I hope you are. I certainly am 🙂

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18 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. LauraVW says:

    My sign I will be carrying tomorrow in Hartford:





  2. RobK says:

    26 people in my neighborhood of 3 square blocks are going to the Austin, Texas tea party. Governor Rick Perry is going to speak! Here are the demographics of the people going in my group:

    – 9 Republican Conservatives
    – 12 Democrats (4 Liberals the other 8 not Liberal)
    – 5 Independents (not sure if Conservative or other).

    Our sign theme is: “America’s strength does not lie in being led, but rather in being FREE!”

    Stick that in your pie hole, Urkel, and smoke it!

  3. Tink says:

    Knoxville, TN –I’ll be walking to World’s Fair Park Amphitheater around 3:00pm. As far as I can tell, most of the area’s leading Conservative and Independent peeps will be there. Local Conservative radio, Glenn Instapundit and Dr. Helen, and few state reps.

    It’s going to be streamed live on the web as well.

    I have to say, the DHS report gives me a taste of what our courageous founding generation must have felt.

  4. JPac says:

    I have been politically aware for most of my life — I’m 41 — but have never gotten directly involved. Now is the time to finally put my money where my mouth is. I know I am not the only one and I hope / expect to see hundreds like me at the VA Beach Tea Party tomorrow. It is supposed to rain but I will be there regardless — never let it be said that I am a Fair Weather Radical! Power to the Taxpaying Peeps!

  5. Tamala says:

    I will be attending the Chicago tea party tomm at the Kluczynski Federal Building Plaza
    230 S. Dearborn. Per the facebook page, there are 991 confirmed guests thus far.

    For me, what started out as a protest against higher taxes and pork spree has now turned into
    a protest against the growing power and scope of this administration which is threatening freedoms and individual rights that this country was founded on.

    I’ve got my signs and I’m more than motivated to engage any libhole who dares to interfere with my right to protest.

    Freedom is like a muscle… it atrophies if you don’t exercise it. I will be flexing tomorrow 😉

  6. MontanaCowhand says:

    Boise, ID Tea Party

    Wanted to hold a sign that said “Open Season on RINOS” but with Tammie’s segment on Right Wing terrorist groups — I may have to come up with something that’s still clever but remove the hunting analogy for the dummies out there.

    Also handing out copies of the US Constitution.

  7. claudia in ny says:

    I would like to bring my two kids with to participate in our local Tea Party. I think it would be good for them to see our great country’s “right to free speech” in action. But, jeesh, they might be classified as terrorists for the rest of their lives. So, I might just show up solo.

  8. Not only am I going, but I’m bringing the entire family with me (husband & 4 kids). My signs: “DC are you listening?” & one of my sons will carry a sign saying: “Give me my future back.” (and maybe a few more)

  9. F. Bastiat says:

    One of my sign reads “I will not OBEY” with the “O” as the infamous Obama logo and Hopey McChangeâ„¢ as Stalin; the other one says “You are not entitled to what I have earned.”

    See you there. Don’t forget to bring your I.D. for the storm troopers to verify that you ARE indeed a right wing extremist. lol

  10. artgal says:

    I had the pleasure of meeting w/ the organizers of the Tucson Tea Party last week for a sign making party. Talk about an energetic, very well-organized and knowledgeable bunch – this was it! Then last Saturday, I met up w/ members of the Arizona chapter of Smart Girl Politics, GOP officials in Tucson and several young, local grassroots conservative candidates running for the first time for office. I have not felt this sort of excitement since Reagan ran in 1980! Well, I was also this excited when I met up w/ the coolest peeps on earth last year in Tucson and this past winter in Vegas 🙂

    But yes, I will be at the Tucson Tea Party bright & early helping to set up things, conducting voting registrations and I’ll have my videocam, too. Going with a friend who is as eager as I am to make some noise!

    You know what I love about all this? I love that I’m in Arizona at this point in time just as the feds are threatening Sheriff Joe, talking about Amnesty (a quiet Kyl & McCain I might add) & just as this state last week struck down the call for new taxes – because we have a huge deficit thanks to Jan the Man Napolitano. We also have enough state legislators to have finally put some of her huge spending policies in this state to rest.

    Arizona survived the error of Napolitano, and this nation will survive the colossal error of the entire Odumbf(rea)k administration. We just have to turn the tables now! So get out there tomorrow – and remember: TOMORROW IS JUST THE BEGINNING! It does NOT stop there!

    So bring on the brown flannel shirts, Jan! I’ll be the gay prolife feminist conservative chick at the SGP table with sunglasses, a tea party tshirt, nice fitting jeans, blue Ecco hiking shoes, probably have my naturally curly hair pulled back underneath a USA cap.

    Oh, Jan – I’ll also have on makeup as usual – and lipstick. So will the very tall, beautiful woman who will be accompanying me!


  11. Shawmut says:

    Where is there little focus on a Tea Party?
    Boston, of course; the breeding farm of Kennedy, Kerry and a “Democrats Only” Congressional Delegation.
    I’ll wonder down to the replica of “The Beaver”, maybe even take a copy of “Secret New England, Spies of the American Revolution” (plug from a co-author), and just reflect on the un-named of our history and think of those un-named who tomorrow will act for something beyond just themselves.

  12. helpunderdog says:

    I suspect that Homeland Security Report was, perhaps, a political ploy to intimidate citizens from attending the tea parties.

  13. ashleymatt says:

    Just confirmed today that I will be able to get out of work a couple hours early and so will be attending ORLANDO TEA PARTY at 6 PM in front of City Hall!

    CLAUDIA IN NY, don’t be intimidated, bring your kids. These are great patriotic, family events. There will be thousands there, so don’t worry about them being outed as terrorists 😉

  14. Right Wing Extremist Brothers and Sisters,

    The best way to combat the enemy is to be productive. President Obama will be powerless probably by 2010. The effort is going on, as usual, behind the scenes. The ‘Tea Party’ concept is a great distraction. Keep it up. However, do not be blinded by the fact we need the youth of America. I keep seeing people in their 40’s and 50’s. If President Obama urged the youth of America to vote for him, then we must incite the youth to be aware of the truth. As cozy as your world is, just as mine is, you and I will be here forever. You and I will become increasingly less effective as we become older. That is why the message is clear. If they feel we are radical, be more radical than they could anticipate. embrace the freedom we have now and do not that freedom be squandered by the Democrats.

  15. LauraVW says:

    LOLOLOL I am hearing from all kinds of people they heard Tammy read my signS on the air today(I’m a Democrat NOT a Socialist… above.) The thing is, it is ONE sign, a very TALL sign–and no, I’m not short. LOL

  16. daredevilaccordian says:

    Robk – you and I need to say hello in Austin!

    There are actually TWO tomorrow in Austin, I believe, one at 11:30 am on south side of City Hall, and one at 4:30 pm on the south steps of the Capitol building.

    I will be attending the early one in Austin – where Gov. Rick Perry will be speaking, and then I will drive to San Antonio/the Alamo to attend the 7pm one where Glenn Beck and Ted Nugent will be speaking!

    I CAN’T WAIT! I am a Tea Party Extremist! Come and get me Ms. Napolitano…

  17. ChrisL says:

    I like the sign ideas. Here’s mine. “The new Democratic Party: Returning to their Pro-Slavery Roots”

  18. lnthomp says:

    I attended a tea party in Oregon City, Oregon, population approximately 30,000. About 350 or so people attended. Here are pictures I took. http://bit.ly/44Aihq

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