
Cindy McCain at the podium today rehearsing introducing that guy she’s married to.

When it comes to tonight’s Repub lineup, I’m only interested in hearing Cindy and her husband.

I’ll probably do some live blogging, and I know all of you have plenty to say on this, your official Open Thread for the convention’s final night. 🙂

630p PT: Right off the bat, great Cindy tribute video!

There really is no comparison between Cindy and Michelle Obama. I think she’s just perfect.

“A woman’s hand on the wheel as well…” Yea! Cindy mentions Sarah and gets the biggest applause!! hahahahaha! Maybe all John should do is say her name over and over and over again.

Am I the only one ambivalent about McCain’s speech? Nothing can top last night…

705: McCain video. “Mama’s Boy!!” Hahahahaha! Excellent inclusion of humor. Perfect.

713: The John video was pretty good. Here he is…. Cindy looks proud.

719; Really nice comments about Cindy. She looks like she;s gonna cry. Awwwww…. I’m telling you, there are no two couples more different than the McCains and the Obamas. So starkly different.

723: Ooh a protester! Once again a woman who should dress better certainly not in pink. McCain’s response was excellent! Don’t be diverted by the ground noise and the static! Hahahaha!


Cindy from tonight.

Here’s the whole Cindy gallery.

Well, the convention is officially adjourned. Overall, I think it went very well. I think the McCain speech was fine. Wolfson on Fox is complaining that McCain didn’t explain that he didn’t talk about Bush enough and how he was different. In other words, the liberals are upset that McCain isn’t doing what they want him to do which is approach things on their terms. Losers.

McCain’s speech was workmanlike and fine. The combo of McCain and Palin is the winning team. Considering Gustav and and the vitriol coming from the Dems, the Repubs kept their eyes on the prize, and their VP pick had a star turn that who will be remembered for giving perhaps one of the best political speeches in at least a generation.

Interestingly, McCain accepted the party’s nomination and then attacked the party. Tomorrow’s daily tracking polls should be interesting, as they’ll reflect the Palin speech. Tonight McCain turn was predictable in a way, he did no harm, cast himself more an independent than anything else, and was moving at the end.

I’ll be on Fox & Friends in the morning about Palin and then of course we’ll have all our analysis on Tammy Radio.

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31 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. marleed says:

    Nice video presentation about John and Cindy… She’s sure had a life full of service. And I bet almost none of the American electorate knows it.

  2. marleed says:

    That color looks great on her!

  3. marleed says:

    If only the government would get under control and out of our way! PERFECT!

  4. marleed says:

    It’s a good idea to have a woman’s hand on the wheel as well! How about that Governor Sarah Palin!!!?

  5. marleed says:

    Very nicely done! I know public speaking makes Cindy nervous. She did well.

  6. marleed says:

    John McCain has delivered some good speeches, but he’s not a great orator… it could go either way, but I no way can he electrify the crowd like Sarah did.

  7. Kelly says:

    You aren’t alone, Tammy. I’m nervous about it. Cindy did a good job for someone who doesn’t do this as part of her job description. If McCain can demonstrate some energy, he’ll be fine. Here we go!

  8. Tink says:

    You’re not alone. I was actually thinking about hopping in the shower, but I like the videos, and who knows, maybe Palin inspired him to become a Conservative again.

    Wow, that Tom Ridge really knows how to get a crowd worked up. I can’t even believe he was being considered. Can you imagine?!

    Cindy was great, it was nice to learn more about her. I like her even more.

    Have you guys seen the new McCain/Palin gear at the GOP shop? I’m axiously waiting for my yard sign and bumper stickers to show up in the mail.

  9. marleed says:

    Kind of a big contrast to the Big O’s stage! … no Grecian pillars! He’s almost surrounded by the delegates… right in the middle of the people.

  10. marleed says:

    My computer shop is right next to the Republican Headquarters… so I can get all the yard signs I want. I was even invited to watch the speeches on a 50″ plasma at the restaurant here in the building where the Republicans were having a “McCain” party. I chose to watch it in my office with my little 17″ TV… blogging on! I’ll go check in with the Republicans when the speeches are done.

  11. marleed says:

    Nice shout out to Obama and Biden … not something I would have probably done.

  12. Kelly says:

    How are these damn protesters getting in? Ah, the classy liberals. The Messiah got to have his toga party uninterrupted but these jerks got past security?!

    Must be like the invisible border fence.

  13. marleed says:

    Sarah gets a BIG reaction and she looks fabulous! I don’t suppose the MSM will like her hair, but it looks fine to me!

  14. Figlio Perduto says:

    i think there should be a little box in the corner of the screen where they just keep showing sarah.

  15. Rich B says:

    Dammit! Code Stink strikes again! Would someone Please throw blood on her.

  16. Young American says:

    McCains : Genuine
    America lovers

    Obamas : Phony
    America haters

    Yes Tammy very starkly different. Hope vs hopeless. I’ll take the side of hope. McCain/Palin 2008.

  17. Tink says:

    Figlio – LOL!! Good idea, but I don’t think McCain’s ego could handle that. He’s already done enough for us by chosing her.

    Yeah, how did those pinko pigs get in there anyway? McCain handled it with class. He’s really growing on me … and doing better than I expected tonight.

    If nothing else, we know he loves the military and understands it’s place in our society and in the world.

    I hope he drops the bi-partisan talk.
    There are no “best ideas from the other side.” Is he stuck in the past?

  18. KatieSilverSpring says:

    What am I to do with a 17-year-old daughter who is like Tammy? She comes up with these “Mom, I know you don’t want me to say the words” BUT … “that lady in blue is a grandma MILF.”

    She says it isn’t a bad expression, a complement, but I have to keep telling her it isn’t decent to say.

    Maybe when she’s a mother she will understand not to use boy terms.

    nonetheless, once again, I had to entertain my leftish neighbors tonight whose first words when I showed up at the neighborhood dinner party was, (to new neighbors) “this is the neighborhood ‘mayor'” (meaning busybody)and, “how’d you like to be that VP?” All I could think of was, yes, ain’t she great! but I can’t shoot and I don’t eat mooseburgers. These are times when I wish I could and did.

    This after a full day at the “bipartisan” AARP convention (to which I will NOT return tomorrow).

    Whew! life in DC is hard. Thank God there is more to our country than this. I so look forward to the Navy football games. John McCain is Class of 1958, the really spirited group, who are celebrating their 50th!!

    I sure hope the rest of the country is NOT the inside-the-beltway group I must listen to everyday. Please, please tell you aren’t.

  19. Rich B says:

    What an ending. Go go go go…..!

  20. marleed says:

    We never hide from history, we make history!

    And both couples are on the stage… balloons fall!

    Theme song from Rudy!!!!!!!!! YES! Inspirational!

  21. Figlio Perduto says:


  22. Rich B says:

    Oh that’s great. Now they’re playing “Baracuda” from Heart. Inspiring speech. John McCain is not a great speaker but I listen to hear the message. The last “great” speaker we had was Clinton. And we know what kind of man he turned out to be.

  23. Figlio Perduto says:

    Republican convention scandal tomorrow: fake fireworks.

  24. Monk says:

    @ Kelly at 7:25: FUNNY!! I was screaming, “Teaser!”

    I saw the whole thing and I thought it actually went well. Sure there were more energy last night, but he made his case tonight and it was made very well. Honestly, I’m happy to have McCain as the candidate.

  25. ceejay says:

    What a wonderful speech. Awesome. I felt so American and so proud. Maybe it will become fashionable to be a proud American again. I think maybe this guy can do it. I thought he was inspiring and moving to the point of tears from me. What a contrast on that stage. Red White Blue. A waving flag. So unabashedly American. The other guy? Greek columns??? What is he running for? The president of the Olympics? Love Sarah, and Cindy? Wow! She will be the most fabulous first lady.

  26. Deenie says:

    When they announced the stage change tonight to ‘cat-walk’ style, I was hoping that meant that Cindy Mac would appear in her ‘cat-suit.” 🙁

  27. fiona says:

    Tammy’s friend John Phillips was just on w/Al Rantel. The security guys thought he was a Code Pink protester & hauled him away for questioning! LOL! He’s got quite a story he’s going to tell on Doug McIntyre’s show tomorrow morning. They’re on at about 5am PT & can be listened to here:

  28. sambinik says:

    Sen McCain IMO gave the speech that he’s been wanting to give, and told his country what he’s wanted to say for many years.
    There’s almost nothing more compelling to see than a truly grateful heart.
    I don’t know if he’s been playing rope-a-dope with all of us on the ‘seriously right’ side all these years, but when push came to shove, he showed his true colors: he picked Sarah. He shared WHY he wants this office. He was on a ‘bully pulpit’ tonite.
    In his story are the reasons why he wants to reach to the other side (even tho’ we don’t want to!)–I will wager some of those men who bandaged his wounds and fed him and took care of his hygiene might not have shared his views on all things political, religious, etc.
    Sorry to go long, but I think he just laid out his hand, and he might have just won the election going away. McCain/Palin ’08.

  29. PeteRFNY says:

    >>How are these damn protesters getting in? Ah, the classy liberals. The Messiah got to have his toga party uninterrupted but these jerks got past security?!

    It seems like they get in to every GOP convention. They were at the last one and the one before that. Don’t forget they plan this nonsense well in advance and very intricately.

    Republicans don’t interrupt Dem Conventions for two reasons: 1) we have too much class to act like a whiny 9-year-old, and 2) we have jobs.

  30. Shawmut says:

    Sure, who wouldn’t want another George Washington clone, with Madison, Jefferson, Monroe, Lincoln blood mixtures?
    But, and in spite of, for the moment, we have John McCain, who, during the GOP primary battles, not one opponent could, or would dare, assail him in terms of LIDMaC: Loyalty, Integrity, Discretion, Morals and Character. At this point, his opponent hasn’t even been cleared for the classified briefings that Bush is allowing. (sigh)
    “There are two questions we will never have to ask ourselves, ‘Who is this man?’ and ‘Can we trust this man with the presidency?'”
    — Fred Thompson on John McCain, Sept. 2.

    (LIDMaC Paragraph: that part of a security investigation when an agent would ask; “Do you know anything that would reflect adversely on..SUBJECT’s.. loyalty, integrity, discretion, morals and character?”)

  31. storytold says:

    I can’t speak for anyone else but I just don’t trust McCain. He has not changed from the McCain we knew before Palin. I still think his decision to select Sarah Palin was more about political strategy than it was about doing his base a favor. He has and always will look down on the rightwingers and ‘agents of intolerance’ that form his party’s core. He has repeatedly called for a change in the GOP…and I mean an extreme makeover. That’s why he sought the Independent and Democrat vote early on in the primaries. I usually find that Independents tend to hold views similiar to Democrats,more so that with Republicans. John McCain,notwithstanding Sarah Palin, will work hard to move the GOP to the center,and possibly somewhat to the left,if he ever becomes President. That is also why he settled on Sarah Palin,who has taken on her own Party. That can actually be a good thing when you’re doing it to remove corrupt politicians but McCain will do it to fundementaly change his Party. I just don’t trust that man. I believe he would much rather have had Joe Lieberman as his running mate but that would have sunk his chance to become President and he knew it. If John McCain is ever going to get the chance to transform the GOP,he must win the White House first and he was never going to accomplish that with Joe,so instead he chose Sarah. And watching the crowds cheer for Palin a they had never done for him,will leave a bitter taste in his mouth that will stay with him if and when he takes office. Call me cynical but that’s how I feel. A Giuliani/Palin ticket would have been much more gratifying. But I’m still overjoyed that Sarah Palin is his running mate.

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