It’s Miss Tijuana! The only thing missing is the sash…Just another confirmation that all the candidates seem more concerned with what Mexico thinks of them than we what think of them.


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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ruth Anne says:

    I wonder who the peque~no Keeblero is? I sure hope he’s the legal citizen child of a legal citizen.

    Could be bad for Se~nora Clinton if not.

  2. WK says:

    Considering she has gone All In with Texas and Ohio, we shouldn’t be too surprised to see this.

    The Clintons have made a huge mistake in allowing Obama to accumulate momentum by not competing in other states. The party loyalists now have to recognize how Clinton has ticked off quite a few number of states and their Dem supporters by basically saying they are not worth their time and effort to campaign in.

    If Obama can keep the big states competitive on March 4, this will signal the start of the end for Hillary 2008. Naturally if he knocks her off in one of them, it’s over. Texas would be the ultimate slam with its heavy Latino population.

    More and more, I see Hillary as bringing less to the table for the Democrats in the general election. The baggage that Bill Clinton brings to the picture can not be overstimated, if the Dems want to win the WH in 2008, they will nominate Obama, plain and simple.

  3. Trinity says:

    ROFLMAO!! Dang it Tammy, warn me first..**cleaning up cola blast on the key board**

  4. girlsgotrhythm says:

    Oh God…where’s my barf bag?!

  5. Kathy says:

    I love how this creepy picture follows Uno, the Beagle from Westminster Kennel Club – Best in Show — too funny.

  6. Rich B says:

    If La Vieja grovels any longer and lower she’s gonna need a set of knee pads.

  7. The Friendly Grizzly says:

    Trinity: for short, you had a BOLSCOM moment. Burst Out Laughing Spraying Cola (Coffee) On Monitor.

  8. Jack Bauer says:

    “Vote for me or the kid DIES…”

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