Yep, Hillary wants to preach.

But she doesn’t want people to view her as “too pious.”

Um, okay…

Via Free Beacon.

Hillary Clinton has written a foreword for a book inspired by devotionals that pastor Bill Shillady prepared for her during the presidential campaign, and she is considering speaking out more on a topic she has long held private: religion.

“Hillary Clinton wants to preach,” begins a piece in The Atlantic by Emma Green, relaying a comment from Shillady. Clinton has been discussing going into ministry, and Shillady thinks the former first lady could definitely do what he does.

“Given her depth of knowledge of the Bible and her experience of caring for people and loving people, she’d make a great pastor,” Shillady said.

Newsweek‘s Kenneth Woodward also broached this topic when he revealed that Clinton talked “all the time” about becoming an ordained minister in the 1990s. She asked Woodward not to divulge her secret, however.

“It will make me seem much too pious,” she said about considering ordination….

Here’s Hillary “preaching” to the crowd at the Stellar Awards:

HT American Mirror

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Pat_S says:

    Confession is a good starting point.

  2. Vintageport says:

    Wow…is there no end to what this poser will do to see what sticks to the wall and what doesn’t? And for someone who has such a vast knowledge of The Bible, she is notoriously known to have a potty mouth.

  3. SheVee says:

    What denomination are we talking about? If it’s the Church of Satan, then yes–she’d be a great pastor!

  4. Alain41 says:

    Cynical view; Now that Clinton Foundation is shut down, this will be the new money grabbing vehicle.

  5. Minnie says:

    In her dreams ! Reminds me of the jailbirds that find religion so they can look good for parole board . Another Clinton scam effort as Alain & Vintageport so accurately pointed out !

  6. Dalgon says:

    Is the First Church of Hillary going to practice human sacrifice to stop Global Warming?

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