim bating “oh the poor people are treated second class.” My mom was stoned and beaten by Christian kids who did not heed the wise words of the local Cardinal who later became John Paul II and did amazing things for us Jews. Any Jew over the age of 50 is personally aquainted with those times. As a result there is a very deeply embedded negative reaction to Christianity, even though the major threats to the Jews in the last century were athiestic/leftist regimes. Luckily, most Jews my own age (20’s) do not have these deeply embedded cultural memories and do not get worked up over Merry Christmas.

  4. BGF says:

    Maybe we are having a merry little equinox? Or, may we should have a happy winter solstice? The political correctness in America kills me.

    Andru82, the Koontz novel is correct. It is freedom “of”, not “from”, religion.

    Joel, like you, I am not offended, if someone tells me Happy Hannukah. But, displaced disdain for Christians, because of what happened in Poland decades ago, is as inappropriate as holding me responsible for what white Americans did to slaves in the 19th century.

    I am no more responsible for the prior than I am the latter. So, why should someone hold “disdain” for me, based on what someone did that long ago.

  5. Joel Schwartz says:

    The difference is that what happened to the slaves DID happen in the 19th Century. What happened to the Jews happened in our lifetime. JPII was thoroughly mortified at the Christian world’s refusal to help the Jews during the holocaust, while afterwards, my mother’s family was publicly humiliated by Christians in Poland. European Christiandom has never been a moral entity in my book until JP II, Ratzinger and the other Vatican II people came on the scene. Before that, church and state helped each other discriminate against anyone who did not follow their particular creed. Thank G-d for the few Christians in Europe who did follow Jesus’s teachings, instead of the normal European attitude toward the Jews which was one of constant subjigationg and ridicule. Luckily, my generation, the American sons and daughters of immigrants who were treated so terribly, realize that American Christiandom is something distinctly different, and has been since the founding of our country. We see the commonalities between us and do not feel the same threat our parents did. We see American Christians as friends. So Merry Christmas friend, and a happy Jew Year!

  6. Evil Roy says:


    I don’t know where else to put this, but this is a truly great idea! I just got the below in an e-mail today. The cards should be cheerful and kindly. Not a harsh word to be seen. I’m sending it on to everybody I know.

    Evil Roy

    > Subject: Christmas Card Idea
    > Christmas Cards !!!
    > Yes, Christmas cards. This is coming early (really early) so that you
    > can get ready to include an important address to your list.
    > Read on……..
    > Fun with the ACLU……
    > Wanna have some fun this CHRISTMAS?
    > Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD this year.
    > As they are working so very hard to get rid of the CHRISTMAS part of
    > this holiday, we should all send them a nice, RELIGIOUS, card to
    > brighten up their dark, sad, little world.
    > Make sure it says “Merry Christmas” on it.
    > Here’s the Address,
    > just don’t be rude or crude.
    > (It’s not nice, you know!)
    > ACLU
    > 125 Broad Street
    > 18th Floor
    > New York, NY 10004
    > Two tons of Christmas cards would freeze their operations because they
    > wouldn’t know if any were regular mail containing contributions.
    > So spend 39 cents and tell the ACLU to leave Christmas alone. Also
    > tell them that there is no such thing as a “Holiday Tree”. . . ..
    > It’s a Christmas Tree even in the fields!!
    > And pass this on to your email lists. We really want to communicate
    > with the ACLU! They really DESERVE us!!

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