
I’ve been telling you that forever. Now there’s proof why coffee is in fact the nectar of the God.

Coffee ‘protects female memory’

French researchers compared women aged 65 and older who drank more than three cups of coffee per day with those who drank one cup or less per day.

Those who drank more caffeine showed less decline in memory tests over a four year period. The study, published in the journal Neurology, raises the possibility that caffeine may even protect against the development of dementia…Caffeine is a known psychostimulant, but this study appears to suggest its effects may be more profound.

Woo hoo! Profound indeed. No more guilt about that third cup.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. brutepcm says:

    Third cup? You’re a mere dabbler, a “skin popper” of caffeine. real addicts have an IV tube installed for continuous mainlining.

  2. bnkpet says:

    According to my encyclopedia dictionary, we have islamic nomads to thank for the discovery. Where is CAIR on this?

  3. helpunderdog says:

    Could it be that, in general, those who drink lots of coffee have intellectually active lives with lots of stuff going on and need the caffeine to stay alert, while those who vegetate infront of the tv don’t require the caffeine? Maybe those who require lots of caffeine tend to be smarter than people who aren’t as intellectually active and therefore require less caffeine. Rather than caffeine increasing thinking skills, I’d say it’s the other way around. Coffee doesn’t make you smarter, smart people drink more coffee. Any way you look at it, you’re smart if you drink coffee. And a genius if you have your own personal espresso maker.

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