No reason to build that border wall #17,056. (HT Pat S.) And you thought their gifts were limited to freeloaders, salmonella, and e-coli. Silly geese!

It’s Not a Tumor, It’s a Brain Worm

Late last summer, Rosemary Alvarez of Phoenix thought she had a brain tumor. But on the operating table her doctor discovered something even more unsightly — a parasitic worm eating her brain…”We’ve got a lot more of cases of this in the United States now,” said Raymond Kuhn, professor of biology and an expert on parasites at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C. “Upwards of 20 percent of neurology offices in California have seen it.”

According to Kuhn, who has traveled to study this parasite, cysticercosis is a big problem in some parts of Latin America and Mexico where health codes are hard to enforce and people may frequently eat undercooked pork. As people travel across the border with Mexico for vacation and work, Kuhn said so does the tapeworm. One person infected with a parasite, who also has bad hand washing habits, can infect many others with eggs.

“These eggs can live for three months in formaldehyde,” said Kuhn. “You got to think, sometimes, a person is slapping lettuce on your sandwich with a few extra add-ons there.”

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ladykrystyna says:


    I think a certain portion of the country has simply lost the ability to reason.

    Also, did anyone catch the 60 Minutes report on how ICE is trying to deport women who married U.S. men because their husbands are dead and the women didn’t have the opportunity to finish tying up the loose ends on residency and/or citizenship.

    Yeah, these women are here LEGALLY. They married American men and in each case (there were 3), the men died suddenly and tragically and the women were lost in reams of paperwork and miles of red tape and now ICE just says they probably won’t get residency or citizenship because they are no longer, get this “SPOUSES” because their husbands are dead. They are now “WIDOWS”.

    Luckily, federal appeals courts have found in the favor of the women, stating that there is the concept of “surviving spouse”.

    Unfortunately, and at the taxpayers expense, ICE continues to APPEAL those decisions instead of just letting it go.

    In the meantime, ILLEGALS come here everyday, including ones that are NOT productive to this society (gang members, criminals, etc.) and NOTHING IS DONE TO GET RID OF THEM. But women who obviously married their husbands out of LOVE not a desire for a green card (and one of whom has a CHILD, an AMERICAN CITIZEN and was told he could stay but she would have to go!) and who are productive members of society are being told they have to LEAVE!

    Granted, yes, there are those that get married for the GREEN CARD, but these women, due to a completely Byzantine system of immigration and miles of gov’tl red tape, did not have the opportunity to make their case to ICE due to their husbands untimely and sudden deaths. If they would just get the wagon train a movin’, these women would have had their hearings, etc. and it would have been fine. But for some it was like a year or more and there was no hearing on their case.

    Anyway, this is one of the reasons why I have no problem with the concept of “comprehensive immigration reform”, I just believe that securing the borders and doing something about the criminal element first is more important than handing out amnesty to everybody.

    Hey, at the next illegal immigration rally (IN WHAT OTHER COUNTRY COULD THAT POSSIBLY HAPPEN! AND AMERICA IS THE EVIL ONE!?), how about ICE shows up and just does a sweep! That I would LOVE to see. Seriously.

    Sorry for the second rant of the day. It must be just one of those days: (1) another “press conference” by a man who hasn’t been sworn in to office yet. I’m already sick of THE ONE; (2) Bailing out Citigroup; (3) Most likely going to bail out car companies

    And many other things. This country is going to HELL in a handbasket. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200!


  2. Shawmut says:

    This patient was, all along, abiding in good will and has suffered.
    There is here a pretty ingenious way of applying germ warfare. One aspect of immigration control in our history was the quarantine at Ellis Island, New York. There was no prejudice to it, just health precaution against spreading TB, influenza, etc. Go back in history and find that many countries, even city-states, took Daconian precautions against diseases and plagues.
    But, hey! Let’s not offend the anonymous illegal transients (PC doncha-know). But here we have a case where the potential is the jeopardy of the health and lives of those we love. JEOPARDY!
    Project this into intentionally contaminated drugs and the users who stay beyond the arm of the law and public health agencies while a germ is metasticizing; think of the white collar users who’d be ‘above it all’ and would have data suppressed.
    The researchers have noticed this worm appearing in 20% of the neurology clinics in California.
    Now the caveat; 20% of the neurology clinics in just California; how many clinics, medical offices and hospitals elsewhere in California, and other states have not isolated the worm in diagnoses. Does it transfer?
    (Remember this woman lived in Arizona.)
    I remember, only too well, early HIV afflictees were concerned about exposure. (Fortunately I didn’t feel that way 22 years ago.)
    Yet, remember, this patient, our fellow citizen, was just a vactioner, like any American outside our borders; a goodwill ambassador.

  3. KWH says:

    This country has gone mad. Kids are brought up and educated to think they are entitled to something. PURSUIT of happiness now means guaranteed happiness. There is little to no accountability for ones actions. Moneychangers all over holding out their hands while wearing $2000 suits, flying private jets and throwing thousands for partys and massages. I see NO way to keep up these massive hand outs and stimulus packages without our collective wallets getting a ginormous “stimulus”. Is it me or am I back in preschool? OMG! Preschool groundhog day!

  4. artgal says:

    Oh geez, I have completely lost my appetite. Seriously, I am suppose to meet up with my best friend tonight at a local Mexican restaurant celebrating its first year in business. I don’t even want the $1.00 margaritas now unless its the proven antidote to this brain-eating worm. Ugh!

    So, let’s see: last year, a brain-eating amoeba was found in AZ lakes (something that was brought from Mexico); now, we have the brain-eating worm from undercooked/contaminated foods.

    I guess this means there will not be any further Tammycons here in Tucson, will there?

  5. Dave J says:

    “These are pets, of course. Not QUITE domesticated.”

    –Khan Noonian Singh

  6. Nonnie says:

    Seems like the doctors should have been able to see the difference between a tumor mass and freaking mutant WORM! Gross.

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