I’ll be off the radio grid completely tomorrow (Tuesday morning) as have my followup Endoscopy, where they knock you out and send the camera-thingy down to see how things are. This after a bleeding ulcer was discovered in May. While it is slightly nerve-wracking, I must say I’m grateful I live in a time when we have the science to do this. While sending the camera down they take a look at the throat and the esophagus and that whole area (I think last time they saw a sign that said, “Warning: Won’t Shut Up,” or something), and then down into the stomach.

They should be grateful that they’re not doing this while I was on the Nexium, prescribed to help heal the ulcer. All they’d see in there would be pie. Of all the side-effects (including blowing up like a puffer fish) I had one craving, and one craving for food only–Coconut Cream Pie. It’s not like I wanted, oh, meatloaf and coconut cream pie. Or prime rib and coconut cream pie. Nope, just the pie. It was a good thing though. We had spent months and months listening to Urkel talk about pie this, pie that, so I had gotten to resent pie itself. Yet, it’s not pie’s fault the Dumb Bastard likes it. I mean, really, what’s not to like? It’s pie.

So I decided to make peace with pie and indulged the craving. I gained 5 pounds while on Nexium. I’m blaming it, of course, on George W. Bush, er, Coconut W. Pie.

Then, my two months with Nexium were over (sorta like dating a dancer 15 years younger than you–nice at first, you have to get used to it, then it keeps going but doesn’t quite feel right, but you don’t end it because it has its nice, er, moments, and then you start feeling weird, and it’s just not right, you know it has to end, and by about two months you want it to be over and then it is).ย What?

Anyway, I am writing this because I’m now at the time when I’m not allowed to eat anything until the procedure which will be at 830am PT tomorrow. I normally don’t eat anything past 7-8pm anyway, but as you might imagine, I don’t do well with those things called “rules.” I will comply, however, if only for having seen the Newman/Rampling film “The Verdict” where the story revolves around a woman who was in a coma forever because surgery was done way too soon after she ate. I won’t go into details except…let’s just say you don’t want any food in your tummy for the anesthesia because it won’t stay there. The food, that is. To say nothing of the fact that they need to see the lining of my tummy to see how the ulcer is healing.
And that’s the whole point of my being off the grid tomorrow–they discovered the bleeding ulcer on May 18, two months of Nexium, a change in diet, adding yoga and trying out that new invention called “relaxing” I go in for the follow-up Look-See. Yoga I like, but still laugh when the “Ohmmmmm”-ing starts up. Let me just say, for a bunch of relaxed yoga hippies who are suppose to believe in peace and love they sure can throw a angry stare at a chick! Laughing relaxes me, what can I say? I was once inadvertently rude when one of the hippies came in wearing a Jane Fonda mugshot t-shirt. I, completely absent-mindedly, pointed and laughed. Let’s just say we did the yoga thing on opposite sides of the room.

So, no more food or anything. Have a friend driving me in. When we get there I’ll go into a room put on the no-backside robe, put my hair in a net-thing, and little booty-things over my hush-puppies. It will be Me at My Most Attractive. I’ll go into the surgery-room, the anesthesiologist will ask me a few questions, they’ll put a needle in my little arm, I’ll ask if I should be feeling sleeeepy…

I will then wake up on a gurney in another room the procedure completed, saying, “Wha…..?? Whooooooo?? Hey, uhhh…Huh?” Last time the orderly came up and said, “Hi Tammy! You have an ulcer. The doctor will be right over.” This time? Hopefully he’ll say “Hi Tammy! Your ulcer is healing nicely! Have a nice day.” And my friend will drive me home.

Send good vibes everyone. I’ll tweet/blog when I’m out of LaLaLand and can report in ๐Ÿ˜‰ Maybe afterward I’ll take some time off and go to Spain and spend about $100,000 a day of someone else’s money. Nah…that would be just way too…crazy. Hey, wait a minute…

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20 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Maynard says:

    They giving you Midazolam (AKA Dormicum, Hypnovel, or Versed)? That’s the “cheap stuff”. I understand some favor Propofol (AKA Diprivan), which is said to pass out of the system more rapidly, but requires a real anesthesiologist. I’ve been under Versed, and found it agreeable enough. It knocked me out and left me comfortable when they awakened me, although the events for the subsequent hour or so were pretty blurry (I think I probably seemed lucid enough, but my memories were fragmentary.) So for me, I have no reason to believe Propofol would have been worth the extra hassle and expense.

  2. MaryVal says:

    It’ll be loop de loop for the rest of the day after the meds. I did enjoy the third hour Loop De Loop the last time, but, not to be for the recheck, sigh…….. Prayers and good thoughts coming your way.

  3. Teri says:

    You crack me up Tammy ๐Ÿ™‚ You will do just fine ๐Ÿ™‚ Looking forward to hearing all about it ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. DianeRoberts says:

    Tammy, you’ll be fine. Twelve days ago I had a heart attack. Luckily, I drove myself to the hospital and received great care. One stint in a clogged artery and I’m good to go. And, yes Obama, the treasonous fraud contributed to my health decline. ๐Ÿ™ lol

    Tammy, are you going to be in Washington, D.C. on August 28th at the Lincoln Memorial? I hope so. You should be! You have alot of fans and Patriots that would love to hear you speak.

    Tammy, take care of yourself Sweetie. America needs fighters to protect her from slime.
    Hugs to you and yours. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. ffigtree says:

    Sending good vibes your way! Ohmmm . . .Ohmmm . . .Ohmmm ๐Ÿ˜€ LOL
    I can’t ohmmm with out laughing! As they say, “Laughter is the best medicine”…not so sure about Ohmmming! LOL

  6. trevy says:

    Oh Lord, we lift up our friend, Tammy Bruce, to You. We ask that You lay Your Healing Hands on her, and make her body whole. And Lord, I don’t know what her relationship with You is. If she does know You as her Lord and Savior, as we hope she does, then we know You will heal her and, in Your way, turn this into a Blessing. If she does not know You, please, in Your way, use this to reach her.

    We Pray this in the name of Jesus Christ,


  7. naga5 says:

    prayers up! and good vibes!

  8. varmint says:

    My prayers are for all to go well for you Tammy.

  9. RuBegonia says:

    Sydney has probably given you the “pup talk” already – no need to shake, bark, or drool… and be sure and bingo before you go in. And, if you’re a good girl, the vet will give you cookies (and don’t let on that you know that even if you aren’t a good girl…you’ll still get cookies). WOOF!

  10. Tinker says:

    You’re so funny Tammy! Enjoy the rest.

  11. Chuck says:

    Take care of yourself, Tammy, and get some good R&R.

  12. girlsgotrhythm says:

    You sure do have one helluva great sense of humor! Funny post!

    Now on a serious note…I’m most definitely sending positive thoughts your way. Praying for ya, too. It’s all going to be alright. Have peace and rest through this trial, and know that He (God) is in control, He loves ya, and He’s with ya always!

  13. USApride says:

    Praying for you Tammy, I know you will come through with flying colors. The challenge is to force yourself to rest. Your Tams will be here waiting for your return!!!!

  14. mvupoars says:

    Praying for you and Ted and his son, family and friends too; a sad day…

  15. thierry says:

    treat yourself! you deserve a nice designer made coat and some seaweed risotto in a 5 star resort. syd can fly in on her own plane and snoopy can hide under a bed in one of the 60 rooms and eat her baby food out of a crystal goblet.

    your ulcer died! no mas- time to go to spain with an entourage.

  16. The Ugly American says:

    That has to be the funniest rant you’ve written in quite awhile.

    This one definitely needs to go into your next book.

  17. Rob_W says:

    Prayers and good vibes for a smooth and speedy recovery, Tammy.

  18. FreedomsWings says:

    Tammy – You almost make the procedure sound like fun, or maybe I am hung up on that coconut creme pie stuff. Glad to hear you did fine and that the ulcer is gone. Yes, single does have perks doesn’t it? Not much stress being single!

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