For calling him a monkey on the air. Yeah, and she even says she respects him, which she probably doesn’t. Heck, even I don’t any more. I used to. I don’t hate him, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him, I even care about him, but I don’t respect him anymore. (Open borders. Amnesty. Big Government. Spending out of control. Meeting with terrorists in Annapolis. Not killing al-Sadr, bin Laden, Zawahiri, et al. Need I go on?).

And yes, I forgive her, because she’s pretty, even bordering on the adorable, and smart. She was even cute pretending about the respect thing. I know it’s not reasonable, and I feel guilty about this, but I’ll get over it.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kelly says:

    Oh, yeah. All is forgiven. She’s cute AND a brunette! Woo hoo!

    She could call me anything she’d like… 😉

  2. Ripper says:

    I’m with you Tammy regarding your feelings (and disappointments about Bush – particularly his meeting with terrorists in Annapolis and his sponsorship of Clueless Condi Rice), I am glad that Erin Burnett apologized on Matthews’ “Hardball” show. However in my opinion the prettiest and most attractive gal on cable TV is Fox’s Julie Banderas.

  3. Erin Nemo says:

    Mmmmm, I love it when you say my name. As you can imagine, my PB & jam sandwich froze on its way to my mouth when I thought you were finally addressing me. And then, alas, I realized you were speaking to another Erin, my competition. I hope you will be similarly merciful with my transgressions….

    To be thought adorable, just once….

  4. Ditto adorable factor.
    Ditto Julie Banderas.

    But it does seem to me that Erin was reading a script. Now her apology was succinct, and correctly so (but I winder if Morning Joe will play the tape tomorrow?)…. but couldn’t a professional like Ms. Burnett spit out an apology without looking down at least 3 times?

    (or is my semi-buzzed haze suggesting she was batting her eyes at Chris Matthews??)

  5. Kimj7157 says:

    I like Erin Burnett, so I’ve decided I’m going to pretend she was being genuine, and that she kept looking down at what was written due to the embarassment of the whole thing for her. (Most don’t even attempt a believable apology, do they?) So…I’ll forgive her…just this once. 🙂 Admittedly, my respect for “him” is long gone as well (unless he comes up with something really good, really fast. But I ain’t holdin’ my breath).

  6. RobCon says:

    What is the spell she casts over people?
    She is not all that. Erin is typical of the MSM and I have no respect for her or her colleagues.

  7. josai says:

    You call that an apology!?! What a load of scripted BS!!!!!!! To think Eric Alterman had the nerve to write a book entitled, “What liberal bias?” Gimme a F’n break!!!!

  8. pat_s says:

    I’m not letting her off with this so-called apology. It’s a nuanced Dick Durbin style “if I offended anyone” pseudo apology for the reaction not the substance. She isn’t the least bit sorry about attempting to insult the President. There’s no claim that her words were misconstrued. She’s admitting she thought calling the President a monkey was funny. This statement with the word “apology” thrown in is a pro-forma acknowledgement that some people weren’t going to let her get away with it and that would be bad for her employer.

  9. James Williams says:

    Erin Burnett is a pretty girl, and seems to be smart. She appears to be quite young, and has a playful personality, so I’m giving her another chance. I probably will be watching E.D. Hill after lunch instead of Erin from now on. E. D. Hill is a Democrat, but I don’t think she would call the President a monkey, no matter what she thinks of him.

    I didn’t like Bush’s policy toward illegal aliens when he was governor down here in Texas. Despite that I give him credit for trying a long shot policy with Islam in an attempt to avoid a war of civilizations. I’m not optimistic about the chances of success, but it is good that he is trying. Democrats keep talking about negotiation with Islam, but it is impossible to negotiate with someone who does not deal in good faith. Bush’s attempts to bring peace to Israel seem ill-conceived, but Democrat’s seem to want to sacrifice Israel for peace.

  10. botg says:

    She slipped and let her real feelings show. She slipped and showed the way many ‘journalists’ talk about the POTUS when the cameras are off. She then apologized rather insincerely ‘if i offended anyone’ not that she said anything wrong or out of bounds mind you; but only if anyone was offended. She is very cute, too bad she doesn’t have beauty and brains (like Tammy).
    Now if someone would only slip with comments on the Dem frontrunner setting women back by enabling a serial rapist

  11. Trinity says:

    Okay, if you say so, I will let it go; but just because I find you adorable, LOL!

  12. helpunderdog says:

    There are a lot of criminals who manipulate people with their good looks, I hope Tammy wouldn’t fall victim to one.
    Hollywood plays politically upon the American people in such a way. I don’t care how good looking anyone is, if they want to undermine this country for their own selfish ends, then I will never respect them, or forgive their politically motivated apology.

    Just think of the countless men who have pillow-talked military or state secrets over to beautiful spies and the truly noble and brave who have lost their lives as a result.

  13. predoc says:

    Forgiveness would be so much easier if the expression had been “I apologize for my offensive remarks” rather than “I apologize if I offended anyone.” By the way, didn’t George Allen say pretty much the same thing?

  14. predoc says:

    With regard to the second topic, Jane Skinner is the hottest Fox, by far, hands down.

  15. TLindaman says:

    You know, something just struck me about Erin’s non-apologetic apology. Whenever someone says something these days that offends another party, we have a double standard. If it offends or the comment targets conservatives, it’s okay to say “I apologize if people were offended.” Then, all is forgiven and the incident is brushed aside. But if it’s a conservative who offends, that person has to apologize directly to the offended party, and the matter is brought up time and time again. And there’s no guarantee the apology will even be accepted.

    So, maybe I’m being a little harsh here, but I’m not accepting Erin’s apology, no matter how cute she is. 🙂

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