**Bumped up as today as I wanted to thank Real Clear Politics for listing my piece in their Wednesday morning linkage lineup 🙂 Fox Nation also has a link through, and welcome Hot Air readers. Thanks! **

I’m pleased to announce that you’ll be seeing regular commentary from me at The Guardian newspaper online. My first piece “Why Tea Party Women Lead the Charge” has just hit and it would be great if you could take a look and spread the word.

The Guardian is a British national daily newspaper and as many of you may know is considered left of center when it comes to its politics. I think you may get a sense of that reading the comments on the article! Their politics being somewhat different than mine made me appreciate even more their request that I do some commentary for them. And considering the state of the world, I do think our independent conservative/Tea Party message may in fact resonate with some readers with whom I know we more in common than they realize.

I look forward to spreading the word and causing the trouble over at The Guardian, and appreciate the opportunity to do so. Oh, don’t miss the Comments–they’re priceless and entertaining. One example–my mention in the column that Alaska is the Wild West elicited a “Cowboys on polar bears?” comment. It will be a fun relationship and I may even make some liberals cry in the process 😉

Why Tea Party women lead the charge

We are 13 days out from 2 November, a date all observers (with the quaint exception of the White House) admit will be a midterm election political “tsunami”, and we are seeing a genuine meltdown of both the media and political elite, two groups not happy at all with the new American revolution called the Tea Party. Especially irritating to American Nobility is the fact that women are in front of this storm, leading the way and calling out the political establishment for disdain and punishment on election day…

The Tea Party represents stakeholders in the American system; people who were never involved in politics or thought they had to be, yet realised that political corruption and incompetence threatened not only their families, but the future of the nation itself. Economic collapse, the shocking spending by an Obama administration that most analysts agree is in over its head, combined with remarkable contempt shown citizens during the debacle of the healthcare debate and legislation, have mobilised those stakeholders – including women and their families – to take action.

While the Tea Party has no leaders, per se, it is clear to most that (former) Governor Sarah Palin embodies the nature and intent of the movement. An American woman hailing from Alaska (the epitome of the Wild West), Palin accomplished the feminist ideal – leading a life that best suited her, combining work and family while not hesitating to reach for political power and influence as well. Her biggest crime, as seen by both political machines and the American left? She does it as a Reagan Republican and as a woman of faith…

Ultimately, attacks on Tea Party candidates and activists are par for the course, but there has been a tactic used against conservative women candidates – they are cast as either sex maniacs or simply crazy and, yes, mean. Sarah Palin, Nikki Haley, Sharron Angle, Jan Brewer, Christine O’Donnell and others have weathered the so-called liberal and feminist strategy of trying to destroy women using the same misogynist tactics they’ve decried over the years. Americans have seen through those assaults, and grow even more committed to taking this nation back from an arrogant elite who have driven it to the edge.

The liberal feminist movement never imagined that women would take seriously the encouragement to become our own heroes and claim life for ourselves, on our terms, no matter who we are. Pro-choice and pro-life, Christian and not, poor and rich, black, white, gay and straight. It is a dream we all hold dear, and it’s called the Tea Party.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
20 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. BastiatFan says:

    Very nice, Tammy! The Guardian? Wow….don’t forget your OFF! spray if you’re going to spend much time in the fever swamp over there….

  2. Chuck says:

    Great news, Tammy. Congratulations, and get ’em!!!

  3. USApride says:

    Tammy I enjoyed reading the column. I thought I was seeing things when I saw Guardian. Hey maybe you will enlighten them a bit. One can only hope . 🙂

  4. Therese says:

    The Tea Party represents stakeholders in the American system; people who were never involved in politics or thought they had to be, yet realised that political corruption and incompetence threatened not only their families, but the future of the nation itself.

    Love this straight-forward talk, Tammy. It strikes me that you are still in your role as a defender of women’s rights — one of the unofficial leaders in the new women’s movement.

  5. trevy says:

    I’m a “Papa Grizzly”. I’m angered at the way Obummer has run our national debt through the roof, and expects CHINA, our political enemy, to bail us out!
    That’s NOT the country I want to leave my son, Hunter, and daughter, Heather.

  6. eMVeeH says:

    Congrats, Tammy! You’ve done America proud in the Mother Country.

    You’re the perfect person to represent us[A] across the pond because you you don’t fit in with the stereotypes the Brits have of Americans.

    Imagine the shock when readers see that the words of your article were not written by a gun-toting, bible-thumping, neanderthal. But, a beautiful, gay “chick with a gun and a microphone,” who loves liberty and is doing something to keep her liberty from being grabbed away.

    Thank you Tammy.

  7. Americanvln1 says:

    Just delighted to meet the grassroots teaparty members here in Pasadena, CA. A really great group of folks concerned about America and, I am happy to consider myself an advocate!

  8. JuanitaDugas says:

    Excellent article in the Guardian Tammy. I’m so proud of the conservative American woman stepping up and taking the lead to set this country back on track (playing a very small part as a Tea Party Patriot myself). Oh, and taking M. Dowd down a peg or two was delicious! Proud to call you our TAM leader. Well done!

    • Rightmindedmom says:

      Tammy — When you said, “Is it just me, or did we just find out what Dowd’s high school experience was like?” I was rolling on the floor laughing! Lefties HATE to be laughed at, as you know. You frequently say that these are miserable people, and they’re only happy when we’re as miserable as they are.

      On your much needed clarification of what us Tea Party “Mama Grizzlies” are all about…right on! It’s about time a Lefty paper like the “Guardian” had it explained to them and their readers.

  9. aliencats says:

    The comments were great. …and we are the less than intelligent ones.

  10. LJZumpano says:

    Toward the end of the 19th century Susan B Anthony realized that so much of the history of what had happened in the women’s right movement was not centralized in one place. Many of the original inspirational women were dead, or approaching advanced age. She sent out a call to everyone she could, asking them to submit their recollections and notes of what had happened to date. I am almost half way through the almost 900 of pages of information she gathered. It is shocking to realize how a nation based upon “all men are created equal” and “no taxation without representation” and the “right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” could have treated women, all women, as slaves.
    Reading this in normal times, I would be proud of their fortitude and courage, but reading it now, as we see the disgusting attitude conservative women candidates face I can only smile. We owe the warriors who demanded women’s rights a great debt. I see them standing strong with spines of steel, never allowing the smears and slurs to stop them. They had a determination which I see today in our conservative women candidates, and if the foolish wimps who think that nasty names and attempts at sabotage will stop them, I can only assume they have no sense of history. Our fore-mothers faced challenges by the state, society and the church. They had good spokespeople, a noble cause, but had to fight until finally society was predisposed to accept what they were saying. It took a long time, much longer than it should have in a nation founded upon the principles ours was.
    American women today stand on the shoulders of these men and women. We are fighting to restore our nation. We have good spokespeople, a noble cause, and a society which is predisposed to hear the message. Nasty names did not stop women from claiming their human and political rights, they certainly will not keep modern American women from speaking out today.

  11. robertraybishop says:

    Excellent !

  12. Whitney_pip says:

    Wonderful piece, Tammy. One thing I love about conservatives and the Tea Party movement is that they see Americans, not voting blocs or groups determined by identity politics.

  13. RuBegonia says:

    Tammy – you’ve come out of the Guardian Gate with the wind in your mane! Excellent!

  14. jeaneeinabottle says:

    I just love us! You brought tears to my eyes again Tammy, you do that so well. I think the feeling is pride, proud of you and proud of, well, us, the Tea Party!

  15. BarbaraM says:

    I signed on to the Guardian website directly and just read the comments on Tammy’s article for the last 30 minutes…there are over 200 of them. My general reaction to the comments is that their subscribers have no clue about our elections, government and Constitution, and why the Tea Party is important to accomplish a halt to the movement to tyranny we are experiencing. No respect for the candidates and extremely misinformed on facts.
    They have an elevated opinion of themselves, and look at Americans with stereotypical scorn.
    I found that the posts were full of incorrect and inaccurate beliefs, from people who never will know the freedom we cherish in the USA. It was revolting.
    Tammy, I loved your article, and you went out on a limb on this one. Who really cares what a narrow minded group of Brits think?

    • Tammy says:

      Thanks Barbara, and let me explain. Just like here at Tammy Blog, many more people read the blog than comment. Don;t judge the whole readership based on those who choose to mouth off. There were a few reasonable comments as (though absolutely outnumbered by the ignorant). I do think those who chose to comment on my premiere article were those especially freaked out by my presence. I also think the impact and reach of The Guardian makes it worth contributing there. By the way, I will still be contributing columns and articles elsewhere as well, including adding exclusive extended commentary here. I think it very important to keep speaking with our our troops, but we also should go out of our way to reach those who normally are considered out of reach, or at least not the usual suspects. If for no other reason, I think the comments also serve another valuable purpose–they expose other people to the continuing intolerance of the Left, which is the same whether it be here or in Europe. It reminds us and perhaps even shows other liberals how hypocritical “their side” really is. So stick with me, I think a lot of good can come from it 🙂

  16. LJZumpano says:

    first rule of war => know your enemy. The comments help to see what you what others are thinking, and what issues need to be addressed. I see many more columns and points to be made ♥ keep on punching evil in the face, we’ve got your back!

  17. sandyl says:

    Great article Tammy. Congratulations. I thank God for people like you who are willing to go into the lion’s den in an attempt to spread some intelligence. As for me, I read quite a few of the comments, and decided I needed to go buy more duct tape. They have no idea what makes the USA so great. It is US!!

  18. lawmom90 says:

    Tammy Bruce, you are a beacon of truth! Thank you so much for saying what you think and you deserve every bit of respect you command.

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