Now that the MSM, and everyone else for that matter, have moved Gerald Ford along to his next natural assumed position–Most Incredible, Genius, Compassionate, Brave, Astoundingly Honorable, Righteous, Integrity-filled, Most Best Saint of All Time–or at least as “one of history’s bravest leaders,” (I’m not kidding), let’s remember one of SNL’s funniest skits. Dana Carvey, as Tom Brokaw, tries to cover every possible way President Ford might die. No, it’s not politically correct, but you weren’t exactly expecting that here, or from Defamer, now were you?

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kevin says:

    Hi Tammy,

    While I share your amazement at how the Press is now treating President Ford, I don’t think your SNL reference was funny…it was funny then, but not now. Now is the time to be respectful of a good man that served his country in many ways. It’s not a matter of it being PC or not, your comment was just tasteless. Even if you didn’t like President Ford as a President, you should show him the respect that is due. Take care.

    [Interestingly Kevin, you seemed to have missed the point of Ms. Bruce’s post–making clear her opinion and not doling out respect when she feels it’s not deserved.–ed.]

  2. piboulder says:

    I was thinking of this skit ever since I heard the news. I only saw it once before this. My long-term memory has some of the strangest stuff in it… I watched it from your link and it brought a chuckle to me a few times, though I did have some pangs of guilt thinking how I was laughing at Ford’s death. But I had been secretly wishing I could watch this skit again, as it was so artfully done then (if I still remember it, it’s gotta be good!), and somehow seemed relevant now.

    How did SNL even get on the subject then of Gerald Ford dying? Why not Carter or Reagan, both of whom were getting up in years? I suppose they thought better of making a skit about Reagan since he had alzheimers.

    Thanks for the link anyway.

  3. Dave J says:

    Oh, grow up, Kevin. It’s still hilarious.

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