And no, they don’t even need to send you flowers. After three special election loses to Dems, the NRCC Chair Cole noted in a conference call today that they need to take a long, hard look to see if there’s a problem with the product. What, so now Republican candidates are made in China? This is 2008. That “long, hard look” should have started after the 2006 election blowout.

Instead of talking with the media and to themselves, perhaps it’s time they hear from some actual conservatives. Contact Boehner’s office and the NRCC and tell them what they need to do to get you back. They can start with McCain cancelling his speech to La Raza in July; they can say they’re committed to the border wall not just “securing the border.” And they can eliminate the word “first” after that phrase and reverse themselves on the failed “Guest Worker” proposal; they can apologize for the amnesty debacle last year, and they can tell McCain to stop with the “climate change” BS. I know your list is probably longer, just tell them what’s important to you. (Thanks to Pat Ess for the numbers and contact info).

D.C. phone: 202-225-6205
D.C. fax: 202-225-0704

Ohio office
7908 Cincinnati-Dayton Rd.
Suite I
West Chester, Ohio 45069
800-228-8551 – Toll Free

NRCC · 320 First Street, S.E. · Washington, DC 20003 · (202) 479-7000 · · Not created at government expense.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. mrfixit says:

    I took it for a long time, and after McAmnesty pitched his reform bill I re-registered as independent (not willing to affiliate). I really don’t want to vote for McCain. Why are the Republicans trying to push us toward socialism faster than the Democrats?

  2. Paul says:

    I’m staying home in November

  3. daredevilaccordian says:

    Awww geez. Is it so wrong that I have started doing a little sideline research on Bob Barr ’08? I guess it never hurts to have options.

    I really want to believe Jack Kemp, et al when it comes to John McCain… we just need to continue to be critical in a persuasive, unemotional, factual, measured manner – keep up the pressure and hope that he listens to reason.

    C’mon NRCC and GOP – wise up! Please listen to us, your people. We can’t afford to lose this election, for sooooo many reasons. We need a sharp, compelling and courageous campaign! Please, please, please…

  4. maldain says:

    I’m not staying home in November but I’m probably going to vote for McShamnesty. I know in my primary I’m voting for Ron Paul (the only other guy on the Republican primary ballot here in OR). My reasoning is that McCain needs to at the very least explain himself to the people he wants and expects to vote for him. Right now I’m considering who to vote for and it’s either Bob Barr or Obama my reasoning is that if we’re going to have a marxist in the White House at least they will have a D after their name. I don’t know if anybody heard about McCain’s proposed seizure of American businesses. Actually, it’s more National Socialist because private parties can still own businesses but apparently under McCain’s vision the government will assume all control under the guise of organizing carbon caps and making sure businesses run green. That’s his idea of a market economy. Near as I can figure it’s either out of Mein Kempf or Das Kapital either way it sucks for we the people. Funny how both political parties have forgotten about we the people.

  5. Kelly says:

    On his radio show today, John Gibson said that we conservatives should “thank God that John McCain is our nominee”. Luckily, I wasn’t drinking any coffee at the time or it would have been all over my computer monitor.

    I’m so tired of party shills telling us to shut up and fall in line. Boehner’s office will definitely hear from me.

  6. savvydude says:

    During his interview on O’Reilly, McCain was asked about his solution for high gasoline prices. He said that he opposed drilling at ANWAR and would not pressure states to increase drilling on their coasts. So, essentially, he had no solution and then he changed the subject. We’re doomed.

  7. GenRach says:

    Done. I emailed. Also I will be calling later today. Sitting home is not the answer in my opinion..taking charge is. Since my first election I have been a proud member of my party and I shall remain in my party – however, I am going to remind them to get back to the core Conservative values that is the GOP.
    I also told the chairman that their flacid response to Edwards socialist One Amerika speech was inane. They sent a press release that basically stated, “What took Edwards so long?..and the party of taxes..blah blah blah”
    The GOP better darn well wake up or we are in for a long trek in the desert and frankly I don’t do well in heat. Also, a word to my friends here, instead of preaching to the choir, may I suggest you get involved in your local races? Call your Congressmen/Senators. Support those that you believe are of your values. Volunteer, get out there. Write some editorials. Staying home, with all due respect does not speak anything to them – your voice does.

  8. WHT says:

    Hey, I am an independent. One that supposedly most candidates are courting. Interestingly, in the year of the democrat, I drifting more GOP by default.

    Libertarian? Abstain? No, I think we must combine efforts of pressure McCain to be at least moderately conservative to get you conservs and us indies in the field. If the GOP can muster a collation against the “Product” Obama, when can they?

  9. WHT says:

    Hey, I am an independent. One that supposedly most candidates are courting. Interestingly, in the year of the democrat, I drifting more GOP by default.

    Libertarian? Abstain? No, I think we must combine efforts of pressure McCain to be at least moderately conservative to get you conservs and us indies in the field. If the GOP can’t muster a collation against the “Product” Obama, when can they?

  10. DogOnCrack says:

    The GOP can regain my respect by telling it’s leaders what they are going to do for us. People can start by telling McCain that we are not shutting down Gitmo and we are going to drill in ANWAR.

  11. savvydude says:

    McCain, Obama and Clinton have the exact same “solution” for high gas prices – which is no solution at all. No ANWAR drilling, no off-shore drilling, no energy independence. At this point, we are doomed in November.

  12. maldain says:

    I tried to email Boenher yesterday and it didn’t go through. I did manage to get it through today. Basically, I told him that I am not going to be able to vote Republican as long as the Republicans sound more like Stalin than Reagan.

  13. jdb says:

    “Tell the GOP How To Get You Back”

    It is illegal and requires bathroom tapping.

  14. laughingatpinheads says:

    Roman Senator Marcus Tullius Cicero spoke these words in 34 BC. His quote applies directly to the traitorous, illegal alien-loving RNC and its boy McCain:

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive TREASON from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the TRAITOR moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the TRAITOR appears not a TRAITOR; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

  15. LINN says:

    I sent a nice note to the NRCC. Today, I got an E Mail, Thanking me for my Support (they obviously did Not read my note!) They suggested I post on their Blog. You should Read some of the comments !

  16. marleed says:

    An easy way to tell the NRCC what you think is to respond to the blog linked below. I think Tom Cole opened a can of worms he never intended to. There are over 1300 replies to his blog entry so far, and not one of those replying seems to be happy! Go figure!

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