
Seriously, it’s more fun and useful than I imagined. It’s free. Sign up at Here’s some help, the Newbie’s Guide to Twitter, for those of you still cautious. You can find me under the handle HeyTammyBruce.

Hope to see you there.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Ruth Anne says:

    Glad you’re having fun at this. Is it o.k. to say, ‘see, I told ya’ so?’

  2. girlsgotrhythm says:

    Follow ya?

    I think the world of ya, TB but I’m not really understanding or getting the twitter thingy… you say? Useful even? Hmmm, well, I suppose I COULD let my fans and friends know when I am going to wash my hair. Other than that, I’m not getting the ‘useful’ part you mention. But then again, I am not gadget-gal.

    Well, hell, to each their own. If it’s fun for you and/or other folks, who am I to down it? As for me, I’ve only just mastered myspace after all this time, so I’m gonna stick with that for a while. We’ll miss ya over there, but technology and social network sites are fickle trends aren’t they? A newer better thing is always coming out and keeping up with that is important to some.

    I’ll still “follow” ya on your show, though, so that’s still pretty good, huh?

  3. Robert Graham says:

    Although this will ultimately lead to something more useful, it is somewhat fun. i wish i could spent more time with this. As far as I know, while Barkey was giving his speech, some were commenting on Twitter while he was still on the podium.
    From a man I know far more into it than I, Twitter will become a tool law enforcement will have the most use for.

  4. Dissentery says:

    I ask the same. explain the “useful” aspect of twitter and maybe i might just be a twit and twiddle-dee, twiddle-dumb my way on over.

  5. ffigtree says:

    I must confess. I tried twitter but just don’t “get it”. I’ll live vicariously through you, TB, via your twitter widget.

  6. palin2012 says:

    Okay – I’ve got Facebook and Team Sarah working and I get most of it. I think I’m getting Twitter – here’s the deal correct? 1. You can read posts by people you follow. 2. People who follow you can read your posts. 3. You cannot comment to someone you follow unless they follow You. How am I doing so far?

  7. Kimj7157 says:

    I don’t think I’m quicktwitted enough to be a twitterer… .

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