US rejects proposal to share control of the Internet with other countries. After thinking about it for five nanoseconds, we said:

“We will not agree to the U.N. taking over the management of the Internet,” said Ambassador David Gross, the U.S. coordinator for international communications and information policy at the State Department. “Some countries want that. We think that’s unacceptable.”

Now if we could just be as decisive in kicking the bums out of the US we’d be fine.

And what would the first thing the UN would do? Tax the internet. And the ultimate result if the internet were it to be “internationalized”? Speech codes and limitations. The EU would have a field day banning anything that would insult Islam, as they’ve already done throughout the EU. Authors and othes in France, including Bridget Bardot, have been arrested for “insulting Islam.” What did Bardot do? She recounted to a reporter the details of and her disgust for what happened on 9/11.

In all honesty–that is the reason for the attemped power grab. The internet is and will remain, as long as it is unhindered, the only mechanism on the planet that is free to truly challenge the status quo–and it’s the Left which is most threatened by free and unfettered discussion. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez and Kim Jong Il know this all too well. China has also moved to limit internet availability, while Hillary Clinton has also noted her interest in doing so.

Make no mistake–this medium is the last truly free enterprise as it directly threatens totalitarian rule. This is what makes China nervous and every other Leftist individual and regime nervous. The computer age and the free flow of information is in part what brought down the Soviet Union. And it is the front line in what keeps our great nation free.

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