The actress who is best known for being in films such as Twin Peaks and Men in Black II, as well as dating Jack Nicholson, has appeared in public looking awfully strange. I’m just sayin’.


Healthier times.


Uhhh! And she’s only 37. Sheesh.


Today versus 2002.

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. JCM says:

    So now she’s 20 lbs. overweight versus 20 lbs. underweight. At least we will no longer see her on the cover of a checkout stand tabloid featuring starving starlets. And her mother will no longer defend LFB’s underweight condition as due to Irish family genes and a high metabolism.

  2. Vespa girl says:

    her mouth makes her look like Leona Helmsley. Gross.

  3. Brooke says:

    Whoa. Did she have a stroke, or some bad plastic surgery?


  4. Rich B says:

    I don’t know too much about LFB but after seeing Priscilla Presley on Dancing With The Stars last week everyone in Hollyweird needs to wake up and smell the botox. Ms Presley looked creepy. Jesus she looked like she had on a Halloween mask. What was once a very beautiful woman now looks like a female version of the King from the Burger King commericals.

  5. Dave J says:

    JCM, the point is not her weight: the point is that her face has been absolutely DESTROYED by plastic surgery and God knows what else.

  6. Ann says:

    Forget the witness protection program. Send those people to this group of plastic surgeons and they could remain in their hometowns!

  7. Carson Fire says:

    Are you guys sure about the bad plastic surgery? She looks to me like she’s suffering more from a lack of plastic surgery–no attempt to reverse the forces of gravity around the jowls, in particular. Plus, the old lady style makeup and clothes that made her look exotic in her twenties naturally makes her look like a housefrau, now.

  8. piboulder says:

    My first impression was bad plastic surgery, too, shades of Priscilla Presley.

  9. whitney says:

    Tammy, this is one of the most shocking new events this weekend; I would never have really been exposed to it otherwise; Tammy opens my ears and eyes, again.

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