
Not Iggy, but a Brussels Griffon sort of just like him.

From the sobbing meltdown to the news that she completely canceled the taping of her show today, it just strikes me that this isn’t about a little rat dog named Iggy. Really, none of this is normal. It just isn’t.

All of my pets have been rescues, adopted from a rescue group–including Sadie who passed away earlier this year, to Sydney and now the new addition Snoopy–and I take the agreements with the rescue groups I deal with very seriously. After all, they rescue the babies and take care of them so we can then ‘rescue’ them ourselves by adopting them. But the truth of the matter is, the rescue group or person does all the hard, heartbreaking work saving the little creatures and making them available to us.

As far as I’m concerned they can have any rules they want and I’ll follow them. Rescuing pets is what these people so, and they take it seriously. I respect that. I’ve never dealt with Mutts and Moms, the rescue group getting nailed by Ellen, but it’s a shame that a celebrity with the power of ‘J’accuse’ would do so seriously impeding the work of the rescuers.

Ultimately, the sobbing breakdown on international television (her show is syndicated outside of the U.S.) and today’s cancellation of and entire taping, seems just a bit much. Mark my words–I think we’ll be hearing news of a serious relationship problem, health issues in the family or some other unrelated, but life changing, event for Ellen.

In the meantime, I also hope Mutts and Moms is able to continue its work at the pace it was before for the sake of the animals not involved in a national news story like Iggy, who still sit and wait to find their Forever Home.

Related Link:

Newsday: The Degeneres dog flap from the other side

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Barry in CO says:

    >Mark my words–I think we’ll be hearing news of a serious relationship problem, health issues in the family or some other unrelated, but life changing, event for Ellen.

    I disagree. I think these Hollywood- showbiz types are prone to being over-emotional and unhinged, and given the right stimulus, will collapse in public blubbering meltdown. Don’t forget we’re an Oprah Nation: tears are brave. Little badges of well-meaning goodness.

  2. pat_s says:

    I’m looking at the adoption contract I signed with the Humane Society of Huron Valley. In addition to agreeing to care for the animal humanely, have the animal licensed according to law, state the animal will not be used for medical research, and have the animal sterilized, I agreed to “notify the HSHV if I decide at any time that I can no longer care for this animal”.

    Further on the contract states, “I allow an agent of the HSHV to remove the animal from any premises occupied by me if the animal is not sterilized as agreed and entry shall not constitute a trespass.” Pretty much establishes who is the stronger of the two parties to this contract.

    I believe I’m recalling correctly an adoption agreement from several years ago with a different agency that essentially said the animal never really belonged to me, that the agency could come by any time to check on the animal’s welfare and take it back if they deemed necessary.

    These agreements are pretty much standard fare. Animal adoption agencies are there for the welfare of the animal not to pamper spoiled humans, not even egotistical celebrities. I don’t think Degeneres would be willing to forgive her stipulations in a contract because the other party cried when it came time to live up to them.

    God bless the people who do animal rescue. While waiting to be called to sign the adoption agreement, I witnessed animals being brought into the shelter including pregnant dogs and cats. It was unbearable to see. Despite all the animals being brought in, the rescue people are not willing to quickly pass off the animals and forget about them.

  3. Kelly says:

    Her whole meltdown is over-the-top. If she is indeed upset for her hairdresser’s kids, then she has to blame herself. She signed a contract and either didn’t read it or chose to believe that the rules didn’t apply to her. (Can we say “Malignant Narcissism”?!) This wasn’t some dog she picked up at the pound or found wandering around a junkyard.

    I can totally see “emotional distress” stories and Ellen making the rounds on Larry King. The self-absorption and self-importance of celebrities continues to astound me.

    Aesthetically, Iggy is definitely a “rat on a leash”. Give me a German-Belgian Shepherd like I had as a kid. Now, THAT’S a dog!

  4. NavajoSierra says:

    I am so glad you posted a comment about this issue; I have been very upset about it! E.D. had to know that her narcissistic, teary plea to the agency on her television show, before millions of people, was way too aggressive, and would have devastating results for the poor agency. HOW is this animal friendly behavior? This uncontrolled rage attack could destroy Mutts and Moms! These contracts are designed to protect rescued animals from ever having to experience the suffering from which they have come. I hope people are lining up to send donations and support to this group, who have been so unfairly attacked! O’Reilly interviewed the attorney for Mutts and Moms last night, and it turns out that the group did offer the possibility of adoption, but the family did not want to come down and fill out adoption papers! Additionally, the agency received its first threatening call from Degeneres’s publicity agents, which was played on the O’Reilly, and told them in no uncertain terms if they did not comply with Ellen’s wishes, they would be in for a lawsuit among other things. I have to say, I am poised on having my television set turned off for good, and this event only contributes to my intention.

  5. Smocoal says:

    I’m so glad you’ve mentioned this issue on your website, and I agree with you completely! I actually searched to find the Mutts & Moms website to send them a donation, but they had suspended access because of all the hateful, threatening emails they were getting. Could you possibly help out in letting us know how we could send a donation to show them there are people who support them?

    Also, one important point of this whole fiasco that has been overlooked is that the parents of these young girls are more responsible for this “tragedy” than anyone else. When M&M found out they had the dog, they made more than one request for them to come in, fill out an application, bring with them Iggy AND their other dog so that M&M could see how they got along, and the parents refused to comply. If you watched the video on TMZ, (I’m embarrassed to admit I did), even the 12 year old girl admits the agency asked them to come in to fill out an application, but, they didn’t want to because “Pasadena is like over two hours away.” It seems to me that the parents were arrogant and defiant, and they didn’t do the right thing. So, you have Ellen doing the wrong thing, the parents doing the wrong thing, and ultimately both of them acting like the big victims of the cruel, unreasonable rescue agency!

    The more I think about this, the more my donation is going to be!

  6. Rich B says:

    I don’t care how much drama Ellen comes at us with on her show. You don’t just walk in to a pet adoption facility and walk out without signing some sort of paper. My Wife and I just adopted a cat last Spring from the Carson CA. animal shelter and you have to go through a process. Is her word her bond? Is her promise any good? Sorry Ellen. You signed on the dotted line. Now honor you signature.

  7. helpunderdog says:

    I’ve volunteered at the SPCA in the past and know that they have the same adoption rules as Mutts & Moms. If an owner cannot keep their adopted pet, it is to be returned to the rescue agency. The agency does the work of assessing the compatibility of a pet with a potential family and ensuring the animal goes to the right home. To undermine the emotionally draining hard work such an agency performs is an incredibly selfish act on Ellen’s part. Her plea? “I feel so bad for the little girls”. She’s concerned about her own guilt and the happiness of the little girls and not the welfare of Iggy or the mission of the agency. Ellen believes that because she’s a celebrity who loves dogs, the rules don’t apply to her. Her hairdresser friend should have filled out the pet application and gone through the adoption process like everyone else. The dog was never Ellen’s to give away and so never belonged to the hairdresser – the agency had every right to repossess their property from the hairdresser. Ellen’s manipulation of the media and legal intimidation of the rescue agency was clearly wrong. She effectively put them out of business – this has got to be grounds for a lawsuit. Her retreat from the limelight and the shuttering of her show this week speaks to her guilt.

  8. Paul From Hamburg says:

    Just another example of the MalNar belief that feelings are more important than facts and laws. Also, we see that some people have absolutely no sense of shame. I had done something so stupid, I would not be talking about it unless I was subpoened and under oath.

  9. Talkin Horse says:

    Ellen has a lot of nerve: “I guess I signed a piece of paper that says if I can’t keep Iggy it goes back to the rescue organization.” It’s called a CONTRACT, and ordinary mortals are expected to keep up their end of the deal. If she thought it was a stupid rule, she shouldn’t have agreed to it. I guess rules don’t apply to crying celebrities. Then, after she sends the maniacs of the world to harass and menace the person who placed the dog, her comment on the subsequent mayhem is: “The people who had Iggy are receiving death threats, and that is not okay, and I know that people are passionate about this…” Yes, Ellen, thank you for clarifying that death threats are “not okay”, even though you believe the heart of the threatening mob is in the right place.

  10. sue says:

    well i am usually a big softy. i would take in anyting but is it odd i don’t get that uncontrollable attached. for instance, i took in a kitten a few months ago (already had 1 and 3 dogs). My little girl wanted it, frankly was more work. Good cat, I found it a new home. First kid didn’t notice for 5 days. My little girl didn’t notice for about 8. Told kids its mommy and daddy came to bring it home. The are over it, were within minutes of my offering them a nice, easy 20 cent goldfish. All of this drama seems insane to me.

  11. akmitt says:

    having nothing but reject, feral, old, and due to be snuffed because of unadoptability rescue cats, i think no one in this situation has the dog’s best interests in mind which should be the point.

    ellen’s a drama queen as is the want, i suppose, of most anyone in entertainment . the agency seems like psycho dog nazis whose egos , too freakishly stringent rules, and desire to humiliate someone who dared cross them, however innocently ,took over all sense of reasonability. rescue people i know-those without celebrity clients who live on social security and hold yard sales to fund their work- consider their reaction over the top and totally uncalled for. sane people know the difference between abuse and a totally acceptable transfer of what the law would undoubtably view as one’s property.

    i’d like to see one of these contracts of ‘ co-ownership’ hold up in a court. short of in the case of abuse, no one is coming in my house and touching my cats without meeting the business end of a steel toe boot or being hauled out by the police.

    you should consider yourself lucky if you’ve never run into the self- appointed animal ‘rescue’ messiahs to whom no one is truely good enough to give some half dead ,3 legged, blind stray to. they’re compulsive control freaks hording pets and micromanaging the lives of others. that said there are plenty of good people out there but a small portion of these self -defined rescues aren’t run by angels doing the lord’s work .some are crazy cat ladies treating animals as if they were human children, getting their control freak on.

    i carefully considered who i’d adopt from and what i would sign-i only agree to ‘ contact’ the agencies if i no longer want the pet but seeing how i took animals no one else seemed to want they couldn’t shove me out the door with a wink and a nod fast enough. you have to build relationships with these agencies and if you do and they’re not nuts problems like this shouldn’t arise. one should steer clear of anyone who claims small dogs aren’t to be placed with children, that you are only a ‘ co-owner’ ,and who state they can stomp into your home anytime they want.

    it’s ridiculous to think that something that might run the risk of being put down in another shelter is being manipulated by humans for self aggrandizement and sympathy. a home with 11 year olds is better then a plastic bag in the dumpster behind the shelter or in limbo in some foster home without it’s very own family to bond to. selfish humans all around acting selfishly and calling it charity.

  12. CritterCrusades says:

    Very fair comments by Tammy. A contract is just that…legally binding and done for the protection of the entities involved. It clearly states facts and everyone agrees before entering into that relationship. As Tammy said, there is probably another relationship problem looming on the homefront for ED. To begin with, why did she not see if the dog got along with the cats/other animals at the beginning and do “sleep overs” and test? Why SUCH a big emphasis on this rather than on the other issues she’s so hung up about? There’s more to this than meets the eye – someone of her stature does not risk so much embarrassment and ridicule for nothing. Either she’s really losing it or there was some other relationship with this group, this hairdresser…something.

    Now ED has ruined the reputation of MANY rescue groups and orgs that are desperately trying to save lives and now people will think twice about it and entering into a contract with them. Think of all the animals’ lives that will be lost. Ellen Degenerate I say.

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