
Brought to you by the Repubs.
Let’s hope the GOP has more courage in being honest and direct about Barry than McCain does.

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. LongviewCyclist says:

    I think people used to get the Democrat nomination by sending in more box tops (proofs of purchase) than anyone else. I can see Kerry and friends sitting at a picnic table, furiously eating overflowing bowls of Super Sugar Crisps, and drueling milk.

    The nomination has been bought. And I’m getting a little scared that the general election–at least the presidential part–is going to be rigged.

    Did you know, there are even tee shirts on cafe press now that read: “Proud Hillary Supporter Voting for John McCain”, and “Just call me a McCainocrat, if it’s McCain vs. Obama”?

    Don’t know about any of you, but I’m getting one.

  2. JWS says:

    I think B Hussein Obama is toast in the general election. The Liberals in this country may be aching to elect a black, ANY black, to be POTUS, but the rest of America is not. The rest of America is more than ready to elect a black to be POTUS, but he cannot be a racist, a terrorist befriender, or an absolute idiot (or, in this case, the sampler platter)

    Tammy, is there any way you can change the batteries on this site so that comments get on in less than a day or two? It’s very hard to go back and forth and converse with others this way, and me thinks you may even get more traffic if comments went up in a timely manner…

  3. Dan Noutko-Kennedy says:

    Once again, all I can say is Just Say NOBama.

  4. Z says:

    Feels to me like no Republican will ever be honest and direct with anybody let alone Barack Obama. Bush has been too nice for far too long.
    McCain will have to walk a mighty thin line now; Barack will be tough to be honest about. And the media have crowned him president before the election!

  5. radargeek says:

    And that is why McCain will lose. He is going to pull another Bob Dole “Gentleman’s” campaign. He doesn’t have the fire in the belly or intestinal fortitude to fight for the Presidency. Dole thinks it’s going to be a gentleman’s war. He doesn’t even have a clue how this aggressive black male will eat his lunch. He not only has BHO to contend with, he also has the left-wing media. Bob Dole was lot more qualified than Clinton, and McCain is too in this case, but McCain is already, and will continue to fight with kid gloves on. Showing his “Congressional (pompous ass)Dignity” is his downfall. I hope he proves me wrong.

  6. Padre Steve says:

    I wonder why Sen. McCain is so timid about being honest about who the Democrats are? He is so concerned with pleasing the press, but you can never please them. He had better make clear what separates him from Obama or he will lose!

  7. jeweytunes says:

    What is confusing about the word “CONTEST”?? Have all our guys finally become totally sissy chickens??

    Sen. “Maverick” McCain has compromised Conservative positions on every front but the war. Now he wants to skip around the country holding hands with Barry. That’s a real soldier for you. Not. It’s nauseating!

    He’s an idiot if he thinks the Dems are going to play nice. I’m increasingly afraid that he’s going to blow this before we even get started. A Dole redux. Oh goodie! J

  8. Bill Snaer says:

    I admire your strength in stepping away from your previous lock-step-liberal allies and becoming a voice for the right. But, I have a serious complaint.

    I don’t like the constant sniping at John McCain. He was not my first choice, but he is a strong candidate. At least he CAN be a strong candidate if Republicans don’t shoot themselves in the foot. We were spared the endless squabble the Democrats endured. Let’s rejoice, not replicate.

    There is a tendency for converts of all sorts – religious, smokers, political – to be holier than their lifelong brethren. Your unyielding, red-meat conservatism may be good for ratings; it is not good for Republicans.

    Of course we need not join McCain in opposing ANWR exploration, or jump on the global warming bus. But, there is no justification for gratuitous cheapshots that obscure the important predictable differences between McCain and Obama presidencies. I particularly objected to your recent assertion that there would be no significant difference between the judicial appointments of the two men.

    When you were two years old, I walked twelve precincts for Barry Goldwater. After he lost, some of my John Birch Society friends told me with confidence that he was defeated because he was not a “true conservative.”

    Over the years, I have many times heard the argument that winning with a weak Republican is not really winning. We must avoid supporting that “win-by-losing-then-they’ll learn” strategy. It drains Republican votes to “Losertarian” candidates, and losing is always losing.


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