
Euna lee and Laura Ling


Roxana Saberi

My new column has posted over at Fox Forum. The First 100 Days: Obama Abandons Three American Journalists Held Hostage addresses the Obamas unforgivable abandonment of three women kidnapped and held hostage by the Iranian and North Korean terrorist regimes.

With Obama’s now countless failures and outrages, this issue is especially serious. Please do go take a look, comment liberally (the left will have a difficult time defending Urkel on this, but you know, in all their hypocrisy, they’re gonna try) and I would very much appreciate it if you could spread the word.

Thanks 🙂

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. CinderellaMan says:

    And while Saberi’s life hangs in the balance from her self-inflicted hunger strike, and Euna Lee and Laura Ling remain unjustly accused and incarcerated under totalitarian rule, our President does nothing.

    Remembering the words of Terry Anderson, I can’t help but wonder how optimistic he is today watching his very own country turn toward socialism:

    “Is there going to be peace in the world? I’m a Christian. I believe eventually there will be, at the second coming. I think we are moving into an era of greater, or if not peace, at least of greater prosperity.
    Think about it: In the last 10 to 15 years there are hundreds of millions of people in the world who are living in a greater degree of individual responsibility and freedom and perhaps dignity than there were 15 years ago. That’s true in eastern Europe, in Latin America, even in Asia.
    That great process of history, of thousands of years of an increase in a dignity of the individual, seems to have been halted for a good period of time by the growth of totalitarian societies, and those are breaking up now.
    Certainly the totalitarian instinct has not gone away. There are a great many wars going on and struggles by peoples, but that ice jam, that blockage that was representative of the domination of a third of the world by communism, is gone. I think that’s reason for great optimism.”
    – 1995 interview in the spring newsletter of the School of Journalism Alumni Association, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, by Will Norton Jr.

  2. HALEY says:

    Excellent, Tammy. And I love the points you made about Michelle. I sent this article to several people.

    1,362 days and counting….

  3. palin2012 says:

    “When you abandon Americans held by terrorists, and then reward terrorists who trained with Al Qaeda, some might argue it’s more than priorities that are screwed-up in the White House.”

    Woo Hoo Tammy – Thank you for this article – we need to demand the release of these women and obviously cannot depend on the current administration for anything except grandstanding, spending, and eventually causing another devastating terrorist attack. You bring a little sanity to what has become an insane, impossible to comprehend, state of affairs in our country.

    I posted the link to your article in several places on Team Sarah, SGP, Facebook, and Twitter.

  4. Tamala says:

    Atta Girl!!!!!!!!! Loved the brutal honesty.

    This Presidency is like a bad episode of MTV’s Pimp My Ride. However, its not a car that’s being pimped- its our President. All of the photo ops, fainting speech goers, white pillars, puppy dogs, jacked up limos, shirtless magazine covers, appearances on late night television and Waygu beef will not detract from the fact that we have an wet, empty suit in the White House. America knows this and now so does the WORLD! It’s shameful!

    Unfortunately for these women, Barry’s idea of a helping hand is sending them an autographed
    Time magazine and an iPod loaded with pictures of himself and TOTUS’s speeches. B. Hussein needs to nut up and make the people in all FIFTY SEVEN states who voted for him proud 😉

  5. DawnofAnewError says:

    I was just reading “100 Days, 100 Mistakes” on the New York Post ( ). I noticed it was missing any mention of the ‘Terror Force One’ flight. And as Tammy points out today, it left out any mention of Obama ignoring these three women, too… which might just be the biggest show of incompetence, apathy, and weakness of them all. Sad.

  6. infidel says:

    Joe Biden was finally right about something; The One IS being tested already. And while some Arab nations are looking for some stones in our president to stand up to the threat of Iran’s hunger for Middle East dominance he is failing these early tests with putrid weakness.
    Barry is the geek in the boys room giving up his lunch money to buy off the bullies.
    I wonder how bad the humiliation has to get?

  7. lapdog says:

    What else would you expect from a Muslim … Respect for women? Get real.

  8. Very sad to abandon such young talented women.
    Chivalry is dead along with the whole American Culture with this brutish, clueless HUGOBAMA.

  9. dennisl59 says:

    Nothing from any of the “Women’s Rights Groups”. No press conferences, no press releases, nothing. Why?

  10. Shawmut says:

    Three women, three journalists, taken from debt-holding China by one of the kidnapping capitols of the world, PyongPen. Another woman journalist imprisoned in Iran. Numbers of American children of dual-citizen parentage ‘repatriated’ to the ‘care’ of families in mysoginist and theocratic regimes. (Speaking of the latter why does the White House have to a religious out-reach office {apart from the faith based initiatives}?)
    I got it! AF One was only threatening the UN building. The Manhattanites should have been cheering.
    In another hundred days…. Wait until Janet Reno reappears.

  11. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    I am going to engage in an act of heresy and say: maybe Roxana Saberi should be rotting in an Iranian prison. While she did some free-lance work for Fox, the bulk of her “journalism” career was spent working for NPR and the BBC. A pedigree like that should be a warning sign.

    It seems that Miss Saberi was little more than a flunky for the Iranian Islamists. Keep in mind also that the BBC and NPR are devout bootlickers of Islamic regimes worldwide – the bloodier and more anti-American the better is their view. Is it really credible that the BBC and NPR would employ Saberi if she did not share their genocidal views?

    Tammy, the meme being pushed by the media is “courageous liberal multicultural journalist unjustly held by religious fundamentalists”. Sound familiar? I cannot shake the feeling that this Roxana Saberi story is mostly phony-baloney. I have gone to the NPR website to listen to her stories myself, and her Iran-getting-the-Bomb-is-no-biggie report was scary.

  12. RobK says:

    I like Ann Coulter’s words of advice: “Don’t travel internationally when a Democrat is in the White House!”. Just like the hostages were released by the cringing Iranians when Reagan took office, these 3 will be released when Urkel leaves office, SOON!

  13. Whitney64 says:

    Hmmm….while it isn’t a laughing matter, and I concur with Tammy in every way; I find it ironic that adding 50 more drive-by media members and we’ll have another Jimmy Carter in the White House telling us how a post-capital malaise has fallen over America and we should let them sit in chains for 400 days…. Perhaps then a new Reagan will emerge. Of course the next Reagan may be wearing a skirt, but I’d take Rice or Palen in a skirt over Hopey McChange and his mighty pen any day.

  14. dadling says:

    Mr Obama is sending a loud & clear message to us all….
    If you’re in trouble overseas, FORGET ABOUT THE USA HELPING YOU !!!….those days are over….now we are just one of the many ordinary countries and have to act accordingly….
    Now we’re all French !!!

    He is a disgrace !!!
    As was Bush, who prosecuted his own military personnel….I cannot forgive either of them…

    And I’ve got no problem telling everyone I know about this……

  15. Shawmut says:

    Remember Reagan didn’t profile himself as someone copying the life of another. He was a man of the moment, and at a crucial moment.
    With all the respect due him, we should be looking for a person to encounter the here and now as crisis and deal with it.
    We are watching a steady philosophical, economic political and cultural encroachment of the United States.
    Some of us will live through it. Some will opt for denial.

  16. Vance says:

    100 days?! We’ve got four more years of this? 🙁 Interesting “coincidence” they being all young women. Our special forces could probably take care of this as efficiently as any human could. Unfortunately, they would need the President to order them in. Only 3 years, 265 days to go…

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