If you listen to Tammy Radio, you know that I will out of the loop until this evening. There is a lot happening today so I want you all to have a place where you can post your comments and chime in with any issues you see that are worth sharing.

Regarding the amnesty debacle, I recommend you checking in regularly with three sources: Michelle Malkin, Hot Air and NumbersUSA.

It’s very possible, of course, Reid could shelve the bill today. The first cloture motion failed by a wide margin. The other sign Reid is ready to throw in the towel is his distancing the Dems from that trash with, “This is the president’s bill. He has worked long and hard,” Reid said. “This bill that’s on the floor is not a Democratic bill…”

The only reason this bill is in such trouble is because of your passion and hard work. I watched “Saving Private Ryan” last night (again). I want to remind you what the Tom Hanks character says to Private Ryan at the end when Hanks is dying on the bridge. Almost everyone has been killed at that point, including most of Hanks’ men who were there to save Ryan. And they did. Those who remain are saved by allied planes nailing the German tanks. Hanks calls Ryan over and says into his ear, “Earn this.” That’s something we should all do every day–we need to earn what every American has done in the past to preserve and save our nation.

Keep up the heat today, do not let up. And when this thing is killed, we will debrief and punish those who worked so hard to sell this nation and destroy to Rule of Law for votes.

On another subject…while Paris Hilton has never been a subject on this blog, I can’t help but notice that she’s already been released from jail, after just 3 days of a 23 day sentence. Why? She got a rash. I’ll leave it to all of you to appropriately rip that to shreds. No wonder people complain of a monumentally unfair justice system. Hey, it’s true. No non-celebrity or, frankly, person of color, would have been released because of a “rash.” Just wouldn’t have happened, and I don’t make broad-based claims like this often.

So, have at it. And as soon as I get done with my commitments, I’ll be right back at ya. Have a great day.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. pat_s says:

    This article caught my eye. Maybe Israel is beginning to realize it’ll be up to them to take out Iran’s nukes.

    Israeli Losing Patience for Iran Talks

    A senior member [Shaul Mofaz, Israel’s deputy prime minister and transportation minister] of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s government suggested Wednesday that his country is running out of patience with a U.S.-backed diplomatic overture to head off Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

    Top U.S. and Israeli officials also briefly discussed a possible Israeli peace initiative to adversary Syria during security talks Wednesday, a U.S. spokesman said.

    “I believe diplomatic efforts should bear results until the end of 2007”, Mofaz added without elaboration.

    Although cryptic, his remark was apparently a sign of declining Israeli confidence that carrot-and-stick diplomacy will persuade Iran to give up parts of its nuclear program that Israel and the West fear could lead to a bomb.

    Neither Israel nor the U.S. has ruled out a military strike to stop or slow Iran’s progress, but President Bush says he is committed to diplomacy

    State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said he was not aware of any discussion of a deadline for diplomacy during Rice’s meeting with Mofaz.

    The diplomatic effort with Iran is not on a timeline like the one Mofaz appeared to propose, but some European and United Nations officials have also suggested that it may be time to look at different approaches.

    Rice’s discussions with Mofaz touched on the possibility that Israel would restart peace efforts with Syria, McCormack said. The U.S. has frowned on that approach in the past, preferring to focus on peace prospects between Israel and the Palestinians and worried that Syria would use the contact as diplomatic leverage with the U.S.

  2. jdb says:

    Tammy, you said “And when this thing is killed, we will debrief and punish those who worked so hard to sell this nation and destroy to Rule of Law for votes.”

    I am taking that as a promise that you are making to us, your listeners. If you honestly follow through, I will be your supporter and fellow activist forever! I want them to understand that there are severe consequences for their secretive, elitist behavior. We The People are the people and we own this government. Please remember your promise.

  3. Kimj7157 says:

    “Earn this.” Choked me up a bit. As frustrating and maddening this has been lately, it pales in comparison to the battles fought and sacrifices made that have preserved our great nation over the years. It’s certainly not over. But if the second cloture vote goes our way, I’ll breathe a little easier for now. I’m encouraged. And I believe thoughtful, rational, concerned Americans will feel even more emboldened come the second round. I have a feeling the President and those Senate Monkeys ain’t seen nothin’ yet.:)

    As for Paris–RASH MY ASH.

  4. pat_s says:

    I don’t know how AP managed to determine this but:
    As debate rages on Capitol Hill, one thing is clear: Immigrants not united.

    Even the approximately 12 million here illegally — who arguably have the most to gain — are split.

  5. jeweytunes says:

    The medical term for the rash Paris acquired is spelled “L-e-w-i-n-s-k-y.” J

  6. Tink says:

    We may have won this battle, but the war is certainly not over yet. It won’t be over until we have complete border security, are speedily deporting illegal alien criminals, and boot the dusty old windbags with their wax museum hair from office. Yes, I’m talking to you Trent Lott.

    I watched Byron Dorgan’s (D-North Dakota) comments live from the Senate this evening on C-Span 2. Great, great comments! Concise and to point…which is easy to do when you are speaking the truth.

  7. Kimj7157 says:

    LUGAR, KYL, CRAIG, VOINOVICH, COLLINS, MURKOWSKI, BROWNBACK, HAGEL, STEVENS, DOMENICI, WARNER, SPECTER all voted AGAINST fully enforcing existing laws (Coburn Ammendment #1311).

    One of my favorites. I’m sure they all have some very lame excuses, but this alone should secure defeat for them all once they come up for re-election.

  8. pat_s says:

    Voting with the Dems for cloture: Graham, Hagel, Lugar, Martinez, McCain, Spector, Voinovitch

  9. jeweytunes says:

    Thanks Pat — that turncoat cloture contingent is what I wanted to know.

    Well, hurray for us! I’m not sure, but I think I felt myself breathe again when I went to bed last night. We do still need to be vigilant and proactive about whatever amnesty crap they try to sneak past us the next time. But in the meantime, “I love us”! J

  10. jeweytunes says:

    PS — Now go back and thank your Senators who did NOT vote for it! J

  11. Tink says:

    If you guys heard the clip of Trent Lott very eloquently kissing Ted Kennedy’s butt you’ll know why I mentioned his name. Even if Lott voted the right way, his heart is with the Kennedy gang.

    I’ll give you another example. One of my own senators, Lamar Alexander (TN) will never get another vote from me or my family because he held his comments for days and days, then he came out very wishy-washy with a bunch of political speak. I got the impression he’s enjoying the game/process too much, rather than the privilege of representing us.

    He voted the right way, but it was only an act of “CYA.”

  12. Carpediem says:

    YEA ! Borrowing your line Tammy “Don’t you just love us” ? I know I do. I’ll bet Teddy Kennedy really ties one on tonight 😉
    And thanks Tammy for keeping us on top of the game on this issue which the power of the individual helped to defeat. Teri

  13. Kimj7157 says:

    President’s Tummy Not Feel Good

    No wonder, with his “last best hope” amnesty bill being shelved and all. (It’s either that, or he heard about Paris going back to court today… .)

  14. Sparky says:

    This immigration bill is NOT dead yet. We must remain vigilant and keep up the pressure on the soulless S.O.B.’s that “represent” us. Make no mistake, folks. These old geezers WANT THIS BILL and will work in the deep shadows to craft something else to screw us with. Who’s behind this? BIG BIZ. Rest assured that the “shills on the hill” have been promised seats on the board of directors of Wal-Mart, Halliburton, whatever to pass this bill and keep American wages low.

    I may sound Moonbat, but I am a Libertarian/repub.

    It’s all about the money, and seeing the videos of the hissy-fit repubs and dems almost frantic over this evil bill’s temporary derailment proves it to me. Our representatives are off the reservation. There is ONLY ONE SOLUTION TO OUR PROBLEM: TERM LIMITS!

    How do we organize state-to-state to get a TERM LIMITS on our ballots? It’s time to clean house, Mr. Lott, Mr. McCain, Mr. Kyl and Mr. Kennedy.

  15. Bob Agard says:

    “person of color”: Please don’t forget O.J. Simpson.

  16. Marshall says:

    KIMJ7157, I voted for Senator Coburn! The man is the Best! Liberals hate him and lie about him all the time. When I read something he has actually done like “LUGAR, KYL, CRAIG, VOINOVICH, COLLINS, MURKOWSKI, BROWNBACK, HAGEL, STEVENS, DOMENICI, WARNER, SPECTER all voted AGAINST fully enforcing existing laws (Coburn Ammendment #1311)” I can’t wait to get to vote for him again!

    So, this is for all of us who put such a man in the Senate. “I love us!”

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