I’ll be on Fox News this morning at about 11:35am ET (8:35am PT) to discuss this story (you may need to register at WaPo to read this) about our military asking for more troops availability, not just for Iraq, but in general.

While I’m no general, I do have an opinion about how best to make use of our troops, and it’s not letting 75,000 of them hang out in Germany now that the Soviets are long gone. Our military leaders are concerned, as an example about Pakistan, and what would happen if that country collapsed (which it could). In that scenario, it seems pretty silly to not deploy the 12,000 troops in England and 75,000 in Germany to the Afghan/Paki border.

I also happen to think if more people want to serve in the military, great. But then, of course, there are budget issues. But we have no money for many reasons, not the least of which are outrageous programs like the Prescription Drug Program for seniors, which will costs us at least a trillion dollars in the next ten years.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. jeebie says:

    Hi, Tammy. If one million decided to invade S. Korea, would we not be concerned? Same for Pakistan/Afghanistan? Don’t forget that there is a country under siege today, being invaded by the millions right now, with an unprotected border and no troops, and that country is our home. There is no such invasion underway overseas at this time. How will we protect other nations if we can’t protect ourselves, if our nation is lost in the meantime? I agree with you that our troops are in the wrong places.

  2. SLABBOTT says:

    Wait till Hillary get’s elected thanks to loser Republican leaders! The trillion dollars will look like pocket change!

  3. Lib85 says:

    You people have it all wrong. We need to negotiate. Ask Jim Baker. Or ask Ben Nelson who went and met with Baby Assad in Syria today. He came away convinced that we should have a dialogue with Assad. It’s irrelevent that Baby Assad lied to Nelson’s face two years ago about closing the border to Iraq. Since Nelson is one our best and brightest, I’m sure he feels “This time will be different.” LOLOLOLOL. Or how about this one, “It can’t hurt anything to have a dialogue.” LOLOLOLOLOL again. So we should negotiate with dictators that have already lied to us. Then we won’t need this large military presence. We might have to beef up the State Department a bit to handle all the diplomatic treaties we’ll be signing. But no need for all this miltary strength. The dictators can be reasoned with. If you don’t believe Baker and Nelson, ask Maddi Albright.

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