Chronicling B. Hussein Obama’s War on America

Just a few notes regarding the fool in the White House and the impact of is malevolence and incompetence.

Unemployment tops 10% in 15 states, D.C.

Welcome to Urkel’s America. Google “unemployment” search results.

Roadside Bomb Kills 11, Including 5 Children in Afghanistan

Bank of America credit losses soar, profit falls

Joe Biden: ‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. MRFIXIT says:

    Re: Unemployment.
    The unemployment numbers are so tweaked as to be meaningless. According to the governments numbers, via the birth/death model, the economy has created 65,000 jobs in finance and retail. Now, does anyone think that banks and reatilers are hiring? I think not. Look at, where all the government reports are recast using the original statistical methods, without the modern day fudjery — err– “adjustments” that we see now. The unemployment rate is close to 20% across the nation. This is rapidly approaching depression era figures.

    China is actually handling their downturn more like Adam Smith would advocate. They are spending on construction of infratsructure that they needed anyway, and they are spending the money from their savings (reserves from surpluses) rather than printing up money, or borrowing it. They are not passing out welfare checks. they are offering work for pay, to those who need work. They are using their savings account to tide them over a rough patch, rather than taking cash advances on their credit cards to pay the interest charges on their other cards, as we are.

  2. carol276 says:

    Everyone is talking of his Mom jeans…but, to me he is dressing the part…Urkel. LOL

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