We’ll discuss the increasing chatter about McCain’s VP pick, including the two conservative women on the list, Sarah Palin and Carly Fiorina. Let me put it this way: let’s not forget that the VP becomes president of something happens to the prez. While this a lot to admire about Fiorina, with who I served on Schwarzenegger’s Transition Team, I don’t exactly see her as presidential material. Palin, on the other hand, is extremely impressive, and a McCain/Palin ticket would be a good one.

But a McCain/Clinton ticket would upset the Obama/Soros axis even more 🙂

Yes, I’ll bring up our poll a few posts down, so vote if you haven’t done so already. As of this post, Mitt is ahead, after Palin leading most of the morning. I’ll check the results on my trusty iPhone 3G just before I go on the air.

Hope you can tune in…

Beauty & The Beast!


Well I think it’s safe to say the segment did not go as expected, we didn’t even discuss the Veep issue. Instead, the topic was the McCain “Messiah” ad which I find funny and on target. You know, when you do television like this the segments are short, we all know the limitations. But I have to say, for the first time ever on Fox I felt deliberately shut down.

The kicker, though, was when Heather stepped in as Kirsten Powers tried to filibuster me (liberals do that when they don’t want to deal with details) and noted “When the gals start to bicker, I gotta cut it off.” That was lovely. Here we are three women talking about presidential politics, and we’re reduced to “gals bickering.” That was the tipping point. Maynard will be posting the video. Many of you have asked for information on how to contact Fox about the segment today. If you’re interested, I’d refer you to their Contact Page for contact options.

In the meantime, here’s the McCain ad called “The One” which is causing such a (funny) ruckus. If it’s slow, keep trying. Apparently everyone’s trying to watch it at once 😉

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
30 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. whitney says:

    the Fox News, Nauert, cut off Tammy before she could say anything; that was too bad. Kirsten Powers certainly was able to flap her mouth; that’s what what happens when you get two former Dems fighting each other for air time.

  2. artgal says:

    Tammy – you were treated very unfairly in that segment. Kirsten was given much more air-time and the moment you tried to make a closing point, you were muzzled. The lame excuse given was completely ridiculous also: ‘when an argument starts between 2 guests’. There’s suppose to be an argument! And Kirsten was interrupting you entirely! What a bunch of BS.

  3. pat_s says:

    As I said before, I find Heather Nauert to be very annoying.

  4. JW says:

    One thing, the topic wasn’t even about VP; it was about a political ad. Second thing, you were treated unfairly and I’ve lost all respect for that political novice Kirsten Powers (have you seen her host for H&C?) as well as the host. Instead of silencing her when she was right there, she shuts down the whole segment during your turn…

  5. Caryn says:

    I watched Heather Nauert ruin that segment, probably because of her breathless, smiling delivery of everything she’s been told to read. She needs to get her affectation right if she expects anyone to take her seriously. Although, she really belongs with Courtney Freel, who practices her “Porn Star” smile and mouth gestures while she’s doing her entertainment report on Fox News.
    Tammy, seriously, stay away from the bimbo squads infecting TV news. (most @MSNBC)

  6. Monk says:

    I agree, that was unfair. The host should have allowed time. Tammy, good job acting with with respect and integrity.

  7. RandyGH says:

    Perhaps if Tammy were reporting on missing/molested/or dead persons she would have gotten more air time. Fox has become all-tabloid, all the time. Randy

  8. pat_s says:

    What Nauert actual said was “when the gals start bickering”. That really ticked me off. I sent an email to Fox news about how Nauert handled the segment.

    As far as the big point Kirsten Powers insisted on making about the seal, Obama stood behind the podium that displayed that seal. He should have taken one glance at it and told his staff to take it down it’s ridiculous.

  9. mrfixit says:

    Nauert annoys me too. You didn’t get your due, and your points are salient and always make good segment closers. On the main point, Carly Fiorina had a very bad run while running HP, and while I liked her, and her values, it became clear that she found it difficult to move a large organization in toward it’s objectives. Organizations don’t come much bigger than the Federal Government, sad to say, and for that reason I don’t think she’s fit for the job of being a heartbeat away. I’m unfamiliar with Palin. I think having a female VP on both tickets could backfire and feed third party tickets, although it is unfair to create a gender gap issue out of it. I just think people are so fed up with having things crammed down their throat in thinly diguised attempts at social engineering. Fiorina was a CFO, and would make a great Secretary of the Treasury.

  10. marleed says:

    Heather Nauert never seems to be totally control of her interviews and when acting in the capacity of moderator, she’s even worse. FOX has some competent female commentators, she doesn’t happen to be one of them. I was wondering if the topic change was a surprise to everyone, or just me. . . At any rate, you can’t have a debate when there’s no back and forth. Tammy wasn’t afforded the time to rebut. Blame goes to the *moderator* I think I’ll go shoot an email off to FOX.

  11. Sara says:

    Tammy, there is no question you were shut down and, in my opinion, treated rather rudely. Kristen was determined to not let you speak.

    Oh, and BTW, I love the new “The One” ad. Sarcastic as all get out, so it appeals to that part of me. Moses smiting the waters at the end nearly knocked me out of my chair, especially knowing it was Charlton Heston. Very very clever ad and absolutely on point.

  12. Goofus says:

    Well after my scathing hate mail to FOX “news” and a cocktail, I’ve finally calmed down a bit…

    Take heart in the fact that you were shut down by “Heather and Kirsten” (aka Britney and Christina), I’d not lose any sleep over that if I were you…

    Funny though, as soon as you mentioned Barack being “in control of his own campaign…” they BOTH cut you off and *poof* off to commercial we go ’cause “the gals” started bickering.


    Kudos to you, Tammy, for smiling and letting it go. We’re all very proud of you I’m sure!

    “Britney and Christina” belong lip-synching on the nearest MTV Awards show, NOT moderating a political program for an alleged news channel.

    You did well for the 15 seconds you were allowed to speak, and I’m sorry it wasn’t more. GO GIRL!

    Donald – Norfolk, Va.

  13. Kelly says:

    Heather Nauert is not qualified to moderate. I saw people do a better job in my college broadcasting classes. She needed to rein in Kirsten’s bitchy interruptions and allow Tammy the time she was due.

    Needless to say, I’ll be joining many of you with an email to Fox. You did a great job, considering the circumstances, Tammy.

  14. Rob says:

    Well Kirsten,

    You’ve reached a new “high”. Even my ex-wife couldn’t get me to say that word! You’ve won the coveted golden TV brick upside the head award. Looks like I may need that new flat screen after all!
    GET BENT!!!!

  15. AniMEL says:

    Tammy, I thought you behaved with dignity–by not trying to mow over Kirsten Powers. Heather Nauert is an idiot and I daresay she belongs on CNN or MSNBC. I don’t think she’s the sort of “talent” needed on FOX.

    That clip did feel more to me like I was watching MSNBC and not the FOX news that I know and love.

  16. djd11 says:

    When partisan Dems talk over independent minded people it displays their Stalinist tendencies to silence free speech. Such childish tactics are expected from the party represented by the jack ass, and display their contempt for all of US.

    Honesty, objectivity, and integrity threaten the shallow and ignorant. It angered me to see you disrespected on that segment, but I am sure it will only make you stronger.

  17. djd11 says:

    For the record:

    Tammy’s first comment-38 seconds
    Kirstens first comment-70 seconds

    Kirstens second comment-25 seconds
    Tammys second comment-8 seconds

    What the truck happened to Fair and Balanced ?

  18. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Remind me again how Fox News is a Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy(TM) tool?

  19. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Tammy’s adventure on Fox today (and how the leftist was given the freedom to say what she wanted) reminds me of a now obsolete Cold War joke. A Soviet diplomat complained to a US Senator (presumably not named Ted Kennedy), “You Americans are always saying that my country is a dictatorship. It is a lie! We have exactly the same freedoms you do. In America you can stand in front of the White House and shout obscenities against the President of the United States without fear of arrest. In my country, you can stand in front of the Kremlin and shout obscenities against the President of the United States without fear of arrest.”

    I bet if you had echoed Kirsten’s line you would have been given Soviet-style freedom.

  20. Talkin Horse says:

    Of course we’d all like to see more of Tammy, but there’s no point in counting seconds. The segments are too short in any case, but I think Tammy got her message across. The “Messiah” ad was funny, and both Tammy and Heather chuckled naturally and acknowledged its relevance, while Kirsten sputtered and fumed and tried to change the subject. If we can continue to mock this naïve false prophet in a way that’s generally perceived as good-hearted (that is, not mean-spirited), we’ve gone a long toward deflating his aura of divine invincibility. That’s the sort of social phenomenon that will eventually wake up the sensible center of the nation to the obvious fact that the Dems are running with a clunker. Meanwhile, keep interviewing Rev. Wright, and be sure to ask him what progress he’s making in tracking down the lab that created the AIDS virus. Don’t try to lead or challenge the man; give him his head and let him enlighten us.

  21. Paul Snively says:

    Sexism is especially pernicious coming from a woman, isn’t it? I’m reminded of the great scene from “Stand and Deliver” where Andy Garcia’s character attempts to block Jaime Escalante’s (Edward James Olmos) class from participating in a calculus competition. When it’s pointed out that this attempt is racist, he goes ballistic because, being latino himself, he can’t possibly be racist. Riiiiiiiiight.

  22. RagingBullmoose says:

    Somewhere, a boat show is missing it’s airheaded presentation girl.

    Someone tell Nauert to quit pretending to be a journalist and haul it back to the showroom.


    And Powers? I can’t believe I used to feel sorry for her when O’Rielly used to talk over her every time she was on The Factor.

    Guess Bill was just trying to spare the audience another lib blowhard and their recycled garbage.

  23. Jack Bauer says:

    Neuart somehow managed to insert herself into John Gibson’s show — and look what happened to him!

    Powers used to be a down the line Democrat shill who you could listen to. Now she’s another Democratic Party Talking PointsBot.

    It’s actually tedious to listen to her. Not because she’s a Democrat, but because she’s now Alan Colmes in a skirt. Even Hannity mouths criticism of the Rep party.

    She was big Hillary gal — now she’s a total Obamabot.

  24. josai says:

    Is it true that Heather signed with Vivid Video??? that’s about the extent of her knowledge. Fox will be receiving some e-mail tips from yours truly.

  25. Young American says:

    I’ve never seen Kirsten so arrogant. And what’s this crap about McCain not wanting to talk about the issues ? It’s B.Hussein that will not sit down with McCain to the town hall debates and discuss the issues. He knows damn well he would fall flat on his face without being told what to say ahead of time. He’s an empty suit and an air head and a coward to boot. Tammy, when they let you speak you were fantastic.

  26. Kimj7157 says:

    Neuart really blew it. She just isn’t equipped for the task.

    And I’ve never seen Kirsten so overbearing and perturbed. When confronted with the facts and truth of the matter, she became VERY defensive, and over what? An amusing little ad. To THEM it is akin to sacrilege, apparently, which only goes to further prove the point being made. I think the Dems are beginning to squirm a bit because they realize the more we get to know Obama, the worse he looks.

  27. whitney says:

    I really believe Nauert, feels threatened by our “sweet and retiring” girl with a six-gun, I’ve not seen Nauert being so territorial and making such poor choices in her remarks; takes my opinion of her down big time.

    Oh I agree with you: you need to be given the FDA’s budget for knowing that salmonella bug was a Mexican one, when asked, where it came from, the Salmonella, bug, answered Si, to “did you come from Mexico?”

    Give Tammy the FDA’s Budget!

  28. Monk says:

    I must admit that I love the video, “The One”. At the end, the scene of Moses and the parting Red Sea is the best! That is true creativity. Love it.

  29. Idiot#3 says:

    I saw that exchange and watched it specifically to hear Tammy’s views. But as someone once said, (a French guy, likely) “All’s well that ends well”. Meaning, Tammy’s sparkle of intelligence and stoic smirk was less expected than the, “I know you are but what am I” response Kirsten’s argument had reached.


  30. girlsgotrhythm says:

    Yet another example of how FOX has taken quite a big swerve to the Left. I can’t believe more people haven’t noticed it. What Nauert said (about gals bickering) makes me sick. She should be ashamed and Fox should be embarrassed. I’d say they owe you a great big apology, TB!

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