Barky’s team of thugs now want to prosecute, literally, those who are investigating ACORN fraud. Obama’s socialism isn’t limited to his economic policies, it’s also reflected in his attempt to punish and destroy those who dare to ask questions and investigate wrong-doing. So now we know Barky’s focus: prosecute those who dare discuss, expose and investigate crime. Obviously his socialistic policies extend to more than just economics, they also control his plan for society in general.

Obama camp calls for special prosecutor in fraud investigation

The Obama campaign announced Friday that it is asking Attorney General Michael Mukasey to turn over any investigations of voter fraud or voter suppression to Special Prosecutor Nora Dannehy.

Dannehy is also the special prosecutor recently appointed to investigate the U.S. attorney firing scandal.

It’s the latest salvo in an escalating war over allegations of possible voter irregularities during the upcoming presidential election.

“What they’re actually about is the unprecedented effort to essentially sap the American people of confidence in the voting process,” Bob Bauer, the Obama campaign’s general counsel, said Friday on a conference call.

Oh, so now massive ACORN fraud of McCain’s fault. Priceless. The McCain campaign has responded to this outrageous attempt to intimidate law enforcement officials from doing their job and citizens from voicing concern about attempts to subvert the entire electoral process.

After a week of shifting stories and clumsy corrections regarding Barack Obama’s connections to ACORN, the Obama campaign resorted to their now-customary heavy handed tactic of attempting to criminalize political discourse. Today’s outrageous letter to Attorney General Mukasey and Special Prosecutor Dannehy at the Justice Department asking for a special prosecutor to investigate Senator McCain and Governor Palin’s public statements about ACORN’s record of fraudulent voter registrations (including in this week’s Presidential debate) is absurd. It is a typical time-worn Washington attempt to criminalize political differences. For someone who promises ‘change,’ it is certainly only more of the same.

As a refresher, here’s an 8-minute video giving you the background, to date, on ACORN’s efforts to subvert this election.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Sable007 says:

    What a surprise! Divert attention, deny everything, admit nothing, fabricate false counter claims and attack the opposition whilst trying to duck back under a rock until the truth storm blows over.

    If the obominators want to find out what is going on, let the investigation run its course instead of trying to obstruct the investigation by bringing in federal jackbooted thugs – or in this case a Jill booted thugette.

    Federal enforcers – is this what we have to look forward to if Obama gets elected. And, exactly why is it that Obama said he wants a civilian army as well equipped and trained as our standing army. What for and why; couldnt be in America, could it, hmmmm?

    1984 a couple of decades late??? Will we get a Big Brother watching us?

    Is there a whiffie of a personal elite palace guard.

    Be verrrrrry afraid, and vote as if your life and liberty depend on it.

  2. josephinetheplummer says:

    Hey, Tammy, I just want to tell you your show is great; I’m a new listener. I found you when, after all these years, I realized Garrison Keiler is one of the biggest purveyors of liberalism there is. So I changed the dial, and there you were!

    Tonight you pointed out how Obama = socialism and you said something like, “You don’t have to … to figure that out.” Here’s a line for you, and it’s right out of the mouth of liberalism’s other messiah, Bob Dylan:

    “You don’t need a WEATHERMAN to know which way the wind blows.”

    Keep up the good work.


  3. ffigtree says:

    So this is what a community organizer does: “criminalize political differences”. Obama is defending his political agenda at the expense of our Constitution. We do not need a community organizer/lawyer in the White House.

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