A post by Maynard

**UPDATE: A Note from Tammy at the end of the post**

Wow, it seems that James Watson, the Nobel-Prize winning discoverer of DNA, really put his foot in it when he theorized that human intellectual capacity varies with race. His lectures were halted and there was even a suggestion that he be prosecuted:

Anti-racism campaigners called for Dr Watson’s remarks to be looked at in the context of racial hatred laws. A spokesman for the 1990 Trust, a black human rights group, said: “It is astonishing that a man of such distinction should make comments that seem to perpetuate racism in this way. It amounts to fuelling bigotry and we would like it to be looked at for grounds of legal complaint.”

Watson is now in full apology mode.

I’m going to mostly skip over the controversial topic itself and touch on our reactions. This flap says a lot about the state of the Western world and the political correctness that drives us.

From a Darwinist standpoint, Watson’s comments are perfectly logical:

“There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically,” he writes. “Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so.”

The concept of all men being created equal is fundamentally religious. It’s not a notion we apply to the animal kingdom. We are not shunned for observing that tortoise-shell cats are willful, or suggesting a boy cat will make a better pet than a girl cat. If humans are just another animal, then why should we be any different?

It’s obvious that the instantaneous crusade against Watson is dogmatic rather than reasoned. And it’s ironic that the dogma of political correctness is often promoted by the same ideologues that mock the dogma of religion.

As far as intelligence itself goes…well, I’m not quite sure exactly what it is. Am I (Maynard) smart? I know I can be pretty smart in some ways and unbelievably stupid in others (trust me on this). There are many flavors of intelligence, and they only become meaningful in a greater context. A lot of my personal efforts go to putting myself in a place where my strengths are valuable and my weaknesses are irrelevant. I think we’ve all got a niche where we can be useful…if only we’re willing to seek it.

The point is that intellect is not valuable in itself. “Smart” people can be ineffective or even evil. Adolf Hitler was a genius, and we know how he applied his intellect.

So raw intellect is just another tool, one of many, to be applied or mis-applied or discarded. To the extent that it’s inherited (and that’s the old “nature versus nurture” argument)…well, maybe inherited intellect is something like inherited wealth. Is it good to be born to wealth? You would think so, but we find no shortage of counterexamples. The pathetic antics of the rich and famous make it clear enough that wealth isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

The backlash against Watson merely illuminates our modern cultural obsession with race. Am I supposed to be pleased with Watson’s ideas because I’m a person of paleness, and thus presumed to be intellectually advantaged? Why can’t I just think of myself as an individual? And I know there are individuals of all races who are a lot smarter than I am. I’m grateful to live in a world where smart people have figured out a lot of stuff, and their discoveries have been passed along, and now I benefit from them. I’m lucky! We’re all lucky! Does the skin pigmentation of the people who have given me so much really matter? Do I get points based on the number of explorers and inventors who are “my people”?

Back in the bad old days, Galileo offended the dogma of the Church when he advanced his theory of heliocentrism. He was forced to recant this heresy, and spent his latter years under house arrest on orders of the Inquisition. We tell ourselves we’ve passed beyond the era of dogma into an enlightened age. But this isn’t entirely so.

To be fair, it’s important to remember that the idea Watson expressed could be picked up by old-style racists. This is a very legitimate concern. But are we doomed to be caught between the today’s racial obsessions and yesterday’s racial obsessions? Does this crazy ideological battle justify silencing valid inquiry?

An analogous question was addressed a few years ago in the movie Gattaca. This postulated a future society in which the “clean gene” people were at the top of the heap. It tells the tale of an ordinary man who aspired to join the ranks of the genetically pure. It promotes the notion that the spirit can rise above the flesh. Maybe it’s Hollywood silliness, but I applaud the concept. If we’re going to get dogmatic, then this is the dogma I prefer.

A Note from Tammy:

Maynard is right about one thing this controversy has indeed brought to our attention: how political correctness keeps us from addressing, and therefore vanquishing, questions centered around complexion and intellect. It very well could be argued that it is the racism of the Western World (and the need for certain Victimologists of Color) who are invested in the ‘question’ never being excised. We can only do that by seriously contemplating, as an example, Watson’s assertion.

We then have these issues to address: Are people with a pale complexion actually ‘better and smarter’ than those with darker ones, or did the empire building of ancient Greece and Rome, and their subsequent consuming of the Middle East and Africa, begin a pattern of events that kept certain people from reaching their full potential? Are Jews smarter than everyone else (as their contributions to society seem to indicate) or is it their millennia-old commitment to eduction the reason such a small minority of people have accomplished so much?

Does Africa indeed still struggle, not only because of ancient ravages, but the world’s colonizing and oppression of its people for the past several hundred years? Educating the “natives” certainly was not part of the English or Spanish or Dutch Master Plan. And while under the boot of ‘conquerers’ indigenous people are going to be a bit more focused on survival than on an education in the arts and science, whatever its cultural foundation.

The same could be argued for the Middle East, where its own commitment to broader, more expansive education was overwhelmed by religious fervor, which allowed Muslim nations to compete militarily with the Western, Christian, world. A population (especially women) seriously educated always poses a threat to the existing power structure, undermining tyranny and despotism. Today’s existing tyrants in the Middle East and Africa, while their complexions mostly match those oppressed, are also deeply invested in the maintaining the ignorant status quo which served European colonizers so well.

We are, though, not allowed to have this discussion because it is too politically incorrect. Why? because we must start with the premise that there are undeniable differences in the world.

And one last point–I find it fascinating the world seems just fine with embracing Holocaust-denying Jew-hater Ahmadinejad, with even American institutions of the mind that his ‘ideas’, which contradict known fact, are worth debating. Yet, when a world-renowned scientist simply brings up the obvious disparity on accomplishments via continents and the issue of race, it causes a worldwide uproar of shock and unqualified rejection. One more bit of evidence of how ignorance and the investment in the status quo by the the world’s Elite (Jew-hating and maintaining the ‘question’ of African/black potential) still menacingly prevails.

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. brutepcm says:

    At least Watson didn’t mock Global Warming. That would be unforgivable heresy.

  2. JD says:

    A update:

    October 18, 2007

    Statement by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Board of Trustees and President Bruce Stillman, Ph.D. Regarding Dr. Watson’s Comments in The Sunday Times on October 14, 2007

    Earlier this evening, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Board of Trustees decided to suspend the administrative responsibilities of Chancellor James D. Watson, Ph.D., pending further deliberation by the Board.

    This action follows the Board’s public statement yesterday disagreeing with the comments attributed to Dr. Watson in the October 14, 2007 edition of The Sunday Times U.K.

  3. predoc says:

    Of course whites are more intelligent than blacks, and asians are more intelligent than whites, and blacks are athletically superior to both asians and whites. These differences are not “proved” by culturally-biased IQ tests, childhood opportunities, or any other argument that is used to dispute them. They are apparent through careful observation of the world around us.

  4. Nations Girl says:

    Watson has all the material he needs now to work on his sequel book, Avoid Policitally Correct People. (I guess one would then have to move to… Africa?)

  5. jdb says:

    The elephant in the room sitting on the third rail.

  6. helpunderdog says:

    Would anyone condemn the Dr. if he said that different breeds of dog have different levels of intelligence and different specialized skills?

    Poodles: smart
    Bloodhounds: good noses
    Greyhounds: excellent runners

    [What about Underdogs? —Maynard]

  7. Thank you again, Thought Police, for keeping any and all singular or differing points of view from my mind.

    [While I certainly do not agree with Dr. Watson’s views on any racial differential, I support his right to express his beliefs]

    He doesn’t deserve to be attacked. Pitied maybe.

  8. M. Williams says:

    Hi Tammy and many thanks for a good presentation of this issue. I have never understood (well actually I do) why we can’t ponder these issues in an intellectual way to make sense of our world. That’s what science is after all. There are many cases where logical thinking does not support what we know, but we are ‘restricted’ from further processing of the information because it might be detrimental to a particular group. People cringe, and before you know it you’re a racist. I don’t see a problem with differences….that is what we have been programmed to accept (tolerance)….and I think that is good. Even the university (unsurprisingly) is suppressing the thought. I guess the only way to have a discussion of these things is to do it the privacy of your own home. Wow! I guess that’s how you get a hate group started.
    Is life about becoming one of the lemmings?

  9. I’m now waiting for Rev. Al Sharpton to demand that all DNA evidence be thrown out against black defendants because it’s “racist science”.

    Seems like the next logical step to keep the reverend in the news.

  10. Reynolds says:

    Dear Tammy,
    You are a smart woman! So was Dr. Summers (former president of Harvard) a smart and decent man. What you point out is remarkable in that the religious haters RELY on the sense of religious (irrational) dogma in the area of race relations and genetics and basically shout down scientific observations that threaten their own ‘religion’, i.e. acceptance of their power and righteousness. Obviously, the Nobel laureate that has called for ending the life of our president was not requested to apologize by the most of the media. Funny how a murder-advocating hater is snidely embraced yet the person at the foundation of our knowledge of genetics is kicked to the curb.

    Keep up the insightful work.

  11. Mike says:

    As a teacher of gifted and talented teenagers, I deal with this sort of silliness all the time. We have absolutely no difficulty engaging in the kind of politically incorrect thinking and practice for with the good Dr. is accused when sports are the subject, but when the intellect is involved? Quite another story.

    We accept without question that only a few people will make the varsity team, and even fewer will be starters. We not only accept it, we defend it with rabid ardor. We accept that some black people will comprise the majority-in some cases every–member of professional basketball teams, and not a few college teams, and allow no cries of racism or political incorrectness. That more of the same college players will fail classes or never graduate than their minority (white) teammates is indisputably true is an inconvenient fact quickly swept under the rug. Yet, does this mean that black athletes are not as intelligent than white athletes, or is it more a product of their focus in life?

    But try to suggest that there are differences in intellectual ability and the roof is blow off very quickly indeed. In many places well meaning idiots want to abolish GT classes so that those not in those classes will not feel badly about themselves.

    Lysenkoism is alive and well in America, and finds fertile soil indeed among the left.

  12. Perry says:

    Hmmmmm, I guess karma has finally caught up with James Watson after never giving Rosalind Elsie Franklin any credit for her DNA discovery.

  13. chase says:

    So predictable in the political season! It’s not that the democrats have to get the “black” vote, they have to get out the black vote.


  14. Rich B says:

    God forbid I come across as a racist but… what if empirical and objective studies proved beyond a shadow of a doubt there were intellectual differences between ethnic groups? In today’s climate the evidence would be buried by the “thought police”. Not being any kind of scientist I’m just posing the question in a hypothetical context. Christina Hoff Summers was vilified by feminists for expressing those very ideas when it came to boys and girls. Of course we know that there’s no difference between the sexes. Well, there are those pesky little things known as sex organs. And what about those silly hormones? In todays world just keep it to yourself.

  15. DSS says:

    Heaven is where:
    Police are British
    Mechanics are German
    Cooks are Italian
    Lovers are French
    It’s all organized by the Swiss
    Hell is where:
    Police are German
    Mechanics are French
    Cooks are British
    Lovers are Swiss
    It’s all organized by the Italians.*

    But we all have identical talents.

    * from a defunct Laptop magazine

  16. robbybonfire says:

    “Political Correctness” is simply COMMUNISM taken root, throughout the world. “We must be physically, intellectually, and financially equal” – that is, those of us who comprise 99% of the world’s population who are here to support and empower the Lenin-Stalin-Mao-Soros lineage oligarchy whose empowerment this hideous system, which promotes the suffocating of the individual human spirit, is what this nature-defying straitjacket is really about.

    Imagine, Communism has infiltrated and taken over our nation’s fabric and perhaps 10 people in the United States (and no one in politics) recognize it and have the courage to denounce it for what it is.

    Nikita K. (“We will bury you”) was wrong – “We will slowly malignant cancer you” would have been more honest – except that he probably understood the subtle difference and was not tipping the real strategem behind the Kremlin’s winning game plan.

    Captalism, the free enterprise system, and all the rest of our freedoms have lost the battle. The dark forces underlying Nazi America and The Marxist States of America have won the not so “Cold War.” Thank God Ronald Reagan is not alive to see this.

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