“Man.” I guess this is now our equivalent of the French euphemism “youths” when dealing with Muslims who work overtime to hurt innocent people or plan to do massively bad things. We certainly can’t get into the habit of naming the enemy now can we?

This has been vetted already on the net, but now that I’ve finally arrived at the hotel for Restoration Weekend, I thought I’d take some time to chime in.

Sisayehiticha Dinssa, an unemployed naturalized US citizen from Nigeria was arrested at the Detroit airport with $79,000 in cash and a laptop with nuclear materiall and information about cyanide. Dinssa was stopped for a more extensive search after a police dog smelled drugs on the money he was carrying. Here is how USA Today presented the story:

Man with nuclear data, cash arrested at Detroit airport

Federal agents continue to investigate a Dallas man arrested at a Detroit airport Tuesday after arriving on a flight from Amsterdam with nearly $79,000 in cash and a laptop computer that, according to court papers, contained information about nuclear materials and cyanide…

Agents said Thursday they had no evidence to suggest Dinssa was involved in a terrorism plot, [yeah, every time I’m unemployed, I get tens of thousands of dollars, travel to Nigeria, and get fascinated with nuclear and chemical weapons. Don’t you?–ed.] Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokesman Greg Palmore said. “The initial findings definitely are making us want to find out more about this,” Palmore added. “We need to get clear about what this guy was up to.” [Genius! Absolute genius. There are so many other possibilities here. So many other explanations why this loser would have all that sort of information all in one place after a lovely trip to Nigeria.–ed.]

Dinssa, a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Ethiopia, arrived at Detroit Metro Airport’s McNamara Terminal on Tuesday on a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam, according to a sworn statement by ICE Special Agent Zachary Keen.

Dinssa, described in court papers as unemployed, told agents he had spent the previous months in Nairobi and had tried to start a taxi business, Palmore said. Dinssa was traveling through Amsterdam and Detroit on his way to Phoenix, Palmore said. “He wasn’t very forthcoming.”

It perplexes me that some are scratching their heads about what this means. So, let’s take a look: an unemployed man, heading to Phoenix, with almost 80 grand in cash, returning from a part of world embroiled in Islamist uprisings. At this point, it’s safe to assume the man is a Muslim, because if he were not, his religion would have been part of the headline, a la, “Jewish Man Found with Nuke Material at Airport,” or “Christian Fundamentalist Caught With Nuke Plans.” But no, instead we get “naturalized US citizen,” read: Muslim.

Then there’s Debbie Schlussel. Debbie has decided, unlike ICE, to not be confused about the matter, and calls a Muslim, well, a Muslim (how does she sleep at night?) and she certainly doesn’t buy my argument that we’re under attack by Vikings. She also explains why Detroit International Airport should be renamed “Jihad International.”

For more on the significance of drug money now being the primary source of funding for al-Qaida and terrorists world wide, I blogged here about the other recent dscovery of nuclear material, in a drug den, in a border state. This story of nuclear secrets on a laptop with the meth dealing roommate of Los Alamos worker Jessica Quintana, has grown in seriousness. The latest reporting includes the assessment that this could be “potentially the greatest breach of national security” in decades. There’s more about Little Miss Quintana:

Though she had completed only one semester of college, in early 2005 Quintana was granted what the nuke world calls a “Q clearance,” which meant she had access to nuclear-weapons designs. She had further access to a category of information code named Sigma 15. This meant she could handle material detailing how to override the security locks on U.S. nuclear weapons. The vaults she worked in contained data from 50 years of nuclear tests.

22 years old. Not only no college, but a college dropout, which is even worse. Living in a trailer with a drug dealing roommate. While we still have not been told by the government the significnace of this situation, we at least we now know that Los Alamos is giving extraordinary nuke clearance to people who pose a stunning security risk. Immature. No discipline. Blackmailable because of association, with people involved in crime. And believe me, if she got hired and got that clearance, it must have been par for the course.

So, we are at war with an enemy that we know has been working for over a decade now to acquire nuclear material; we know terrorist groups are ensconced to our south, running the drug trade; and we know that UK spy masters are sure that a terrorist chemical or nuclear attack against Western interests is probable, sooner than later.

But ICE isn’t sure what they’ve got. And Jessica Quintana hasn’t been arrested. And the border is as wide open as it ever was. and ICE officials don’t know what to think about the not Jewish and not Christian and not Hindu Mr. Dinssa.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. drmiltown says:

    The major tool, source of superiority of Islamic hegemony, and threat to the United States are the anxiety ridden Leftist narcissists. Drowning in their own cowardice, the Leftists lashes out at their traditional enemy, authority.

    It makes no difference that the very authority which they assault is their only source of protection. They are so blinded by fear that discernment is impossible. It makes no difference that their political base, Marxism, has been an acknowledged failure for decades. They were recruited on the basis of their neurosis, and they are faithful to their calling to this day.

    In short, neurosis has found a political party, and it is now in charge. I am afraid that we have lost. We will never be able to overcome the outlandish restraint that our terrified citizenry has placed on our struggle for Liberty.

    (Doc thinks that natural selection favors barbarity)

    Have a nice day :-{


  2. Cousin Dave says:

    Tammy, I know this is going to sound paranoid, but: This case is so extraordinary, in terms of a high-level clearance being vetted despite very obvious adverse information, that it suggests to me that Los Alamos management has been compromised. In fact, possibly there is a Islamist mole in a high-level position in the Energy Department. I don’t see any other way this could have gone through. Incompetence just doesn’t come even close to explaining it.

  3. Whitehall says:

    Can we ask another question – is this guy a candidate for waterboarding?

    He is a US citizen so that is a legitimate factor against but is was coming in from outside the country.

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