Maynard comments

Tammy earlier posted a blog note about the Uighurs being sent Bermuda. Here is another aspect of the case.

Wasn’t one of Obama’s campaign promises something about transparency? A sort of general pledge to do things in the open? That’s the exact opposite of what’s happening with the Uighur terrorists.

As reported by Newsweak (not exactly an Obama-hostile publication), the original plan was to secretly free the terrorists in Virginia.

As part of their efforts to shut down the Guantánamo Bay detention center, Obama Administration officials were poised in late April to make a bold, stealthy move: they instructed the U.S. Marshals Service to prepare an aircraft and a Special Ops group to fly two Chinese Uighurs, and up to five more on subsequent flights, from Gitmo to northern Virginia for resettlement. In a conference call overseen by the National Security Council, Justice and Pentagon officials had been warned that any public statements about Gitmo transfers would inflame congressional Republicans, according to a law-enforcement official who asked not to be named discussing internal deliberations. Then on May 1, Virginia GOP Representative Frank Wolf got tipped off. Furious, he fired off a public letter to President Obama, charging that the release of the Uighurs — Muslim separatists opposed to the Chinese government — could “directly threaten the security of the American people.”

Likewise, the transfer to Bermuda (the subject of Tammy’s earlier blog note) caught everyone by surprise with Obama’s fait accompli.

Though the Obama administration proudly announced Thursday that it had freed and resettled four Guantanamo detainees in Bermuda, the British government is complaining that it was not adequately consulted on the deal…”The Bermudan government should have consulted [the British government] as to whether this falls into their competence.”

The obvious question is why these people weren’t simply sent back to China where they came from. Newsweak provides the answer:

[The Uighurs] can’t be returned to China because they would likely be tortured or executed.

So the problem isn’t that China won’t take them; the problem is we’re afraid the Chinese won’t treat them properly.

Can you believe this? We’re cozy with China in every way possible, and we’re exposed to every possible threat from China and we sell them our infrastructure and are hopelessly in debt to them, and NOW we suddenly turn prim and proper because they’re not nice people. We don’t protect our citizens or our homeland, but we’ll go literally to the ends of the Earth to safeguard terrorists.

Will the ultimate accomplishment of the war on terror be to have gathered the worst genocidal maniacs from the worst of the world’s hellholes and planted them in the heartland?

This is the stuff of bad fiction. On what sort of lunatic planet could it become reality?

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. 02000 says:

    I understand it is another rat hole for our tax money. But does it require this MUCH?

    “O is going to give Palau $200 million in aid in return for taking the 17 Uighurs. This is just disgusting. Chicago ethics – buy your way to a solution.”

  2. Dan Kennedy says:


    The President’s promised transparency has taken the form of an ethereal and beatific aura that surrounds his most precious presence. He needn’t shine a single ray of his glorious light upon this or any other prosaic earthly issue nor defend his actions with nary a principled argument. We are commanded to simply genuflect before his magnificence while we are blinded into unquestioning obedience, silently following wherever we are led, lemming-like.

  3. LG says:

    Please give us a way to forward the articles or comments that you make in your blog to our friends so that they will get to know you.


  4. Shawmut says:

    Here’s a case when the Three-card Monty Dealer from Chicago tried a sight of hand and got his thumbs caught.
    Here’s the lesson (It’s more than just GITMO): What he pulled on the American people, he’s trying to pull all over the world.
    This “Constitutional Lawyer” has ‘Americana’ so baffled about himself and what he’s doing that we are watching evolve before our eyes a “regime change”.
    (Note: a regime is a form of government, in our case with checks and balances, and legislative approval; witnessed in advise and consent.)
    This man, and his crowd, know how to circumvent the basic conventions of our Constitution and are proceeding to do just that. Congress will be by-passed by executive orders and these mini-czars, and soon we will be abiding under convenient “emergency measures”.
    If you can find a copy of Edward Luttwalk, “Coup d`Etat; A Practical Handbook” 1968, you will see it all laid out quite simply. (I enjoy referencing my copy from time to time {wedged between the “Federalist Papers” and the ‘Holy Bible”}.)

  5. savvydude says:

    Now, Tammy, you can’t expect El Presidente to keep his campaign promises, can you? Being president is hard, really hard, and he’s working his hands to the bone – and you’re just being really mean!

  6. CinderellaMan says:

    “On what sort of lunatic planet could it become reality”…

    The answer? Obamanation.

    I was reading a great article today… a regular guy ( Bob Pritts )worked up the real cost of a federal employee, and federal contracting. Great stuff Maynard, really:

    More than the GNP! Some stimulus!

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