
Pre-and Post-arrest US Navy Captain Lisa Nowak

Or when the very smart do very dumb things. Kidnap. With diapers. And then the judge thought it would be okay to let her off on bond. Until they figured out that you don’t drive 1,000 miles, in a disguise and with diapers (so you never have to stop driving) with a knife, a gun and plastic bags unless you intend to kill somebody. Or go to the moon. Everyone’s a genius with this one. Sheesh.

Astronaut to face attempted murder charge

The NASA astronaut who allegedly tried to kidnap a woman involved in a bizarre love triangle with another astronaut will also face an attempted first-degree murder charge, an official said Tuesday…Originally, a judge agreed to release Nowak, who flew aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery last July, after she posted a $15,500 bond and agreed to wear a tracking device and stay away from the alleged victim.

And how is NASA and other astronauts dealing with this? As with the death of right and wrong, with the requisite sympathy for the alleged kidnapper/attempted murderer.

During the morning proceedings, chief astronaut Steve Lindsey, who flew with Nowak, testified that Nowak would return to Houston.

“Our primary concern is her health and well-being, and that she get through this,” Lindsey said after the hearing. “Her status [with the astronaut corps] has not changed.”

That concern is with the the diaper-clad love-lorn astronaut, not the Air Force captain (Colleen Shipman) who was the intended target, mind you. And I would think her ‘status’ has changed. She’s in jail now. And last time I checked that was on Planet Earth.

No wonder our space program is in such trouble.

And can someone tell me, why do bad things happen to people’s hair when they get arrested? Is Bad Hair a pre- or post-arrest event? And if it’s pre, I think we have a pretty good argument here to arrest everyone walking around with bed-head past 1pm.

TVNZ has further details of how Nowak “only wanted to scare” her victim. With a knife, rubber tubing, and plastic bags. Hmmm.

Astronaut’s obsession ends in jail

US Navy Captain Lisa Nowak, who flew on the space shuttle Discovery last July, drove 1,529 km from Houston to Orlando – wearing diapers so she wouldn’t have to stop to urinate – to assault a woman she considered competition for the affections of a male astronaut, police said.

Nowak, 43, a flight engineer with three children, disguised herself in a dark wig, glasses and trench coat to confront Colleen Shipman at Orlando International Airport but said she “only wanted to scare” the woman, police said…Nowak went to Orlando airport around midnight on Sunday night, waited for Shipman’s flight from Houston to arrive and then followed Shipman to the parking garage armed with pepper spray, a steel mallet and a BB gun, police said. She also carried black gloves, a folding knife with a 10-cm blade, rubber tubing and trash bags, police said.

In her statement to police, Nowak said she did not intend to physically harm Shipman but “only wanted to scare Ms. Shipman into talking with her.”

Yeah, I carry those things to when I want to talk with another woman. Happens all the time.

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kevin says:

    Tammy…your “Bed-Head” comment was hilarious…I actually feel bad for her family and the intended victim…as for the Crazy Astronaut, she made her decisions, now she’ll have to pay for them in 10-9-8-7-6…..

  2. Janet says:

    She looked pretty good at her hearing this afternoon at which time the judge reduced her bail to $10,000. I believe this woman has had a mental breakdown. I worked for NASA for 15 years and believe me, it has always been nothing more than a “Peyton Place.” I am actually very surprised that something of this nature or worse hasn’t happened a long time ago. The space program is a joke and a waste of tax payers’ money.

  3. SteveOk says:

    When I read this on the Internet this morning I couldn’t believe it, I thought maybe this is an early April fools joke or something. Supposedly astronauts wear diapers in space sometimes when they don’t have access to anything else. She obviously didn’t listen to her mother’s advise about the underwear thing. I don’t know which would be more embarrassing, being exposed with no underwear (i.e. Brittany Spears) or being caught with diapers (i.e. the crazy astronaut). That would be a toss up, duh. I understand she is a Navy Captain and a graduate of the Naval Academy. I think Jimmy Carter was also a graduate of the Naval Academy also (no particular connection here but they are both crazy).

  4. Janet says:

    Ooops. Her total bail was $25,500 not $10,000 as I posted earlier. The $10,000 was for the additional charge. Regardless, pocket change for her. I hope she gets mental help for the sake of her three children.

  5. pat_s says:

    Nine hundred miles! Those must be some super duper diapers! Just thinking about driving in a car for 900 miles ….. uh, excuse me, have to go now.

  6. I’ve never done good things
    I’ve never done bad things
    I never did anything out of the blue

  7. brutepcm says:

    I expect that the bad hair is the result of a strip search. They check the hair for contraband during booking.
    What kind of gas mileage do you have to get to go that far non- stop?

  8. SLABBOTT says:

    How long does it take to drive from Texas to Florida? Depends…

  9. St. Thor says:

    Sometimes people commit aparent crimes because of an organic problem, like a tumor. Sometimes people develop severe mental illnesses that are not debilitating on the job, but cause them to commit apparent crimes. And sometimes people just decide to commit apparent crimes–usually in an uncharacteristicly stupid way.
    I have noticed that in much of the MSM coverage the usual sanctimoneous P.C. “alleged” is not applied to her actions. Does she not have the same presumption of innocence going for her that the MSM darlings at Gitmo do?

  10. sue says:

    The first thing that I thought of when I heard this story was, “great PR for females in Gov’t employ”. I mean, women who have husbands in the military worry when they deploy with other females they who they don’t trust, let alone in space. What goes into space…stays in space? I just really hope to get her off the defense doesn’t claim PTSD or some mental job stress disorder that could cause others to question the stability of women to perform these high pressure jobs. That aside, I can only imagine what her kids are going through. My kids don’t even like for me to be seen at the school with my hair looking undone…LOL.

  11. jafff says:

    OK, on the surface it looks like she just went nuts. Look at the things she had with her and you’ll see how much premeditaion she actually put into it. I’m a retired Fire Fighter/EMT. One of the many EMS warning memos I remember was one warning about the new high powered BB guns having a greater muzzle velosity than a .22 caliber hand gun and that kids around the country were being killed and injured with them.
    She choose the perfect murder weapon. You need no permit to buy it, no background check is run and if you pay cash for it, no real record of purchase. Since the barrel is not riffled, there is no way to run a balistics test on it, so no tracing which BB gun the BB’s came from and you do not have to show ID to buy BB’s, so there’s no way to trace them back to you.
    You shoot through the persons eye and it’s a direct shot to the brain, just shoot as much as needed to get the job done, with a minimum blood splatter.
    She had a Buck Knife, which has a logo of a Buck knife being hammered through a bolt. They are noted for having strong, razor sharp blades. She had a hammer. Any hunter can tell you, that if you have a sharp knife with a strong blade, there is no need for a bone saw. You can cut through bones with just a couple of whacks.
    She had surgical tubing. Use it for Tourniquets only a couple inches apart, place the knife, make your cuts, leaving the torso as your biggest part to get rid of, you’ve minimized the blood splatter and clean up.
    She had garbage bags with her. Put the parts into the bags and either spread them throughout the everglades, or put them in different dumpsters on your way back home, making the parts harder to identify and detect, IF they are found.
    She wanted to capture, talk to her, tell her what was going to happen and then do it.
    Not to mention a NCSI show along the same lines last season.

    Yep, she was just nuts.

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