Quick, someone throw her a steak!


Oh, she looks sort of healthy only because she “recently” became a vegetarian.

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. BA in LA says:

    I want a picture of her 20 years from now, with or without the vegetables.

  2. hjo says:

    Looks like just another thin(skinny) model…needs a whopper and fries washed with a chocolate marshmallow malt.
    Does that slinky, strut down the runway come from being vegetarian?

  3. LtE126 says:

    No thanks. I like women a little more “realistic”. I love those Dove ads. Women like that are annoying as hell.

  4. PeteRFNY says:

    I guess that’s “vegetable” oil she’s slathered up in…

  5. “Being a tool for the left is just one of the perks”

    corrected for accuracy.

  6. norm says:

    Tammy and posters, remember a while back that actress, Alecia Silverstone, did the video of herself coming out of the pool naked talking about how she was a veggie nut? Well, Mary Katherine Ham of Townhall, did a video of Mary Katherine coming out of a lake in full camouflage and talking about how she loved a good rare venison steak, while she was chewing on a piece of jerky…hilarious..

    You can probably find it over on Townhall.com…

  7. Rich B says:

    I wonder why it is the Vegans continuously want to re-write human anatomy, phyisiology, and probably more than a couple of other sciences? Without the protein from meat, human beings would never had been able to advance from being Austriopithicus, Piltdown Man, Lucy, and who knows how many other branches of the human tree to Homo Sapiens. We NEED protein and one of the best, if not THE best sources is meat. Bill Walton of NBA fame comes to mind. His career was marred by foot injuries that even Walton (a Vegan) came to conclude may have been from the lack of protein to aid in healing.

    It’s not only Humans who are the victims of this pretzel logic. I remember PETA and/or some other group several years ago advocating turning our cats into Vegans by not feeding them meat. Their stupidity is stunning.

  8. Dave J says:

    Rich B, in the immortal words of Butthead, “if God didn’t want us to eat animals, why would He make them out of meat?”

  9. HellDogger says:

    Poor thing, she looks puny and mistreated to me. I take her home and fix her an big ol’ mess bar-b-qued pork ribs & pinto beans & corn bread. Wash it down with Jim Beam. Then I’d chase her ’round the trailer park till she give out and throw her in the creek and wash that slime off her. She’s probably a good girl, just misunderstood, like me.

  10. laughingatpinheads says:

    She looks like a dirty girl…not in a good way though. I mean dirty like a Christina Aguilera video looks dirty…like she danced for three hours in high humidity and didn’t take a shower for a week. Call me old-fashioned but I’ll take a hot little carnivore who bathes regularly.

  11. PeteRFNY says:

    Real women have curves, anyway. Twigs do not.

    You ARE what you eat, they say.

  12. Gig says:

    Why are people so threatened that they must lash out at that which they don’t understand. I don’t claim to be smarter than people on this board, but I’ll bet you DaVinci was, or Einstein, the Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Alice Walker, Darwin, Schweitzer, Joachim Phoenix… OK, scratch that last one. Thank you for your concern, but a sensible vegan diet contains more protein than you could possibly want. Just ask the healthiest man in history, Jack LaLanne.

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