Here’s a Saturday Open Thread on a day when fires are threatening a number of communities in Southern California. I want to thank everyone who emailed me checking on my safety. I live in a part of Los Angeles that is so far not threatened by any of the fires. I do have several friends who are evacuated or in the process of having to leave their homes. Please send everyone in So Cal good vibes. In the meantime, we have lots of fire and police heroes working to save people, homes and animals. Send them, and the wild animals at risk, your prayers as well.


This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. snowcloud says:

    Wishing you the best, Tammy. We’re thinking of you out here. Praying for you and all in CA.

  2. NavajoSierra says:

    I too am praying for all of you and for your animals and the wild animals.

  3. horselady says:

    I think these fires are terrorism-related and this backs it up:

    AMERICA BURNING: Bin Laden’s plan for ‘global fireball’ – Intel agents uncover plot for worldwide disaster.

    LONDON — Documents recovered from a remote area along the Pakistan border have revealed that Osama bin Laden wants al-Qaida to launch a “global fireball” by lighting forest fires in Europe, the United States, Australia and South America, according to a report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
    The documents, uncovered during an operation led by the British intelligence service MI6, have been described by experts in that agency as “the most worrying [plot] that the world is facing.”
    The catastrophic wildfires would not only produce an environmental disaster but would stretch emergency services often beyond their limit and leave insurance companies facing multi-billion-dollar claims for damages that could effectively destroy the already shattered economies of a number of countries.
    The FBI has issued a high priority warning that “such a terrorist plan could devastate states like California.”
    HAT TIP:

  4. Sending wishes your way. Stay safe.

  5. whitney says:

    Does anyone have a problem with Fox News constantly running this Huckabee programming? (nonsense for me)Only because they seem to be promoting this guy as the successor to McLame and I cringe to think that that would be where the Loyal opposition (Repubes) is heading. I was reading some comments from the Anne Coulter website, Get Drunk and vote 4 McCain. And, the funniest was someone who was relieved that we wouldn’t have to hear, “My friends..” anymore. Grahamnesty, should be crushed, but this idiot apparently won re-election in 2008.

  6. Lamplighter says:

    Stay safe, Fearless Leader.

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