I don’t have a lot of time as it is, but people keep bugging me about joining Twitter. Who, really, has time or wants to inform every living being about what they’re doing all the time, especially when a lot of that will be boring stuff? And then, what, you get people to “follow” you? Then you really have to care because if you don’t get a lot then it looks like you’re a loser? Why, why WHYYYYY!!!!!?????

So, Villagers, do tell: Do you want me on Twitter? Your wish is sometimes, whenever, my command.

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Larry says:

    Hey, you can do it from your iPhone! 🙂

  2. DogOnCrack says:

    Twitter is just a stupid fad.
    It won’t be long before everyone gets tired of it.

  3. ffigtree says:

    How is twitter different from myspace or facebook?

  4. Fox says:

    Your time would be better spent looking for that snuggie… When you do get one, can we get some action shots? 🙂

  5. LindaK says:

    It’s pretty much Facebook lite. I don’t see any compelling reason to join Twitter too.

  6. marleed says:

    I just don’t see the value of it . . . but I don’t Twitter so perhaps I’m just ignorant.

  7. mrfixit says:

    Twitter is just one more thing to become a slave to.

  8. PeteRFNY says:

    I have enough problems maintaining MySpace and Facebook. Twitter makes it sound like it’s only for Twits. A Facebook page WOULD be pretty cool, though (you actually have a fan group there already!).

  9. palin2012 says:

    We don’t need you on wasting your time on twitter. Continue informing us, writing, and I think you should run for office.

  10. I hate to say it but, having resisted until a couple weeks ago I’m pretty amazed at the differences between twitter and facebooky, friendstery things. It’s a much leaner, easier thing to manage.

    I don’t know where the “if you don’t follow tens of thousands of people uraluzr” nonsense comes from. I’m guessing from people who don’t use it.

    The ad hoc ‘groups’ and conversations that form are pretty impressive.

    One really big problem with it is that the web site sucks and if that’s your primary mode of interaction then you’re really not going to get much out of it.

    But if you’ve got room on your desktop for something like TweetDeck, it really starts coming through.

    Sure I’d do the happy dance if you were on there. But I have a hard time pushing someone towards it.

    Though it IS far more than it seems.

  11. West Coast Minority says:

    Twitter is Facebook on crack. I’ve been on it for a week and I don’t get it.

  12. Ysbub says:

    I’ve been using Twitter for about a month now, following a group called #TCOT (Top Conservatives on Twitter). There are many talking about organizing of the tea parties etc on there, Malkin, Hawkins, Town Hall, National Review folks and lots from Congress are active, and just everyday concerned folks posting articles that other may not see during their reading day.

    Compared to Facebook or the like, you don’t need to concentrate on your page, you just post 140 characters or less… for example, if you are following #TCOT, you may see @Ysbub posting “House just passed blah blah blah http://www.link.com

    I find it extremely useful. You don’t get a Facepage full of junk, no cutesy hearts sent to you, etc. I think you should give it a try… if you don’t like it, no harm done, and nobody will be bugging you elsewhere.

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