Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, is a radio talk show host, New York Times bestselling author, columnist, and Fox News Political Contributor. After a history in the 1990s of being a leftist community organizer she now works to make sure her that experience is used to expose and help defeat the leftist agenda.
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Books by Tammy Bruce

Tammy Bruce’s first book, “The New Thought Police,” was published by Forum, an imprint of Crown/Random House, in October 2001. An analysis of freedom of expression and the culture wars, it explores the importance of freedom of expression and personal liberty and how that liberty is under attack by the dangerous rise of Left-wing McCarthyism. Her second book, “The Death of Right and Wrong,” also for Random House (April 2003), addresses the rise of moral relativism in society and quickly became a New York Times best seller. Ms. Bruce’s latest work, “The New American Revolution,” was published by Harper Collins/Morrow and is now available in paperback. She is currently working on her fourth book exposing the political use of fear to control individuals and society at-large.

Fear Itself: Exposing the Left's Mind-Killing Agenda
“Leave this to your betters,” they tell us, as the left and our bureaucratic state refine the weaponizing of fear, gaslighting us into a new normal of chronic dread and anxiety…
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The New American Revolution
The “Hate America First” ideology has prevailed for far too long and Tammy Bruce offers a powerful prescription to reverse the moral and cultural decay wrought by Leftist extremists for four decades.
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The New Thought Police
Our freedom to speak our minds is under attack. Like the Thought Police of George Orwell’s 1984, powerful special interest groups on the Left are mounting a withering assault on our rights in the name of “social equality.”
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The Death of Right and Wrong
Tammy Bruce takes you inside the chilling world of the Left—a place where morals and decency have been turned on their heads and the crisp distinction between Right and Wrong has been blurred.
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The Latest from Tammy
Oh. "Obama library, begun with lofty DEI goals, now plagued by $40M racially charged suit, ballooning costs"
And there it is…
Trump's leadership has not only inspired his entire leadership team to even higher levels of greatness, it has also galvanized the entire Republican base, which has become a participatory agent in this revolutionary process. I can tell even in the quality of tweets from our side…