Just a heads up, I’ll be on the whole hour of “Strategy Room” the Fox News internet program starting at 2pm ET. The link for the show is www.foxnews.com/strategyroom. Hope you can be there. As a result of this, Tammy Radio is now on tape, but the podcast of the 1 1/2 ours of live program today will be posted within the next couple of hours.

Thanks everyone and I hope you can tune in 🙂

UPDATE: The show went really well and was a blast to do. Thanks to all of your for your comments 🙂 I’m glad you liked it. They do put up an archive of the shows and as soon as that link becomes available I’ll post it here so those of you who missed it can watch when convenient 🙂

*UPDATE BY PAT I posted a short clip on YouTube. It features some sparring between Tammy and the Beltway Bubble Boy.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
29 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Tinker says:

    Watching now… you’re doing great Tammy! That guy on your left… he’s never had a real job.

  2. timpeck says:

    Mowbray. What a post-adolescent jerk.

  3. Pat_S says:

    That was fantastic! We need more of that kind of exchange instead of three minute debates among five people.

    How difficult was it not to throw your drink in the face of that guy on your left? I think I saw your ears turn red 🙂

  4. Rob_W says:

    Excellent job, Tammy. You were awesome!

  5. jtmcfelea says:

    The guy to your left was a whiner.

  6. ashleymatt says:

    Yes, that was great. I agree with Pat_S: it was so much more informative & thorough to hear the commentators have to defend their views for 1 hour as opposed to the 2-minute Brady Bunch Squares segments where people talk over the delays & hope to get in some cute one-liners before the host cuts them off and promises we’ll discuss it further another day.

    I think you made the show so popular that the stream got jammed. I only got about 30 mins of it before it started pausing every 5 seconds to buffer. Then the video went out completely. 🙁 Is there a saved video of it somewhere in the ethers? The fireworks were just starting to heat up when it cut off.

  7. ibekatharine says:

    That was infinitely more exciting than all three presidential debates (’08) combined. Your focus is amazing!

    Thank you for addressing the goatee sitting next to you. He was so irritating.

  8. karenfromny says:

    Tammy you were awesome. Don’t let them ever get away with anything. I agree with Pat, it is nice to see an hour discussion rather than a 5 minute exchange where everyone is rude and interrupting each other.

    And the moderator actually let people talk. Unlike other shows where they do all the talking in a 5 minute segment. This is the first time I ever watched this live stream program. I would watch it again..

    Welcome to New York and enjoy your stay..

  9. karenfromny says:

    I have listened to your program and you tell it like you see it. This is the first time I am commenting on this website. I now have my login id so I will be here more often..

    I loved how you said, if a woman from LA is talking this way, what do you think the rest of the country is saying. I am totally paraphrasing you…..

    Does fox archive this program so I can watch it again???

  10. Carol says:

    Tammy is always great when given a chance to speak. I wish I could’ve seen it. I couldn’t stay at my desk during that time; plus having an intern (temporarily) also makes it difficult to do stuff like that which is why I’m so thankful for the podcasts! No, the intern is not under my desk.

  11. Tony in LV says:

    Tammy you did a great job on the panel today.
    You let frat-boy Joel Mowbray have “it” juuuust enough that you shocked him without frightening him.
    It is a pleasure to watch you coherently lay out your arguments and observations amid all the nay-saying.

    The one-hour format with no commercials is a great venue for you. With your new commando show, we’ll have twice that!

    I emailed the Fox’s Strategy Room and told them I never heard of their program until you announced your appearance and that they should have you on more often.

    Have fun in New York!
    Tony in Las Vegas

  12. PeteRFNY says:

    That was great – I don’t think either of those guys were used to someone with such strong opinions actually sticking by their guns!

    All these ‘enlightened’ pundits are going to have a big crapburger to eat in 2012, I feel it. The next couple of years should be interesting, that’s for sure!

  13. mrcarter says:

    Talk about taking commanding control, wow!
    Poor little Joel was about to hyperventilate at one point I think.
    It’s proof that when someone like Tammy backed with the knowledge of history and the actual experience of having “been there and done that” versus others loaded with no facts and just a small bag talking points that our opponents are completely flabbergasted.
    One of the best shows I have seen all year.

  14. 1elder1 says:

    Tammy ,

    [Personal comments redacted]

    …Now to the really good part of the show. IT WAS YOUR SHOW. After awhile everyone just looked at you and waited to see what you had to say. Kristen is not my favorite Democrat when she is on Hannity or O’Reilly but she sat with rapt attention for your points….

    You never cease to amaze me. Once you began to defend Sarah Palin over the past few weeks you became more fluent and more convincing . She did not have a borders problem. Language -borders-culture do not jive with your west coast problems with illegals but she can learn about those issues from a different perspective as she travels. She may never have your support on that issue. )+:

    All in all two thumbs up. Great Debate!
    Wish we could send pictures of roses for you.

  15. morecowbell says:

    OMG ! Pandering to FOX ! Be careful, this is the same network that hired Huckabee to be a talk show host. I am imagining a “Tammy” talk show on FOX, wouldn’t that be funny….. with Snoopy and Sydney … maybe even Snuffy for target shooting with guests at the end of the show instead of a bad rock band….. hmmmmm …. noooo… that ends badly for the liberal guests…. we need you, Tammy, to be completely independent ! So stay away from those guys, cause in my mind you end up in jail at the end of that gig !

  16. Lamplighter says:

    I didn’t know about The Strategy Room either until you mentioned it here, Tammy. I didn’t even know that this type of format existed. It’s the best I’ve ever seen. I’m glad to experience it for the first time with you.

    By the way, I thought Joel Mowbray was an absolute “DARLING”.

  17. Ripper says:

    Very good show and good points made.

  18. girlsgotrhythm says:

    I know this is an oversimplification, but man, Tammy, you totally rocked in this clip! You showed yourself to be a force to be reckoned with! I think actually having you sitting there physically in the FOX studio live (instead of remote from L.A.) somehow made it more powerful. If you lived in New York instead of L.A. I’m sure you’d be a regular fixture at FOX. Even still, you always make great arguments and excellent points for the conservative side. Thanks for being the awesome conservative chick that you are! Makes me proud to be a part of the Tammy Army! Oooo-Raaaaah!

  19. ladyzminlv says:

    Tammy saw you on Strategy Rm today. I watch Strategy room every day. I am very impressed with what you said, found your site to say thank you. You are the first person I have watched that really can debate with Joel. Seems like his mouth is always open, not so today. I will be listening to your radio show and following your progress. I too come from the west and your words are my thoughts. Best of Luck!

  20. karenfromny says:

    Hey Tammy,
    As a new follower and fan, you have no problem speaking your mind.

    I started looking at youtube videos of your previous interviews. I found this video dated April 16, 2007. A great interview with Bill O’Reilly where you explain how the news get spread very quickly and about the democratic machine. It seems likes times haven’t changed. Just is a lot worst these days.


  21. naga5 says:

    like carol, i have an intern to supervise, which totally ruined the strat room thing. and i am cleaning up the hard drive right now so i am on a laptop, waiting to download the podcasts. i saw the youtube clip and i can’t wait to see the whole video! to steal a line from some hot air blogger, that guy to your left was a douchenozzle.
    if i write that here, do i get commando priveliges?

  22. jmucciola says:

    Tammy Bruce…Force of Nature! You always do The Tammy Nation proud!

  23. ffigtree says:

    Enjoyed the YouTube clip.
    I love what you said Tammy: “Ignore us at your own peril” and “Barack Obama is the product of the failure of the Republican leadership.”

  24. jaboman says:

    Who was that dufus to your left?

  25. bigguy007 says:


    Thank you for being such a stronger defender of Sarah Palin. Both of you, despite your differences in various points of view, point the way and inspire us all with the significant contributions and intelligent leadership that strong and determined women can and do bring to improve public policy and discussion in this great nation. Viva la difference!

  26. naga5 says:

    the youtube clip is on conservatives4palin.
    obamabots, be afraid, be very afraid…

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