Thank goodness. After that horrific puppy ad, I’m sure these revisions will make Islamists happy, and isn’t that what we all want? Courtesy The Nose on Your Face, with a Hat Tip to Marlee 🙂


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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Talkin Horse says:

    Hey! Is that big-nose llama supposed to be some sort of slap at the Semitic peoples? We see what you’re up to here! In any case, putting one of them tammy-o’-shanters on a llama is a hat crime.

  2. TC says:

    So, when does the sheep seething start?

  3. Shawmut says:

    Good points on the Hounds of Hell in great Britain’s pollice precincts. It makes one think of Gilbert and Sullivan. Here’s an article that says no to Sharia Law by a Court Lord,
    But on the other hand, we have arrests based on people wearing the St. George Cross a team symbol – yes by the police, booted puppies, and the Past President of the Queen’s Bar saying Sharia Law jurisdictions for Muslims in Britain would be fine (except for women and gays). And who’s to say they won’t demand control of a case they determine is appropriately Islamic, or affects Muslims (ie “Hate Crimes”).
    Then, Tammy, we have a government that is Islamic (by deference, default and de-facto) that we aknowledge feeds the terrorists. Only, now it will be the United Kingdom.

  4. z4hos says:

    Keep the “ALLAHU AKBAR!”, change the picture of the puppy/sheep/goat to a Pig. When they complain, invite them over for barbecue pork chops and a beer.

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