Not. Kidding. And I really am curious– 1) Does the USPS really think kids look to stamps to determine how to do sports, and 2) What kid is using a stamp these days anyway? Truly peeps, we’ve gone down the rabbit hole here.

No wonder kids are getting fat. It’s been deemed too “unsafe” to get off the couch. I actually think these stamps are smart, and the design very good. Here are the now destroyed stamps that have been deemed too ‘dangerous’ for kids to see:

Via Postal News.

Linn’s Stamp News reports that the US Postal Service will destroy the entire press run of a stamp series aimed at getting children to be more active. According to Linn’s reporter Bill McAllister, three of the stamps in the fifteen stamp series raised safety concerns among sports figures on the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. The stamps in question depicted children performing a cannonball dive, skateboarding without kneepads, and doing a headstand without a helmet. The unsafe depictions came to light after USPS Marketing chief Nagisa Manabe asked Michelle Obama to take part in a first day ceremony for the stamps. That was apparently the first time the stamps had been reviewed by the Sports Council.

Of course, we can just by proxy, chalk this up to another Obama failure.

And over at Townhall:

The government, however, is concerned that some of these images are not safe for people to put on envelopes as they might encourage risky behavior. The main offenders are a picture of a person doing a “cannonball dive” into a pool, a picture of someone “skateboarding without kneepads,” and a picture of a person doing a “headstand without a helmet.”

A. Headstand. Without. A. Helmet.

I cannot even come up with words to describe how stupid it is to recommend a helmet when doing a headstand.

A)That would probably hurt more than doing a headstand without a helmet, and

B)Who wears a helmet during gymnastics?

Heh. Exactly.

UPDATE! LOL! ‘Unsafe’ Let’s Move postage stamps licked by hilarious Photoshops


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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. idaho_karen says:

    Feds just love to find new ways to waste our money, don’t they? ARGGGH!

  2. Maynard says:

    What good could a helmet do for an Obama voter? The damage has already been done.

  3. Alain41 says:

    Just Dumb (and wasteful). Re the first time that the stamps had been reviewed by the Sports Council; who says that the Sports Council had to review them anyway? Why didn’t Post Office say, we didn’t ask you to review the stamps because we don’t need your approval, Cannonballllll.

    Does anyone think that today, Bette Davis would say; Buckle your helmet straps, you’re going to stand on your head. Of course, daring requires independent thought. Libs can’t have that.

  4. Maynard says:

    This is symbolic. The obsession with never doing anything “dangerous” means we can’t do anything at all. Don’t move, and don’t look at pictures that may inspire you to move.

  5. Shifra says:

    Every day with the Obama Regime is like another really bad episode of the Twilight Zone.

  6. Kitten says:

    And how much did this little venture into the absurd cost us? Clearly, liberals didn’t have a childhood, at least not an American one. Idiots…this has Mooooch written all over it.

  7. strider says:

    Greater risk in being sedentary.

  8. […] I love watching kids go out and try to make a buck. Things like mowing lawns as soon as they’re big enough to push the mower. It pays dividends in so many ways for the neighborhood, the family, and the kid. How many of us have HOAs that would send emails to a listserv like the ones listed in this article. We’re so wussy now we even have to change our stamps because they don’t have helmets. […]

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