
Joseph Anzack Jr., 20 of California, Byron Fouty, 19, of Michigan, and Alex Jimenez, 25, of Lawrence

UPDATE: CONFIRMED. Military officials have told the family of Pfc. Joseph Anzack Jr. of Torrance, California, that his body has been recovered. Keep the Anzack family, and all the families of our troops, in your prayers tonight and always.


The fact that this is happening in 2007 is due exclusively to the president’s refusal to take on the enemy. The fact that there is still an al-Qaida, a Taliban in Afghanistan and a “Triangle of Death” in Iraq is continuing proof that the president has failed.

Now, the tortured body of an American soldier has been found in the Euphrates River. If this was the United States of Tammy, the al-Anbar province, where al-Qaida and Saddam’s Baath Party remnants have established their base, would be given the Dresden treatment. It is past time for the Islamist enemy to experience what quelled the Japanese and German enemies of America and civilization went through.

Body Believed to Be Missing U.S. Soldier Found in Iraq

BAGHDAD — Iraqi police discovered a body floating in the Euphrates River south of Baghdad Wednesday that is believed to that that of a missing U.S. soldier.

Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, chief U.S. military spokesman in Iraq, told reporters that U.S. authorities took custody of the body but have not determined if it was that of one of three soldiers missing since May 12…The man had been shot in the head and chest, Babil police Capt. Muthana Khalid said.

Iraqi police using civilian boats searched for other bodies on the river in Musayyib, about 40 miles south of Baghdad, and U.S. troops intensified their presence on a nearby bridge as helicopters flew overhead, witnesses said.

Hassan al Jibouri, 32, said he saw the body clothed in a U.S. military uniform with head wounds and whip marks on its back floating on the river Wednesday morning. He and others then alerted police.

Desperately heartbreaking and completely unnecessary. How dare President Bush and this administration allow an environment to exist where the enemy is so arrogant and and empowered.

The news may be worse. Iraq Slogger is now reporting that three bodies, in two difference locations, have been found. Pray for all the families of those young men, and everyone who has a loved one serving.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. helpunderdog says:

    Here here Tammy!
    The only reason the barbarians continue their savagery is because they know the consequences are worth it. Hide behind women, children, and mosques and we will not fire. Let’s kill all who harbor terrorists, including the innocents who are used as shields. This would stop their cowardly tactics real fast. Sure, a few innocents would initially die, but I’d prefer this over our own young soldiers dying instead. And after it’s clear we will not hesitate to kill no matter what the circumstances, the use of innocents as shields would stop big time. Innocents would even turn and kill the terrorists themselves rather than die for nothing -afterall, the terrorists will die no matter what.

  2. NavajoSierra says:

    “If this was the United States of Tammy …” Where ARE our leaders? Passivity and mediocrity reigns in what could be one of the most pivotal times in history! The 2008 presidential candidates only feed my worry. How do we get to the United States of Tammy?

  3. David Jerome says:

    I just wanted to make a brief comment regarding this whole mess involving kidnapped GI’s. Did the thought of a possible investigation,court martial and prison time,in any way interfere with these soldiers’ actions as they were being surrounded by the kidnappers? Might they have hesitated,if only for a few seconds,to use their weapons on what looked to them to be ‘civilians’? Those thoughts would certainly cross my mind,especially after I’d heard about how my government was prosecuting my fellow soldiers for shooting so-called innocent civilians.I hope I’m wrong. I will definitely keep the missing GI’s and their families in my prayers.

  4. robert108 says:

    Tammy: I take exception to your putting all this on the President. I also wish we would be more ruthless in fighting terrorism everywhere, but one must recognize the reality of the effect on our war policy of the Dem Party and their propaganda arm, the MSM. They have been obstructing and undermining the President since before we went into Iraq, and that has had serious consequences. I do fault the President for pandering to them in any way, but those leaders are few and far between, unfortunately. He’s still better than any Dem.

  5. Sean Arther says:

    Hi Tammy! Your post is a rarely seen expression of an American who authentically “supports the troops” while leveling legitimate criticism against the Bush Administration. The constant refrain from the Left is always the illogical and annoying argument that “but for” Bush’s “illegal, immoral, impeachable, xenophobic, hate-mongering” War on Terror, no soldiers would have had to die at the hands of the “peace-loving Muslim freedom fighters” because “but for” Bush, the soldiers would not have been there geographically.

    Your comments are a refreshing change–that yes, Bush is responsible–but not simply because we are at war, but rather because of his refusal to categorically insist on fighting a war that is ruthlessly committed to the destruction of the enemy, regardless of the predictable Liberal outrage and political fallout that is sure to result back home.

    The Rosie O’Donnells of the world “love and support the troops” and blame Bush for their deaths because Bush somehow tricked them into joining the military and had the temerity to call them to action for anything more risky than marching in a July 4th parade. But that isn’t really accurate is it? Your post is (sadly) the better explanation.

    Your criticism of the administration also raises another important issue that Liberals need to consider. They have gleefully reported on Bush’s low approval ratings and celebrated the recent election results as an indisputable referendum on Bush, conservative ideals and military action under any circumstances. But I believe a more reasoned analysis would conclude that the numbers really represent the sum of typical Liberals who hate Bush for going to war PLUS a hearty, heaping side-order of Americans who are angry with Bush because Iraq has still not been reduced to the quiet, serene parking lot that it deserves to be, and the reason is because we are apparently more concerned with tip-toeing around the Muslim high-holy days and preserving the aesthetics and structural integrity of mosques than with blowing the psychopaths to kingdom-come. (Did I say “mosques?” I meant “Islamofascist hideouts.” Sorry.)

    Proof-positive of this approach to war is the simple fact that Muqtada “Snaggletooth” Al-Sadr’s noggin continues to be annoyingly bullet-free. I mean, Jesus Christ! Even Mother Teresa would have totally blown her cool by now and at least slapped the guy around and/or kicked in a few of his ribs. But no. He continues to jet set between Iraq and Iran on a “Let’s get this bloodbath started!” publicity tour, without consequence. The fact that this lunatic is still walking and talking (along with his criminal rejection of even rudimentary orthodonture) is beyond inexcusable. It’s no wonder Liberals have gotten so much mileage out of the argument that we aren’t hunting down OBL, the “real terrorist.” I’m starting to see their point because we have apparently chosen not to kill Al-Sadr because it would be rude to do so while he’s “in church.”

    Here’s hoping that next year’s elections ARE a referendum on the Bush Administration–not because we went to war, but because our strategy continues to be poisoned with politically-correct appeasement and “civility” toward savages that want us dead. Any respect that the U.S. military shows for Ramadan should be limited to hosting a dazzling fireworks display……of Daisy-Cutters. (Ooooooooh, look at that one! Pretty!)

    P.S. Love your radio program and I listen whenever I can!

  6. Trinity says:

    I am saddened and disgusted at the same time. Saddened at the loss of our brave men. Disgusted that the CIC I once admired has let them down due to his incompetence. Fight this war to win it, now. There is not much more to say. I am mourning the loss our soldiers. I am praying for the families that tonight our finding out they lost ‘their most important one’..

  7. AntonK says:

    I agree with Tammy’s take on things above (though not her stress on Bush’s responsibility).

    It is exactly for the reason’s Tammy and and the commenter David Jerome articulate that I now must reluctantly come to the conclusion that we need to bring our troops home. NOT for the reasons the Dem’s cite, but because I can’t bear to watch them thrown into the meat-grinder again and again with their hands tied behind their backs, terrified of being prosecuted by certain of their fellow countrymen.

  8. artgal says:

    My heart just sinks with the news of our missing soldiers.

    Unfortunately, it is true: President Bush’s refusal to fight this war aggressively allows the enemy to be comfortable enough to kidnap this young soldier (and the other two), take a whip to his back and leave bullets in his head and chest. And we’re not suppose to water-board these
    f(reak)s inflicting this torture on our soldiers, nor are we to blow up an assembled group of Islamofascists because they gather at a ‘holy’ site? Geez!

    It sickens me to no end to hear of President Bush’s commencement address to Coast Guards in which he noted Bin Laden has been building up Al-Quaeda (well, duh! as if Bin Laden feels Bush is serious about this war). If Bush knows this, then why hasn’t he done a damn thing about it? Why should our enemy be allowed to function and operate let alone live?

    My fear is that more soldiers will fall victim to such kidnappings and torture because this president is in an alternate reality (and that’s being way too polite!). I wish he would fight our enemies as aggressively as he does pushing for this Amnesty Bill and the overall expansion of Big Government. Otherwise, there is no point in keeping our troops in harm’s way: Bring them home immediately!

    I can ‘wish’ all I want for Bush to be a leader, but what it comes down to is this president has betrayed our trust and most importantly, he has betrayed the men and women in uniform. Instead of our service men and women being put in harm’s way to protect American interests FORCEFULLY, Bush seems to have every country’s interests in mind except ours. He wants to protect innocent civilians in Iraq – fine. So do I. But the fact they were and are vulnerable is not the fault of American soldiers! Put the blame where it solely rests: on the blood-soaked shoulders of every Islamofascist pig on earth! As long as the Islamofascists exist, innocent civilians EVERYWHERE are in danger. And sadly, so are our troops when they are not allowed to wipe out the enemy – SOMETHING WE ARE CAPABLE OF DOING IF OUR PRESIDENT WOULD GET A CLUE!

    The American military – who could stop Islamofascism from spreading – is being FORBIDDEN to fully accomplish the job. And yet, they are the ones assuming the most risk abroad and even from our own government.

    These young soldiers fought the good fight and have paid the ultimate price. While we hear our Senators concerns for the ‘torture’ of those who are ready to inflict harm at all costs on us, we will not hear such outcry from the same bloated morons – including the administration – for what these young men went through. The most infuriating thing is these young men did not have to be subjected to this horror and death. They were let down by this president.

    Yes, let us remember these soldiers (all our troops) and their families in our prayers. They deserve our utmost respect and infinite honor for they are the ones having to fight a war on several fronts: Iraq, Afghanistan, dealing w/ Iran & Syria, the world elitists and even the Bush administration itself.

    May God bless these young men and comfort their families and friends.

  9. pat_s says:

    An honest assessment of how long it will take to be successful in Iraq is several more years of military involvement. There is no way that is possible now. Instead of victory we have a PC military; the Iraq Surrender Group recommendations are being implemented (benchmarks for the Iraqi government, talks with Iran); groundwork is being laid for the UN to assume more of a role; and Moqtada al-Sadr is getting ready to fill the void. Our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by our leaders. My deepest condolences to those who lost a loved one in this war and my apologies to all who serve us with such dedication and honor.

    Blame certainly is shared by the ultra-Left-controlled Democrats and the establishment media, however, George Bush is the President and Commander-in-Chief. He had a 90% approval rating and the right instincts early on, but was at best an ineffective leader, at worst an incompetent leader.

    The icon of talk radio was challenged by a caller yesterday to criticize Bush (on the immigration bill). He declined, saying “I am a Republican” and deflected the need to criticize the President because he is a lame duck. I value Tammy’s candor in telling it like it is.

    Commandant: Marines Must Focus on Values

    Second Life for Study Group

    U.S. ambassador pushes for U.N. expansion in Iraq

    al-Sadr’s belief that Washington will soon start pulling out troops or draw them down significantly

  10. pat_s says:

    Well al-Sadr is back in town and talking like a Democrat. Radical Iraqi cleric Al-Sadr reappears in Iraq

    “We demand the withdrawal of the occupation forces, or the creation of a timetable for such a withdrawal,” he said.

    Al-Sadr is believed to be honing plans to consolidate political gains and foster ties with Iran. His Mahdi Army fought U.S. troops to a virtual standstill in 2004, but to avoid renewed confrontation he ordered his militants off the streets when the U.S. began its security crackdown in the Baghdad area.

    These mongrels believe they are achieving success on their own. The sick truth is American politicians are their allies. That includes the Commander-in-Chief who will not fight a war properly. Our troops are being betrayed by our political leaders.

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