israeli passport

Once upon a time, whenever Americans traveled abroad, they could be reasonably assured that carrying an American passport meant something.

And if any “shenanigans” did occur, the offending country would soon receive the full wrath of our State Department.

Now, our State Department seems to be a “Stasis” Department, too inept to do much of anything in the way of protecting U.S. citizens. (Remember Benghazi? Or did that happen “a long time ago” ?)

The following story was picked up by several Jewish media outlets, after being initially published by the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle. As of this writing, it has not been reported anywhere in the mainstream media.

Louis “Chip” Cantor, a 23 years old Kansas City student, was offered a summer job in the U.K., and on May 29, he arrived in London. The customs agent (who, for some reason, was not wearing a uniform) looked at his passport, and treated him courteously.

That is, until she saw two pages of Israeli visas and entry stamps, as  Chip had spent some time studying in Israel.

The customs agent walked away with his passport. He never saw her again.

A different, uniformed customs agent came to see him. Chip was told they were taking his bags and detaining him for questioning. He was told that if changed any of his answers to any questions, he would go to prison. He was then placed in a detention cell.

A woman wearing a burka came into the cell to photograph and fingerprint him. She informed him: “We’re putting your name and fingerprints and photos into a database. From now on it is going to be very difficult for you to ever travel in the United Kingdom or anywhere in the E.U. It will be up to each individual country to decide if they want to admit you.”

Chip repeatedly told them he had done nothing wrong, and when he asked to speak to someone from the American consulate or embassy, his requests were denied.

Another agent then appeared, and informed Chip that he was being deported.

Kevin Shilling, who had offered Chip summer employment (and who is not Jewish) called the customs agent to explain why Chip was in the country. Shilling was told that any attempts to assist Chip would be useless, and the customs agent reportedly made several anti-Semitic comments.

Chip was held in detention for nine hours. He was given half a sandwich. When he asked for more food and some water, he was told to stop “pestering” them. Finally, he was told he could have some water, only if he said “please.”

After nine hours, he was escorted to a plane by a customs agent. Chip asked for his passport, and was refused.

Once on the plane, the customs agent announced, in front of everyone, “Here is this man’s passport. Do not give him his passport until you land in the United States.”

The American Airlines purser told Chip that, in seventeen years flying internationally, he had never seen anything like it.

Chip now says his main goal with this fiasco is to get his fingerprints and picture removed from their database.

As for the discrimination that he suffered, he says, “It is sad, but this is the reality we are living in. This will, of course, never change my love for Israel, it will only make it grow stronger.”

Why wasn’t this story reported in the mainstream media?

Why isn’t the State Dept. protesting the mistreatment of a U.S. citizen?

But one thing is clear: the U.K., already with several Sharia-compliant towns, is being overrun by Islamists.

(Thanks, Pat_S, for adding the video 🙂 )



Fox News: State Department agency deemed ‘critical’ to information security is a mess, report shows

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. pamelarice says:

    The Gitmo prisoners are treated better than this. It’s an outrage! My fear is that this is slowly creeping into our society. Thank you for the heads up Shifra.

  2. Pat_S says:


    There’s an update from The Jewish Press. A British Embassy spokesperson

    The Home Office expects the highest levels of integrity and behaviour from all our staff. Any complaints of discrimination will be fully investigated.

  3. Maynard says:

    If this report is substantially accurate, it needs to get a lot more attention. An investigation could corroborate or debunk most of the peripheral details. Aside from the testimony of independent witnesses, there are cameras and microphones at checkpoints and detention centers, so there should be hard data on a number of points. (Of course, the British government controls access to audio-video data they collected, and might be disinclined to provide it.)

    The whole picture — well, my first reaction is it’s pretty hard to believe that such a thing could happen in the UK. But that’s exactly the reaction that most foreigners had to reports of pre-WWII Nazi atrocities; Hitler is a tough man but a reasonable man, and this just couldn’t be happening in a civilized country, so it’s probably all just a misunderstanding.

    Please update the blog as the situation develops!

  4. 1ntbtn says:

    Thanks Shifra and Pat_S for posting this. You can bet your bottom dollar that this administration won’t do a thing about this incident. My heart goes out to Chip and his family.

  5. Kitten says:

    Thanks for bringing attention to this story, Shifra. Wow, just wow. When you think it’s hard to believe something like this could happen in the UK, just think about all the things that have happened in the US, under OBummer. Who would have thought a US Ambassador and 3 other citizens could be left to fend for themselves and killed at an Embassy in Libya, and nothing is done about it? Or, the IRS targeting political adversaries of the President? Or, the NSA spying on American citizens? Etcetera, etcetera, and so on. The fact that this story has not gotten MSM attention so far, is telling in itself. We cannot let things like this go unnoticed, or without challenge. Kudos to the local news station for covering this story, and the Cantors for making known what happened.

  6. bamconola says:

    In earlier days I would dismiss these stories as exaggerated. Now, I do not. Please keep us posted so we may protest if nothing is done to correct the situation.

  7. Patricia says:

    Thanks Shifra – Pat_S; I am dumbfounded. Just when you think you can no longer be surprised and outraged, something else happens. We need to spread this story – heading to Twitter and Facebook.

  8. […] It looks like it’s too late. American Jewish Student Denied Entry Into U.K. Because of Israeli Stamps in Passport […]

  9. deaves1 says:

    Throughout the Arab world you will be denied entry with an Israeli visa stamp in your passport. I got to get me a boonedoggle to Haifa, that’ll stop my trips to Bahrain.

  10. john czaja says:

    this guy Chip only temporarily visited Israel and was then denied entry to the UK?
    …are all Israelis excluded from England?

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