
I do hope this guy was given a dictionary for the holidays.

Maybe he could look up the word m-e-t-a-p-h-o-r.

Via Breitbart.

Calling recent political discourse in the U.S. “lacking in civility,” a Washington bureaucrat is insisting that we stop using the phrase “drain the swamp” to describe change in Washington because, apparently, it is an insult to real swamps everywhere.

Adam Rosenblatt, a science and technology policy fellow at the American Association for the Advancement of Science based at the Department of Energy in Washington, D.C., recently noted in a Washington Post op-ed that using the term “drain the swamp” is a “terrible analogy.”

Rosenblatt, an ecologist by training, has decided to take the term literally, instead of metaphorically as it is intended, and is now warning about the dangers of draining real — not just political — swamps. It is, he says, very bad for the ecosystem….

“My extensive experience working in and studying swamps allows me to see just how terrible the analogy is,” Rosenblatt insisted. “Given the sea of misinformation we currently find ourselves swimming in, I feel this is as good a time as any to clarify what swamps actually are and why they should be regarded as wonderful and valuable parts of nature rather than objects of derision and hatred.”….

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  1. Alain41 says:

    Drain the swamp comes from southern swamps where the only way to defeat malaria was to drain the swamp. Then DDT was invented and you didn’t need to drain swamps anymore. Those are your 2 choices to deal with malaria. Northern swamps such as on Cape Cod or Maine don’t have that problem Seems like more Northeast liberal disdain for those ‘peasants’ who aren’t like them. Unless he’s advocating to bring back DDT, then I’m somewhat okay with his statement. (complaining about the metaphor not only is a little late, but ignores history)

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