While we don’t have comments on this blog, every now and then I will post commentary and ideas from my friends which includes all of you. Here’s an example of a great reminder I got today from my very astute friend Dave:

Tammy, today is the anniversary of Neville Chamberlain’s infamous “peace in
our time” proclamation.

Here’s a page with details of some of the debate text in the Parliament a couple of days later. It’s interesting to note how the buzzwords and dogma are so reminiscent of today’s dangerous attitude: A desperate attempt to find reason and humanity in opponents who are simply evil. Everyone was bending over backwards to help Hitler fulfill the aspiration of unifying the German people who had been “oppressed” under non-German jurisdiction.

Thanks Dave. I wrote a column a few years ago, Neville Chamberlain’s Grandchildren, noting the delusion today’s Left shares with Chamberlain. Yes, history does repeat itself, or at least there will always be attempts for a rerun made by those who share the same nihilistic view of humanity and life. The left, keep in mind, does want the past to repeat itself. It’s the place where socialism ruled only because we didn’t know its true nature and how destructive it is to peoples lives. Now we know, and it’s up to us to beat back those who long for a return to cowardice and appeasement, then and now, of Jew-haters especially. History has returned as the handmaiden again of savages–a world under assault by fascist Jew-haters, is upon us again. Sixty years ago people cheered Chamberlain and died. Today, we cheer George W. Bush and live. Our commitment to “never again” for the past must be universal and resolute. Today that is manifest in the necessary and noble support of Israel and Jews around the world. We can assess the condition of humanity by how the Jewish community is treated. We are an American generation that has a duty to do better in that defense than our predecessors.

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