Sorry for being so late posting these, but I did want you to see the good people I had the privilege of speaking to at one of the Los Angeles Tea Parties. As many of you who attended your local Tea Party, you know how terrific the crowds were. And for those of you who wonder “What now?” Look at it this way–the Tax Day Tea Parties were a beginning, not an end. Save those signs, folks, for July 4th!






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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Libby says:

    OCTOBOMB sign is the best one picture summary on what is going very wrong in this country. The person who put that together is a hero.

    I’m thinking there should be a new political movement called the Susan Boyle party. It would represent people who want to and are willing to work, have many talents that they would like to use if they could only be given an opportunity. In the meantime, they still work in any way possible to make life better for themselves and others. These are people who no one pays any attention to until it is almost too late.

    The professional Dems and Acorn/Moveon/Huffpo/etc. have no idea what real damage will happen in their own lives because they have hopped onto this crazy-making scheme of Obama globalism. Soros is destructive. Neither he nor Obama will be happy until they destroy everyone else.

    What Obama pretended to be, Susan Boyle really is. Obama manipulates people to see him in a certain way, then abuses them for his agenda.

    Susan never manipulated people to support her. She just gives what she has and it is wonderful. God protect her from those who would use her wrongly.

  2. savvydude says:

    We’re all terrorists now, Tammy. So from one terrorist to another, thanks for supporting the tea parties. It’s a good start and we will all be meeting again on July 4th, right?

  3. Shawmut says:

    Clearly, there’s another lesson to be learned in the Tea Party situation. The CNN, MSNBC and other media martinets are quite sensitive over anything that they can’t contrive.
    We are stepping into a new drama of the freedom of the press. We already might perceive from Napoleana Napolitano that freedonm to congregate might become an issue.
    Think of a phalanx of blue-shirted ACORNistas blocking a Veteran’s Parade.
    (Well, they’re already banned in Boston anyway.)

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